* Replaced "Karaf console" by simply "console"
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* also changed menu entry
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* some missed changes...
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* moved sentences to single lines
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* replaced nginx by security article, which also covers:
- changing HTTP(S) port
- Jetty SSL certificate
- restriction of network interfaces to use
- options for remote access (VPN, myopenHAB, reverse proxy)
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* adapted openHABian comment and added newlines
Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <kai@openhab.org>
* Address problems with nginx configuration example
Include X-Forwarded Protocol
Disable Proxy buffering by default
* Updated Reverse Proxy page with tutorial
Removed reference to Jetty, replaced file with NGINX
* Added domain independant instructions
Also a short section about getting a domain name.
* Suggested removing HSTS if sticking to HTTP
* Fix typo
* Draft
Draft docs article for review
* Move items.md
* Revert
* Updated to include Things and Items
Added a link for the Items and Things page.
* Update Basic Concepts
Updated basic concepts as per https://community.openhab.org/t/documenting-openhab-2/10568/28
Review of the rules and scripting section needs to be made.
* Draft Updates
Updates from discussion with ThomDietrich
* Small revisions
Minor revisions of text and replaced duplicated data with links to
external pages for further information.
Renamed images with uppercase extensions.
Renamed articles with mixed upper- and lowercase.
Other minor fixes.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <svilen.valkanov@musala.com>
Topics contained:
- how to start equinox standalone and from Eclipse;
- basic Equinox commands;
- core Equinox bundles and the services, that they provide;
- p2 Equinox subproject - IU and update site.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <svilen.valkanov@musala.com>
The article covers the following topics:
- OSGi DS container, Service Components and Service Description;
- advantages of DS;
- how to use DS to provide and reference services;
- Service Component Lifecycle.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <svilen.valkanov@musala.com>
user-menu.html the changes are 95% spaces/tabs/formatting/indention fixes.
apt.md was removed because there should be only one article for Linux (besides one for Mac, one for Windows, ...), containing both installation methods and all other related topics. Having one of the methods in an extra file doesn't make sense.
linux.md apt as base, a few things from the rasspi document, many new chapters. Still missing: de/reinstallation, backup, manual->non-root, manual->upgrade, probably more
rasppi.md moved a few chapters to linux.md
Squash commits
Add first half of manual installation instructions
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Update linux.md
Add notes on apt snapshot installation
Update rasppi and index
Add backup info
Fix small details
* Added OSGi coding taks page.
OSGi coding tasks can help Java developers with no experience in OSGi and
Eclipse Plug-in development to get familiar with writing bundles.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <svilen.valkanov@musala.com>
In the "Deloper Guide" page it was added a new section - "Prerequisites".
New subsection called "OSGi" is created. In the subsection a new pages
is added - "Overview".
The page is aimed to help developers, that are
going to use OSGi for the first time.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov, svilen.valkanov@musala.com
(github: svilenvul)