Added names to bundles, where this was missing.
Slightly changed the tasks, after feedback from the first implementations.
Added few hints and links to the Coding Guidelines.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
In the Code Guidelines section, when mentioning the about.html file there could be two examples:
- about.html file without 3rd party licence information
- about.html file with 3rd party licence information
It will be easy for the contributers - they will spend less time figuring how the file should look and make fewer mistakes.
There could be a check when a bundle is commited, not only if it contains an about.html file, but also if the about.html file contains one of the dates in the example about.html files. This will help if a contributer has forgotten to change the date in the file.
The example files could be choosen from:
Signed-off-by: Kiril Atanasov <>
Renamed images with uppercase extensions.
Renamed articles with mixed upper- and lowercase.
Other minor fixes.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
Topics contained:
- how to start equinox standalone and from Eclipse;
- basic Equinox commands;
- core Equinox bundles and the services, that they provide;
- p2 Equinox subproject - IU and update site.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
The article covers the following topics:
- OSGi DS container, Service Components and Service Description;
- advantages of DS;
- how to use DS to provide and reference services;
- Service Component Lifecycle.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
* Added OSGi coding taks page.
OSGi coding tasks can help Java developers with no experience in OSGi and
Eclipse Plug-in development to get familiar with writing bundles.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov <>
minor spelling and format inconsistencies
upper case headlines
deletes spaces and lines at the end
Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>
In the "Deloper Guide" page it was added a new section - "Prerequisites".
New subsection called "OSGi" is created. In the subsection a new pages
is added - "Overview".
The page is aimed to help developers, that are
going to use OSGi for the first time.
Signed-off-by: Svilen Valkanov,
(github: svilenvul)