update blockly attribution - resize svg (#2386)
Signed-off-by: Stefan Höhn <mail@stefanhoehn.com>pull/2387/head
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The art of textual programming may become intimidating early on and shy away peo
## Introduction
![built with Blockly](../images/blockly/built-with-blockly-badge-white.svg)
<img src="../images/blockly/built-with-blockly-badge-white-small.svg" width="300px" alt="built with Blockly">
The basic idea behind the visual paradigm and representation within openHAB is based on the [Google Blockly Support](https://g.co/dev/blockly) which has been integrated and which provides the basic blocks for programming like the ones on the left and the right side of the below images
_Blockly toolbox_.
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
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d="m 1521.12,9.5 c 33.84,0 61.38,27.61 61.38,61.56 v 443.58 c 0,33.94 -27.53,61.56 -61.38,61.56 H 70.88 C 37.04,576.2 9.5,548.59 9.5,514.64 V 71.06 C 9.5,37.12 37.03,9.5 70.88,9.5 Z m 0,-9.5 H 70.88 C 31.8,0 0,31.88 0,71.06 v 443.58 c 0,39.19 31.8,71.07 70.88,71.07 h 1450.24 c 39.08,0 70.88,-31.88 70.88,-71.06 V 71.06 C 1592,31.88 1560.2,0 1521.12,0 Z"
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id="path8" />
d="m 1036.73,124.2 c -1.55,-1.55 -2.32,-3.4 -2.32,-5.56 0,-2.16 0.77,-3.99 2.32,-5.49 1.55,-1.51 3.4,-2.26 5.54,-2.26 2.14,0 4,0.76 5.54,2.26 1.55,1.51 2.32,3.34 2.32,5.49 0,2.15 -0.75,4.01 -2.26,5.56 -1.51,1.55 -3.38,2.33 -5.61,2.33 -2.23,0 -4,-0.78 -5.54,-2.33 z m 0.13,14.35 h 10.83 v 65.93 h -10.83 z"
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d="m 1114.74,111.92 h 10.96 v 27.28 l -0.52,9.05 h 0.52 c 1.81,-3.36 4.66,-6.16 8.57,-8.4 3.91,-2.24 8.19,-3.36 12.83,-3.36 7.99,0 14.1,2.35 18.31,7.04 4.21,4.7 6.32,10.92 6.32,18.68 v 42.27 h -10.96 v -40.59 c 0,-5.95 -1.51,-10.34 -4.51,-13.19 -3.01,-2.84 -6.92,-4.27 -11.73,-4.27 -3.44,0 -6.6,1.04 -9.48,3.1 -2.88,2.07 -5.16,4.74 -6.83,8.02 -1.68,3.28 -2.51,6.68 -2.51,10.21 v 36.71 h -10.96 v -92.56 z"
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d="m 1028.47,446.04 c -10.39,-6.02 -18.45,-14.33 -24.2,-24.91 -5.75,-10.58 -8.62,-22.58 -8.62,-36.01 0,-13.43 2.87,-25.42 8.62,-36.01 5.75,-10.58 13.81,-18.88 24.2,-24.91 10.38,-6.02 22.1,-9.03 35.14,-9.03 14.42,0 26.69,3.27 36.82,9.81 10.13,6.54 17.33,15.4 21.63,26.59 l -26,10.84 c -5.84,-13.94 -16.91,-20.91 -33.21,-20.91 -7.04,0 -13.52,1.81 -19.44,5.42 -5.92,3.61 -10.64,8.73 -14.16,15.36 -3.52,6.63 -5.28,14.24 -5.28,22.84 0,8.6 1.76,16.26 5.28,22.97 3.52,6.71 8.24,11.87 14.16,15.49 5.92,3.61 12.4,5.42 19.44,5.42 8.24,0 15.32,-1.85 21.24,-5.55 5.92,-3.7 10.43,-8.99 13.52,-15.87 l 25.49,11.1 c -4.98,11.19 -12.53,20.05 -22.66,26.59 -10.13,6.54 -22.4,9.81 -36.82,9.81 -13.05,0 -24.76,-3.01 -35.14,-9.03 z"
id="path15" />
d="m 1142.13,266.14 h 28.32 v 107.63 h 0.77 l 53.81,-54.46 h 35.53 v 1.55 l -50.97,50.85 52.52,77.69 v 1.55 h -33.72 l -38.62,-59.62 -19.31,18.84 v 40.78 h -28.32 v -184.8 z"
id="path16" />
d="m 1274.45,266.14 h 28.32 v 184.8 h -28.32 z"
id="path17" />
d="m 1371,443.72 -54.58,-124.41 h 31.67 l 37.07,89.56 h 1.03 l 36.04,-89.56 h 31.15 l -81.1,187.39 h -29.86 z"
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d="M 458.31,99.14 H 187.34 c -26.41,0 -47.82,21.46 -47.82,47.94 v 271.67 c 0,26.48 21.4,47.95 47.82,47.95 h 6.1 c 8.28,23.02 31.06,39.56 57.86,39.56 26.8,0 49.59,-16.53 57.87,-39.56 h 149.15 c 26.41,0 47.83,-21.47 47.83,-47.95 V 147.08 c 0,-26.48 -21.42,-47.94 -47.83,-47.94 z m 26.21,319.61 c 0,14.49 -11.76,26.28 -26.21,26.28 H 340.72 V 337.81 c 0,-7.25 -7.7,-11.89 -14.09,-8.49 l -28.11,14.94 c -7.51,4 -16.54,-1.46 -16.54,-9.97 v -102.8 c 0,-8.51 9.03,-13.97 16.54,-9.98 l 28.11,14.96 c 6.39,3.4 14.09,-1.25 14.09,-8.5 V 120.82 h 117.59 c 14.45,0 26.21,11.78 26.21,26.26 z"
id="path19" />
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