Accepting unsigned work following the "Small patch exception". Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <> (github: ThomDietrich)pull/213/head
@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ Note: Parts in square brackets ([]) are optional.
Number Temperature "The Temperature is [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gTemperature, gLivingRoom) ["TargetTemperature"] {knx="1/0/15+0/0/15"}
Number LivingRoom_Temperature "The Temperature is [%.1f °C]" <temperature> (gTemperature, gLivingRoom) ["TargetTemperature"] {knx="1/0/15+0/0/15"}
The example above defines an item:
* of type `Number`
* with name `Sensor_Temperature`
* with name `LivingRoom_Temperature`
* formatting its output in format `%.1f °C` (See Formatting section for syntax explanation)
* displaying icon `temperature`
* belonging to groups `gTemperature` and `gLivingRoom`
* tagged as a thermostat ("TargetTemperature") for usage with I/O addons like `hueemulation`
* tagged as a thermostat ("TargetTemperature") for usage with I/O addons like [Hue Emulation]({{base}}/addons/io/hueemulation/readme.html)
* bound to the openHAB binding `knx` with write group address `1/0/15` and listening group address `0/0/15`
## Item Types
Reference in New Issue