Some openHAB 1 service modules have not yet completed validation for inclusion in the distribution; however, they may indeed work properly under openHAB 2.
All openHAB 1 addons can be downloaded in a <ahref="">zip file</a>.
We need your help testing them so that they may be easily installed in a future distribution.
Please see the <ahref="{{base}}/developers/development/compatibilitylayer.html#how-to-use-openhab-1x-add-ons-that-are-not-part-of-the-distribution">compatibility layer documentation</a> and
also search the <ahref="">openHAB community forum</a> for the latest information and steps for manual installation.
The REST API can be used to integrate openHAB with other systems, as it allows read access to items and item states, as well as status updates or the sending of commands for items.
It gives access to sitemaps, so that it is the interface to be used by remote user interfaces (e.g. fat clients or JavaScript-based web clients).
The <ahref="">Eclipse IoT Marketplace</a> hosts third-party add-ons that can be browsed and installed to openHAB through this integration.