1. You are **new to openHAB 2** and want to give it a try? You are in luck:
- Set up openHAB 2 on your local PC or Mac in just a few steps.
2. You gained some experience and want to use openHAB to seriously control your home?
Typical hardware and software requirements are:
- **24/7 availability:** A dedicated system connected by Ethernet and running continuously.
- **Energy and space efficient:** A device capable of performing the task at hand without being exaggerated
- **Extendibility:** Your system should be capable of running additional software like an MQTT broker or a persistence and graphing software.
- **Peripherals:** Depending on your home automation hardware, you will need additional peripheral devices such as a WiFi interface or a special USB radio module.
Many devices are suited to host a continuous installation of openHAB 2.
Experiences with different devices and environments can be found in the [community forum hardware section](https://community.openhab.org/c/hardware/server).
The [Raspberry Pi](rasppi.html) as a minimal sufficient device is quite popular, especially as we offer a quick setup with [openHABian](openhabian.html).
A popular alternative is [our solution for the Synology DiskStation](synology.html), which many users already own in their homes.
The previously mentioned [openHABian](openhabian.html) can also be used to kickstart your openHAB 2 experience on existing debian/ubuntu based Linux systems.
Make sure that you have an up to date Java platform installed on your host system.
Zulu is currently the recommended Java platform for openHAB, although Oracle Java is also suitable for most configurations.
OpenJDK may be used, but it has some [known limitations](https://community.openhab.org/t/running-openhab-2-on-openjdk/21443/8?u=gatekeeper6838) with openHAB.
| Java Platform | Advantages | Disadvantages |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [Zulu](https://www.azul.com/products/zulu/) | Completely open source, fully certified Java SE compliant build of OpenJDK, embedded version optimized for ARM devices [available here](http://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-embedded/) | Not available in most default distribution package repositories |
| [Oracle Java](https://java.com/en/) | Full openHAB support on all platforms | [Licensing restrictions](https://blog.takipi.com/running-java-on-docker-youre-breaking-the-law/), manual installation required on many Linux systems: [Ubuntu](https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java), [Mint](https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1091), and [Debian](https://wiki.debian.org/Java/Sun) are some examples |
| [OpenJDK](http://openjdk.java.net) | Supported by many Linux distributions, packages [typically available](http://openjdk.java.net/install/index.html) | [Performance issues](https://github.com/openhab/openhab-distro/issues/10#issuecomment-223786506) on ARM platforms, [compatibility issues](https://community.openhab.org/t/openhab-is-offline-message-fixed/17441/8) with certain bindings and certificates |
> Make sure to use the 32-bit version of the JVM for ARM platforms, even on 64-bit operating systems.
> Serial connections won't work with a 64-bit JVM, preventing bindings like Z-Wave from functioning.
For best compatibility, namely with the openHAB Cloud service [myopenhab.org](http://www.myopenhab.org), the minimum recommended Orcacle Java 8 revision is "101".
Attention: Most package managers serve an **older revision**.
Check your current Java version by opening a command line console and typing `java -version`:
- **Manual setup:** Download and extract a platform independent zip archive: [Mac OS X](macosx.html), [Windows](windows.html), [Linux](linux.html#manual-installation)
This option is only available for Debian or Ubuntu derivatives and the recommended choice: [Linux (apt/deb)](linux.html#package-repository-installation)
- **Stable:** Use the latest official release ([hosted on Bintray](https://bintray.com/openhab/mvn/openhab-distro)).
- **Snapshot:** Benefit from the latest changes in the daily created snapshot ([hosted on CloudBees](https://openhab.ci.cloudbees.com/job/openHAB-Distribution)).
* Configure a network share on your openHAB host device and mount it locally: [Linux Samba Share](linux.html#network-sharing), Windows file sharing, ...