| WSD | Wall Mounted Smoke Detector, old version | smoke, alarm, battery_low |
| WSD2 | Wall Mounted Smoke Detector, new version | smoke, alarm, battery_low |
Powermeter devices
| Device | Description | Supported channels |
| ------ | ----------- | ------------------ |
| AnalogMeter | The Analog Meter from the innogy EnergyControl product | energy_consumption_month_kwh, absolute_energy_consumption, energy_consumption_month_euro, energy_consumption_day_euro, energy_consumption_day_kwh |
| GenerationMeter | The Generation Meter from the innogy PowerControlSolar product | energy_generation_month_kwh, total_energy_generation, energy_generation_month_euro, energy_generation_day_euro, energy_generation_day_kwh, power_generation_watt |
| SmartMeter | The Smart Meter from the innogy PowerControl product. | energy_consumption_month_kwh, absolute_energy_consumption, energy_consumption_month_euro, energy_consumption_day_euro, energy_consumption_day_kwh, power_consumption_watt |
| Two-Way-Meter | The Two-Way-Meter from the innogy PowerControlSolar product | energy_month_kwh, total_energy, energy_month_euro, energy_day_euro, energy_day_kwh, energy_feed_month_kwh, total_energy_fed, energy_feed_month_euro, energy_feed_day_euro, energy_feed_day_kwh, power_watt |
## Discovery
If the bridge (SHC) is located in the same LAN as the openHAB server, the bridge should be discovered automatically by mDNS.
However, this can sometimes take a couple of minutes.
If the bridge is not found, it can be added manually (see below under "Configuration").
After the bridge is added, devices are discovered automatically.
As there is no background discovery implemented at the moment, you have to start the discovery manually.
However, only devices will appear that are added in the innogy SmartHome app before, as the innogy Binding does not support the coupling of devices to the bridge.
## Channels
| Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description | Available on thing |
| set_temperature | Number | Sets the target temperature in °C | RST, WRT |
| smoke | Switch | Indicates, if smoke was detected (ON/OFF) | WSD, WSD2 |
| switch | Switch | A switch to turn the device or variable on/off (ON/OFF) | ISS2, PSS, PSSO, VariableActuator |
| temperature | Number | Holds the actual temperature in °C | RST, WRT |
| window_reduction_active | Switch | indicates if a linked window is open and temperature reduced (ON/OFF) | RST |
## Thing configuration
### Configuring the SmartHome Controller (SHC)
The SmartHome Controller (SHC) can be configured in the Paper UI as follows:
After the "innogy SmartHome Controller" is added via the Inbox, edit the controller and add the "Authorization code" by following the hints in the description.
Save your changes.
The SHC should now login and go online.
Be sure it is connected to the Internet.
### Obtaining the authorization code and tokens
Authorization is done as oauth2 workflow with the innogy API.
To receive the auth-code, go to one of the following URLs depending on your brand and login with your credentials (you can find this link also in the SHC thing in Paper UI, if you edit it):
* [SmartHome Austria authorization page](https://api.services-smarthome.de/AUTH/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=24635749&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.openhab.org%2Foauth%2Finnogy%2Fsmarthome-austria.html&scope&lang=de-DE)
As the refresh-token is THE one and only credential one needs to access the innogy webservice with all device data, you have to make sure it is never given to another person.
Thus it is recommended to remove the line from the openhab.log and/or make sure, the logfile is definitely never accessible by others!
All other innogy devices can be added using the following syntax:
The device ID (e.g. e9a74941a3807b57332214f346fb1129) can be found in the Paper UI inbox, as you find it below all things there in the form `innogysmarthome:<device-type>:<bridge-id>:<the-device-id>` (example: `innogysmarthome:WSC2:SMARTHOME01:e9a74941a3807b57332214f346fb1129`).
However, a full example .things configuration look like this: