JavaDoc is required to describe the purpose and usage of every:
* class,
* interface,
* enumeration (except inner classes and enums),
* constant, field and method with visibility of default, protected or public.
An @author tag is required within the JavaDoc for every author who made a substantial contribution to the file.
New @author tags should be placed below the older ones.
Data-transfer-objects (DTOs map from Json/XML to Java classes) do not require JavaDoc.
## D. Language Levels and Libraries
1. openHAB generally targets the long time supported Java 8 and Java 11 releases with the following restrictions:
* To allow optimized runtimes, the set of Java packages to be used is further restricted to [Compact Profile 2](
1. Overridden methods from abstract classes or interfaces are expected to return fast unless otherwise stated in their JavaDoc. Expensive operations should therefore rather be scheduled as a job.
1. Creation of threads must be avoided. Instead, resort into using existing schedulers which use pre-configured thread pools. If there is no suitable scheduler available, start a discussion in the forum about it rather than creating a thread by yourself. For periodically executed jobs that do not require a fixed rate [scheduleWithFixedDelay](,%20long,%20long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)) should be preferred over [scheduleAtFixedRate](,%20long,%20long,%20java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)).
1. Bundles need to cleanly start and stop without throwing exceptions or malfunctioning. This can be tested by manually starting and stopping the bundle from the console (```stop <bundle-id>``` resp. ```start <bundle-id>```).
1. Bundles must not require any substantial CPU time. Test this e.g. using "top" or VisualVM and compare CPU utilization with your bundle stopped vs. started.
Logging levels should focus on the system itself and describe its state.
As every bundle is only one out of many, logging should be done very scarce.
It should be up to the user to increase the logging level for specific bundles, packages or classes if necessary.
This means in detail:
*`error` logging should only be used
- to inform the user that something is tremendously wrong in his setup, the system cannot function normally anymore, and there is a need for immediate action.
- in case some code fails irrecoverably and the user should report it as a severe bug.
The openHAB Maven build includes [tooling for static code analysis]( that will validate your code against the Coding Guidelines and some additional best practices.
Information about the checks can be found [here](
The tool will generate an individual report for each bundle that you can find in `path/to/bundle/target/code-analysis/report.html` file and a report for the whole build that contains links to the individual reports in the `target/summary_report.html`.
The tool categorizes the found issues by priority: 1(error),2(warning) or 3(info).
If any error is found within your code the Maven build will end with failure.
In order to not have every binding use a different library, the following packages are available by default:
For XML Processing
* com.thoughtworks.xstream
* com.thoughtworks.xstream.annotations
* com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters
For JSON Processing
For HTTP Operations
* org.eclipse.jetty.client.*
* org.eclipse.jetty.client.api.*
* org.eclipse.jetty.http.*
* org.eclipse.jetty.util.*
Note: HttpClient instances should be obtained by the handler factory through the HttpClientFactory service and unless there are specific configuration requirements, the shared instance should be used.
For Web Socket Operations
* org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client
* org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api
Note: WebSocketClient instances should be obtained by the handler factory through the WebSocketClientFactory service and unless there are specific configuration requirements, the shared instance should be used.