"Rules" are used for automating processes: Each rule can be triggered, which invokes a script that performs any kinds of tasks, e.g. turn on lights by modifying your items, do mathematical calculations, start timers etcetera.
openHAB has a highly integrated, lightweight but yet powerful rule engine included.
On this page you will learn how to leverage its functionality to do *real* home automation.
Rules are placed in the folder `${openhab.home}/conf/rules`.
The [demo setup]({{base}}/tutorials/demo.html) already comes with a demo file called `demo.rules`, which has a couple of examples that can be a good starting point.
> Please note that there are a couple of [open bugs](https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3ADesigner+label%3Abug) related to the SmartHome Designer.
> These result in error markers in the Designer, while the rules are executed nicely by the runtime.
Note: The rule syntax is based on [Xbase](http://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/#xbase) and as a result it is sharing many details with [Xtend](http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/), which is built on top of Xbase as well.
As a result, we will often point to the Xtend documentation for details.
The **Imports** section contains import statement just like in Java.
As in Java, they make the imported types available without having to use the fully qualified name for them.
For further details, please see the [Xtend documentation for imports](http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/documentation/202_xtend_classes_members.html#imports).
The **Variable Declarations** section can be used to declare variables that should be accessible to all rules in this file.
You can declare variables with or without initial values and modifiable or read-only.
For further details, please see the [Xtend documentation for variable declarations](http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/documentation/203_xtend_expressions.html#variable-declaration).
The `SCRIPT_BLOCK` contains the code that should be executed, when a trigger condition is met, see the [script](#scripts) section for details on its syntax.
A simplistic explanation of the differences between `command` and `update` can be found in the article about [openHAB core actions](../addons/actions.html).
You can either use some pre-defined expressions for timers or use a [cron expression](http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.1.x/tutorials/tutorial-lesson-06) instead:
Time is midnight
Time is noon
Time cron "<cronexpression>"
A cron expression takes the form of six or optionally seven fields:
You may also use [CronMaker](http://www.cronmaker.com/) or the generator at [FreeFormatter.com](http://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html) to generate cron expressions.
| System started | System started is triggered upon openHAB startup, after the rule file containing the System started trigger is modified, or after item(s) related to that rule file are modified in a .items file. |
| System shuts down | Rules using the 'System shuts down' trigger execute when openHAB shuts down. |
The expression language used within scripts is the same that is used in the Xtend language - see the [documentation of expressions](http://www.eclipse.org/xtend/documentation/203_xtend_expressions.html) on the Xtend homepage.
The syntax is very similar to Java, but has many nice features that allows writing concise code.
It is especially powerful in handling collections.
What makes it a good match for openHAB from a technical perspective is the fact that there is no need to compile the scripts as they can be interpreted at runtime.
Rules are often used to manipulate the state of an Item, for example switching lights on and off under certain conditions.
Two commands can change the value or state of an Item within rules:
-`MyItem.postUpdate(<new_state>)` - Change the status of an Item without causing any implicit actions. Can be used to reflect changes that may be caused by other means.
-`MyItem.sendCommand(<new_state>)` - Change the status of an Item and trigger potential further actions, e.g. send a command to the linked device/binding.
In relation to [event-based rule triggers]({{base}}/configuration/rules-dsl.html#event-based-triggers) the manipulator commands `sendCommand` and `postUpdate` act differently.
The following table summarizes the impact of the two manipulator commands on the rule execution due to the used trigger:
Besides the specific manipulator command methods `MyItem.sendCommand(<new_state>)` and `MyItem.postUpdate(<new_state>)`, generic manipulators in the form of `sendCommand(MyItem, <new_state>)` and `postUpdate(MyItem, <new_state>)` are available. The specific versions is normally recommended.
{: #sendcommand-method-vs-action}
#### MyItem.sendCommand("new state") versus sendCommand(MyItem, "new state")
Using the methods `MyItem.sendCommand(<new_state>)` and `MyItem.postUpdate(<new_state>)` is often preferable.
These are methods of Objects that can accept a variety of types.
Contrary, the Actions `sendCommand(MyItem, "<new_state>")` and `postUpdate(MyItem, "<new_state>")` can only accept strings as arguments.
The reasons lie within Java, the object-oriented programming language on which openHAB is built.
Java and the Rules DSL have two basic types, primitives and Objects.
Objects have special methods that can perform many necessary type conversions automatically.
Using `Myitem.sendCommand(new_state)` or `Myitem.postUpdate(new_state)` will, in most cases, convert `new_state` into a type that Object `myItem` can apply.
Besides the implicitly available variables for items and commands/states, rules can have additional pre-defined variables, depending on their triggers: