Any editors used to configure openHAB need to be able to access the configuration files on the remote openHAB host.
This can be achieved by using a [network share]( set up on the remote host and mounted on your local computer.
The steps required to set up a [network share]( on your local host computer are specific to the host operation system.
How to setup and use Samba on a Linux system is described in the [Linux article]({{base}}/installation/linux.html#network-sharing).
If you are using [openHABian]({{base}}/installation/openhabian.html), the network shares are readily configured for you, you only need to mount them locally.
*Attention Windows users:* Directly accessing network shares (UNC paths) is often not supported. Please be sure to mount the network share to a drive letter.
[Visit the Extensions GitHub Page for further Informations]( "GitHub Repo for the VS Code Extension")
You can find the syntax files on [openhab-samples]( and install the files like it is described in the [notepad++ user manual](