[Things]({{base}}/concepts/things.html) represent the physical layer of an openHAB system.
From a configuration standpoint, Things tell openHAB which **physical entities** (devices, web services, information sources, etc.) are to be managed by the system.
5. [Add Items]({{base}}/configuration/items.html) and link them to the Thing's Channels
6. At this point Items can be used to control the Thing or consume its information in e.g. [Sitemaps]({{base}}/configuration/sitemaps.html) or [Rules]({{base}}/configuration/rules-dsl.html)
Things can be added to the system using [discovery]({{base}}/concepts/discovery.html), which allows Things to be discovered automatically if the appropriate binding has been installed and configured.
When a Thing has been discovered, it appears in the discovery inbox.
Newly discovered Things can be added to the system from the inbox using the [Paper UI]({{base}}/configuration/paperui.html).
Things that are added to openHAB from the inbox are maintained in an internal database as opposed to a manually defined `.things` file (see below).
Unlike manually defined Things, if a Thing has configurable properties, these properties can be set through a user interface.
**Attention:** It has to be noted, that Things and Items added through Paper UI / discovery to the internal database will **not** be written to configuration files.
Things and Items definitions can be distributed and mixed among the internal database and manually defined text files.
See the [configuration tutorial]({{base}}/tutorials/beginner/configuration.html) for a step-by-step guide on how to configure Things using discovery.
### Defining Things Using Files
Things can also be defined manually by creating `.things` configuration text files.
The first keyword defines whether the entry is a bridge or a thing.
The next statement defines the UID of the thing which contains of the following three segments: `binding id`, `thing type id`, `thing id`.
So the first two segments must match to a thing type supported by a binding (e.g. `network:device` or `astro:moon`), whereas the thing id can be freely defined.
Optionally, you may provide a label in order to recognize it easily, otherwise the default label from the thing type will be displayed.
To help organizing your things, you also may define a location (`Location` in the example above).
Inside the squared brackets configuration parameters of the thing are defined.
The type of the configuration parameter is determined by the binding and must be specified accordingly in the DSL.
Please check each individual binding's [documentation](/addons/#binding) for details on what and how to define the Things configuration parameters (inside the `[]` brackets) using the `*.things` configuration text files.
### Defining Bridges Using Files
Bridges can be defined together with contained things. The following configuration shows the definition of a hue bridge with two hue lamps: