A complete list of supported persistence add-ons may be found in the [persistence]({{base}}/addons/persistence.html) section of the on-line openHAB documentation.
Please refer to the [available persistence service add-on]({{base}}/addons/persistence.html) documentation for your selected persistence add-on for configuration instructions.
The `default` parameter assigns a strategy to be used if one is not specified in the `Items` section below.
The `default` parameter may be omitted from the `Strategies` section, but only if a strategy is provided in each line of the `Items` section.
If the `strategy` portion of the `itemlist` is omitted in the `Items` section, the `default` strategy specified in the `Strategies` section will be applied.
#### Predefined Strategies
The following strategies are defined internally and may be used in place of `strategyName` above:
-`everyChange`: persist the Item state whenever its state has changed
-`everyUpdate`: persist the Item state whenever its state has been updated, even if it did not change
-`restoreOnStartup`: load and initialize the last persisted state of the Item on openHAB startup (if the Item state is undefined (`UNDEF`)).
where `<itemlist>` is a comma-separated list consisting of one or more of the following options:
-`*` - this line should apply to all items in the system
-`<itemName>` a single Item identified by its name. This Item can be a group Item. But note that only the group value will be persisted. The value of the individual group members will not be persisted using this option.
-`<groupName>*` - all members of this group will be persisted, but not the group itself. If no strategies are provided, the default strategies that are declared in the first section are applied. Optionally, an alias may be provided if the persistence service requires special names (e.g. a table to be used in a database, a feed id for an IoT service, etc.)
| `<item>.persist` | Persists the current State of the Item |
| `<item>.lastUpdate` | Queries for the last update timestamp of a given Item |
| `<item>.historicState(AbstractInstant)` | Retrieves the State of an Item at a certain point in time |
| `<item>.changedSince(AbstractInstant)` | Checks if the State of the Item has (ever) changed since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.updatedSince(AbstractInstant)` | Checks if the state of the Item has been updated since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.maximumSince(AbstractInstant)` | Gets the maximum value of the State of a persisted Item since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.minimumSince(AbstractInstant)` | Gets the minimum value of the State of a persisted Item since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.averageSince(AbstractInstant)` | Gets the average value of the State of a persisted Item since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.deltaSince(AbstractInstant)` | Gets the difference in value of the State of a given Item since a certain point in time |
| `<item>.previousState()` | Gets the previous State of a persisted Item (returns HistoricItem) |
| `<item>.previousState(true)` | Gets the previous State of a persisted Item, skips Items with equal State values and searches the first Item with State not equal the current State (returns HistoricItem) |
| `<item>.sumSince(AbstractInstant)` | Gets the sum of the previous States of a persisted Item since a certain point in time |
These extensions use the default persistence service.
(Refer to 'Default Persistence Service' above to configure this.)
You may specify a different persistence service by appending a String as an optional additional parameter at the end of the extension.
To persist an Item called `Lights` in an rrd4j database, you would enter the following:
The "now" variable can be used for relative time expressions, while "parse()" can define absolute dates and times.
See the [Jodatime documentation](http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/api-release/org/joda/time/format/ISODateTimeFormat.html#dateTimeParser()) for information on accepted formats for string parsing.
A workaround which helps in some cases is to create an Item e.g. "delayed_start" that is set to "OFF" at startup and to "ON" some time later (when it can be assumed that persistence has restored all items).
You can then write a Rule that restores Items from your persistence service after the delay has completed.
The time of the delay must be determined by experimentation.
How long you need to wait before changing your "delayed_start" Item from "OFF" to "ON" depends upon the size of your home automation project and the performance of your platform.
<!-- TODO: Need a code example for Workaround 1. -->
### Workaround 2
Create `$OPENHAB_CONF/rules/refresh.rules` with the following content (This rule runs only once when openHAB starts):