1. Choose between the Stable Version [  ](https://bintray.com/openhab/mvn/download_file?file_path=org%2Fopenhab%2Fdistro%2Fopenhab%2F2.0.0%2Fopenhab-2.0.0.zip) or the latest Snapshot Version [  ](https://openhab.ci.cloudbees.com/job/openHAB-Distribution/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/distributions/openhab/target/openhab-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip) of openHAB2.
Make sure that you make regular backups of the **conf** and **userdata** folders, you can zip and unzip these folders too and from openHAB installations (even across most versions).
When you have a setup that you are happy with, it would be a good idea to make a backup of the whole `C:\openHAB2` folder. Which can be used any time after a failure.
There is currently no automatic update script for Windows. To update manually, download a later version of the openHAB distribution zip file and follow these steps:
1. Stop the openHAB process if it is currently running.
2. Backup openHAB as described above.
3. Delete the following files from your existing install:
- Any file in `userdata\etc` that starts with `org.apache.karaf`
- The `userdata\cache` folder
- The `userdata\tmp` folder
4. Copy and paste the new `userdata` folder over your existing install, when prompted **do not overwrite existing files**.
5. Copy and paste the new `runtime` folder over your existing install, when prompted **overwrite all existing files**