-`notifyMyAndroid(String event, String description)`: Send a message to the pre-configured api key (account) and use the configured or default values for the other parameters. Event is the notification title, and description the details.
-`notifyMyAndroid(String event, String description, int priority)`: Send a message to a the pre-configured api key (account) with priority level (-2 to 2, from very low to emergency) and use the configured or default values for the other parameters.
-`notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description)`: Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
-`notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority)`: Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
-`notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority, String url)`: Send a message to another api key than the configured or use this method if you have not configured a default api key
-`notifyMyAndroid(String apiKey, String event, String description, int priority, String url, boolean html)`: Send a message overwriting all configured parameters and using the specified values.
| timeout | 10000 | No | Timeout for the communication with the NMA service |
| developerKey | | No | An optional developer key from NMA |
| apiKey | | if using action calls without `apiKey` parameter | Default API key to send messages to. API keys can be created in your account's dashboard. |
| appName | openHAB | No | Application name which NMA will show |
| defaultPriority | 0 | No | Priority to use for messages if not specified otherwise. Can range from -2 (lowest) to 2 (highest) |
| defaultUrl | https://www.notifymyandroid.com/publicapi/notify | No | URL to attach to NMA messages by default if not specified otherwise. Can be left empty. |