openhab-bot 1ecee286af [unleash-maven-plugin] Preparation for next development cycle. 2025-01-12 18:08:59 +00:00
src [visualcrossing] Add missing @ActionOutput annotation (#17665) 2024-10-29 21:25:40 +01:00
NOTICE Multiple binding markdown fixes (#17422) 2024-09-28 17:46:53 +02:00
pom.xml [unleash-maven-plugin] Preparation for next development cycle. 2025-01-12 18:08:59 +00:00

VisualCrossing Binding

VisualCrossing Binding provides integration with VisualCrossing API

Visual Crossing Weather is the easiest-to-use and lowest-cost source for historical and forecast weather data. Our Weather API is designed to integrate easily into any app or code, and our prices are lower than any other provider in the industry.

Our data is used daily by a diverse customer-base including business analysts, data scientists, insurance professionals, energy producers, construction planners, and academics.

We have the Weather Data and expertise needed to serve any individual or organization from an independent event planner to a global enterprise.

from VisualCrossing site

Supported Things

Thing Configuration

weather Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
password text API Key to connect to the cloud N/A yes no
location text Is the address, partial address or latitude,longitude location for which to retrieve weather data. You can also use US ZIP Codes. OH location no no
lang text Sets the language of the translatable parts of the output such as the conditions field. Available languages include: ar (Arabic), bg (Bulgiarian), cs (Czech), da (Danish), de (German), el (Greek Modern), en (English), es (Spanish) ), fa (Farsi), fi (Finnish), fr (French), he Hebrew), hu, (Hungarian), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), nl (Dutch), pl (Polish), pt (Portuguese), ru (Russian), sk (Slovakian), sr (Serbian), sv (Swedish), tr (Turkish), uk (Ukranian), vi (Vietnamese) and zh (Chinese) OH language no no
hostname text Hostname or IP address of the server yes yes
refreshInterval integer Interval the device is polled in sec. 3600 no yes
httpRetries integer Interval the device is polled in sec. 3 no yes



Channel Type Read/Write Description
cost Switch R How much API tokens thing used since start
description Switch R Longer text descriptions suitable for displaying in weather displays. The descriptions combine the main features of the weather for the day such as precipitation or amount of cloud cover. Daily descriptions are provided for historical and forecast days. When the timeline request includes the model forecast period, a seven day outlook description is provided at the root response level.


Channel Type Read/Write Description
datetime String R
timestamp Number R
temperature Number:Temperature R Temperature at the location. Daily values are average values (mean) for the day
temperature-min Number:Temperature R Minimum temperature at the location
temperature-max Number:Temperature R Maximum temperature at the location
feels-like Number:Temperature R What the temperature feels like accounting for heat index or wind chill. Daily values are average values (mean) for the day.
feels-like-min Number:Temperature R Minimum feels like temperature at the location
feels-like-max Number:Temperature R Maximum feels like temperature at the location
dew Number:Temperature R Dew point temperature
humidity Number:Dimensionless R
precip Number:Length R The amount of liquid precipitation that fell or is predicted to fall in the period. This includes the liquid-equivalent amount of any frozen precipitation such as snow or ice.
precip-prob Number:Dimensionless R The likelihood of measurable precipitation ranging from 0% to 100%
precip-type String R An comma separated array indicating the type(s) of precipitation expected or that occurred. Possible values include rain, snow, freezingrain and ice.
precip-cover Number R The proportion of hours where there was non-zero precipitation
snow Number:Length R The amount of snow that fell or is predicted to fall
snow-depth Number:Length R
wind-gust Number:Speed R Instantaneous wind speed at a location May be empty if it is not significantly higher than the wind speed. Daily values are the maximum hourly value for the day.
wind-speed Number:Speed R The sustained wind speed measured as the average windspeed that occurs during the preceding one to two minutes. Daily values are the maximum hourly value for the day.
wind-dir Number:Angle R Direction from which the wind is blowing
pressure Number:Pressure R The sea level atmospheric or barometric pressure in millibars (or hectopascals)
cloud-cover Number:Dimensionless R How much of the sky is covered in cloud ranging from 0100%
visibility Number:Length R Distance at which distant objects are visible
solar-radiation Number:Intensity R The solar radiation power at the instantaneous moment of the observation (or forecast prediction). See the full solar radiation data documentation and Wind and Solar Energy pages.
solar-energy Number R (MJ /m^2) Indicates the total energy from the sun that builds up over an hour or day. See the full solar radiation data documentation and Wind and Solar Energy pages.
uv-index Number R A value between 0 and 10 indicating the level of ultra violet (UV) exposure for that hour or day. 10 represents high level of exposure, and 0 represents no exposure. The UV index is calculated based on amount of short wave solar radiation which in turn is a level the cloudiness, type of cloud, time of day, time of year and location altitude. Daily values represent the maximum value of the hourly values.
sunrise String R
sunrise-epoch R
sunset String R
sunset-epoch R
moon-phase Number R Represents the fractional portion through the current moon lunation cycle ranging from 0 (the new moon) to 0.5 (the full moon) and back to 1 (the next new moon).
conditions String R Textual representation of the weather conditions. See Weather Data Conditions
description String R Longer text descriptions suitable for displaying in weather displays. The descriptions combine the main features of the weather for the day such as precipitation or amount of cloud cover. Daily descriptions are provided for historical and forecast days. When the timeline request includes the model forecast period, a seven day outlook description is provided at the root response level.
icon String R A fixed, machine readable summary that can be used to display an icon
stations String R The weather stations (comma separated) used when collecting an historical observation record
source String R The type of weather data used for this weather object. Values include historical observation (“obs”), forecast (“fcst”), historical forecast (“histfcst”) or statistical forecast (“stats”). If multiple types are used in the same day, “comb” is used. Today a combination of historical observations and forecast data.
severe-risk Number R A value between 0 and 100 representing the risk of convective storms (e.g. thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes). Severe risk is a scaled measure that combines a variety of other fields such as the convective availabel potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN), predicted rain and wind. Typically, a severe risk value less than 30 indicates a low risk, between 30 and 70 a moderate risk and above 70 a high risk.


In day-channel-group there are 023 channels of type hourXX

Channel Type Read/Write Description
hourXX-datetime time-channel R
hourXX-timestamp timestamp-channel R
hourXX-temperature system.outdoor-temperature R
hourXX-feels-like temperature-channel R
hourXX-humidity system.atmospheric-humidity R
hourXX-dew temperature-channel R
hourXX-precip precip-channel R
hourXX-precip-prob precip-prob-channel R
hourXX-precip-type precip-type-channel R
hourXX-snow snow-channel R
hourXX-snow-depth snow-channel R
hourXX-wind-gust system.wind-speed R
hourXX-wind-speed system.wind-speed R
hourXX-wind-dir system.wind-direction R
hourXX-pressure system.barometric-pressure R
hourXX-visibility visibility-channel R
hourXX-cloud-cover cloud-cover-channel R
hourXX-solar-radiation solar-radiation-channel R
hourXX-solar-energy solar-energy-channel R
hourXX-uv-index uv-index-channel R
hourXX-severe-risk severe-risk-channel R
hourXX-conditions conditions-channel R
hourXX-icon icon-channel R
hourXX-stations stations-channel R
hourXX-source source-channel R


Channel Type Read/Write Description
datetime time-channel R
timestamp timestamp-channel R
temperature system.outdoor-temperature R
feels-like temperature-channel R
humidity system.atmospheric-humidity R
dew temperature-channel R
precip precip-channel R
precip-prob precip-prob-channel R
precip-type precip-type-channel R
snow snow-channel R
snow-depth snow-channel R
wind-gust system.wind-speed R
wind-speed system.wind-speed R
wind-dir system.wind-direction R
pressure system.barometric-pressure R
visibility visibility-channel R
cloud-cover cloud-cover-channel R
solar-radiation solar-radiation-channel R
solar-energy solar-energy-channel R
uv-index uv-index-channel R
conditions conditions-channel R
icon icon-channel R
stations stations-channel R
source source-channel R
sunrise sunrise-channel R
sunrise-epoch timestamp-channel R
sunset sunset-channel R
sunset-epoch timestamp-channel R
moon-phase moon-phase-channel R

Full Example

Thing Configuration

Thing visualcrossing:weather:default_config "Total Weather Data" @ "Weather" [ apiKey="MKSH4W6U2H3BYJBB7CQVWLPTT" ]
Thing visualcrossing:weather:all_config "Total Weather Data" @ "Weather" [ apiKey="MKSH4W6U2H3BYJBB7CQVWLPTT", location="wrocław,poland", lang="pl", hostname="", refreshInterval="3600", httpRetries="3" ]

Item Configuration

Note: I strongly suggest not using UI Items creation because it will kill the web browser. UI is getting unresponsive when loading so many channels and trying to bind them.

Note 2: Use docs/only_days.items to have forecast for days but without hours or join items from docs/Day_XX to get hourly forecast for each day

Group Total_Weather_Data "Total Weather Data" [ "Equipment" ]

// basic group
Group Total_Weather_Data_Basic "Basic" (Total_Weather_Data) [ "Equipment" ]
Number Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Cost "Cost" (Total_Weather_Data_Basic) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:basic#cost"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Description "Description" (Total_Weather_Data_Basic) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:basic#description"}

// current conditions
Group Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions "Current Conditions" (Total_Weather_Data) [ "Equipment" ]
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Datetime "Datetime" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#datetime"}
DateTime Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Timestamp "Timestamp" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#timestamp"}
Number:Temperature Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Temperature "Temperature" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#temperature"}
Number:Temperature Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Feels_Like "Feels Like" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#feels-like"}
Number:Dimensionless Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Humidity "Humidity" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#humidity"}
Number:Temperature Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Dew "Dew" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#dew"}
Number:Length Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Precip "Precip" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#precip", unit="mm"}
Number:Dimensionless Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Precip_Probality "Precip Probality" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#precip-prob"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Precip_Type "Precip Type" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#precip-type"}
Number:Length Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Snow "Snow" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#snow"}
Number:Length Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Snow_Depth "Snow Depth" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#snow-depth"}
Number:Speed Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Wind_Gust "Wind Gust" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#wind-gust"}
Number:Speed Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Wind_Speed "Wind Speed" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#wind-speed"}
Number:Angle Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Wind_Direction "Wind Direction" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#wind-dir"}
Number:Pressure Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Pressure "Pressure" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#pressure"}
Number:Length Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Visibility "Visibility" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#visibility"}
Number:Dimensionless Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Cloud_Cover "Cloud Cover" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#cloud-cover"}
Number:Intensity Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Solar_Radiation "Solar Radiation" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#solar-radiation"}
Number Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Solar_Energy "Solar Energy" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#solar-energy"}
Number Total_Weather_Data_Basic_UV_Index "UV Index" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#uv-index"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Conditions "Conditions" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#conditions"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Icon "Icon" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#icon"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Stations "Stations" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#stations"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Source "Source" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#source"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Sunrise "Sunrise" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#sunrise"}
DateTime Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Sunrise_Epoch "Sunrise Epoch" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#sunrise-epoch"}
String Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Sunset "Sunset" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#sunset"}
DateTime Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Sunset_Epoch "Sunset Epoch" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#sunset-epoch"}
Number Total_Weather_Data_Basic_Moon_Phase "Moon Phase" (Total_Weather_Data_Current_Conditions) [ "Point" ] {channel="visualcrossing:weather:default_config:current-conditions#moon-phase"}


Visual Crossing binding provides actions to use in rules:

import static org.openhab.binding.visualcrossing.internal.api.VisualCrossingApi.UnitGroup.METRIC;

rule "test"
    /* when */
	val actions = getActions("visualcrossing", "visualcrossing:weather:as8af03m38")
	if (actions !== null) {
            val weatherResponse1 = actions.timeline()
            // lang -
            // dateFrom, dateTo -
            val weatherResponse2 = actions.timeline("wrocław,poland", METRIC, "pl", "last7days", "next5days")