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Emotiva Binding
This binding integrates Emotiva AV processors by using the Emotiva Network Remote Control protocol.
Supported Things
This binding supports Emotiva processors with Emotiva Network Remote Control protocol support.
The thing type for all of them is processor
Tested models: Emotiva XMC-2
The binding automatically discovers devices on your network.
Thing Configuration
The Emotiva Processor thing requires the ipAddress
it can connect to.
There are more parameters which all have defaults set.
Parameter | Values | Default |
ipAddress | IP address of the processor | - |
controlPort | port number, e.g. 7002 | 7002 |
notifyPort | port number, e.g. 7003 | 7003 |
infoPort | port number, e.g. 7004 | 7004 |
setupPortTCP | port number, e.g. 7100 | 7100 |
menuNotifyPort | port number, e.g. 7005 | 7005 |
protocolVersion | Emotiva Network Protocol version, e.g. 3.0 | 2.0 |
keepAlive | Time between notification update from device, in milliseconds | 7500 |
retryConnectInMinutes | Time between connection retry, in minutes | 2 |
The Emotiva Processor supports the following channels (some channels are model specific):
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
Main zone | ||
main-zone#power | Switch (RW) | Main zone power on/off |
main-zone#volume | Dimmer (RW) | Main zone volume in percentage (0 to 100) |
main-zone#volume-db | Number (RW) | Main zone volume in dB (-96 to 15) |
main-zone#mute | Switch (RW) | Main zone mute |
main-zone#source | String (RW) | Main zone input (HDMI1, TUNER, ARC, ...) |
Zone 2 | ||
zone2#power | Switch (RW) | Zone 2 power on/off |
zone2#volume | Dimmer (RW) | Zone 2 volume in percentage (0 to 100) |
zone2#volume-db | Number (RW) | Zone 2 volume in dB (-80 offset) |
zone2#mute | Switch (RW) | Zone 2 mute |
zone2#input | String (RW) | Zone 2 input |
General | ||
general#power | Switch (RW) | Power on/off |
general#standby | String (W) | Set in standby mode |
general#menu | String (RW) | Enter or exit menu |
general#menu-control | String (W) | Control menu via string commands |
general#up | String (W) | Menu up |
general#down | String (W) | Menu down |
general#left | String (W) | Menu left |
general#right | String (W) | Menu right |
general#enter | String (W) | Menu enter |
general#dim | Switch (RW) | Cycle through FP dimness settings |
general#mode | String (RW) | Select audio mode (auto, dts, ...) |
general#info | String (W) | Show info screen |
general#speaker-preset | String (RW) | Select speaker presets (preset1, preset2) |
general#center | Number (RW) | Center Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#subwoofer | Number (RW) | Subwoofer Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#surround | Number (RW) | Surround Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#back | Number (RW) | Back Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#loudness | Switch (RW) | Loudness on/off |
general#treble | Number (RW) | Treble Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#bass | Number (RW) | Bass Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#frequenncy | Rollershutter (W) | Frequency up/down, (100 kHz step) |
general#seek | Rollershutter (W) | Seek signal up/down |
general#channel | Rollershutter (W) | Channel up/down |
general#tuner-band | String (R) | Tuner band, (AM, FM) |
general#tuner-channel | String (RW) | User–assigned station name |
general#tuner-signal | String (R) | Tuner signal quality |
general#tuner-program | String (R) | Tuner program: "Country", "Rock", ... |
general#tuner-RDS | String (R) | Tuner RDS string |
general#audio-input | String (R) | Audio input source |
general#audio-bitstream | String (R) | Audio input bitstream type: "PCM 2.0", "ATMOS", etc. |
general#audio-bits | String (R) | Audio input bits: "32kHZ 24bits", etc. |
general#video-input | String (R) | Video input source |
general#video-format | String (R) | Video input format: "1920x1080i/60", "3840x2160p/60", etc. |
general#video-space | String (R) | Video input space: "YcbCr 8bits", etc. |
general#input-[1-8] | String (R) | User assigned input names |
general#selected-mode | String (R) | User selected mode for the main zone |
general#selected-movie-music | String (R) | User selected movie or music mode for main zone |
general#mode-ref-stereo | String (R) | Label for mode: Reference Stereo |
general#mode-stereo | String (R) | Label for mode: Stereo |
general#mode-music | String (R) | Label for mode: Music |
general#mode-movie | String (R) | Label for mode: Movie |
general#mode-direct | String (R) | Label for mode: Direct |
general#mode-dolby | String (R) | Label for mode: Dolby |
general#mode-dts | String (R) | Label for mode: DTS |
general#mode-all-stereo | String (R) | Label for mode: All Stereo |
general#mode-auto | String (R) | Label for mode: Auto |
general#mode-surround | String (RW) | Select audio mode (Auto, Stereo, Dolby, ...) |
general#width | Number (RW) | Width Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#height | Number (RW) | Height Volume increment up/down (0.5 step) |
general#bar | String (R) | Text displayed on front panel bar of device |
general#menu-display-highlight | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Value in focus |
general#menu-display-top-start | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Top bar, start cell |
general#menu-display-top-center | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Top bar, center cell |
general#menu-display-top-end | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Top bar, end cell |
general#menu-display-middle-start | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Middle bar, start cell |
general#menu-display-middle-center | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Middle bar, center cell |
general#menu-display-middle-end | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Middle bar, end cell |
general#menu-display-bottom-start | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Bottom bar, start cell |
general#menu-display-bottom-center | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Bottom bar, center cell |
general#menu-display-bottom-end | String (R) | Menu Panel Display: Bottom bar, end cell |
(R) = read-only (no updates possible) (W) = write-only (RW) = read-write
Full Example
Thing emotiva:processor:1 "XMC-2" @ "Living room" [ipAddress="", protocolVersion="3.0"]
Switch emotiva-power "Processor" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#power"}
Dimmer emotiva-volume "Volume [%d %%]" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:main-zone#volume"}
Number:Dimensionless emotiva-volume-db "Volume [%d dB]" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:main-zone#volume-db"}
Switch emotiva-mute "Mute" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:main-zone#mute"}
String emotiva-source "Source [%s]" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:main-zone#input"}
String emotiva-mode-surround "Surround Mode: [%s]" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#mode-surround"}
Number:Dimensionless emotiva-speakers-center "Center Trim [%.1f dB]" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#center"}
Switch emotiva-zone2power "Zone 2" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:zone2#power"}
String emotiva-front-panel-bar "Bar Text" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#bar"}
String emotiva-menu-control "Menu Control" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-control"}
String emotiva-menu-hightlight "Menu field focus" {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-highlight"}
String emotiva-menu-top-start "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-top-start"}
String emotiva-menu-top-center "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-top-center"}
String emotiva-menu-top-end "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-top-end"}
String emotiva-menu-middle-start "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-middle-start"}
String emotiva-menu-middle-center "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-middle-center"}
String emotiva-menu-middle-end "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-middle-end"}
String emotiva-menu-tottom-start "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-bottom-start"}
String emotiva-menu-tottom-center "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-bottom-center"}
String emotiva-menu-tottom-end "" <none> {channel="emotiva:processor:1:general#menu-display-bottom-end"}
Group item=emotiva-input label="Processor" icon="receiver" {
Default item=emotiva-power
Default item=emotiva-mute
Setpoint item=emotiva-volume
Default item=emotiva-volume-db step=2 minValue=-96.0 maxValue=15.0
Selection item=emotiva-source
Text item=emotiva-mode-surround
Setpoint item=emotiva-speakers-center step=0.5 minValue=-12.0 maxValue=12.0
Default item=emotiva-zone2power
Frame label="Front Panel" {
Text item=emotiva-front-panel-bar
Text item=emotiva-menu-highlight
Frame label="" {
Text item=emotiva-menu-top-start
Text item=emotiva-menu-top-center
Text item=emotiva-menu-top-end
Frame label="" {
Text item=emotiva-menu-middle-start
Text item=emotiva-menu-middle-center
Text item=emotiva-menu-middle-end
Frame label="" {
Text item=emotiva-menu-bottom-start
Text item=emotiva-menu-bottom-center
Text item=emotiva-menu-bottom-end
Buttongrid label="Menu Control" staticIcon=material:control-camera item=emotiva-menu_control buttons=[1:1:POWER="Power"=switch-off , 1:2:MENU="Menu", 1:3:INFO="Info" , 2:2:UP="Up"=f7:arrowtriangle_up , 4:2:DOWN="Down"=f7:arrowtriangle_down , 3:1:LEFT="Left"=f7:arrowtriangle_left , 3:3:RIGHT="Right"=f7:arrowtriangle_right , 3:2:ENTER="Select" ]
Network Remote Control Protocol Reference
These resources can be useful to learn what to send using the command