Signed-off-by: Holger Friedrich <> |
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Belkin Wemo Binding
This binding integrates the Belkin WeMo Family. The integration happens either through the WeMo-Link bridge, which acts as an IP gateway to the Zigbee devices or through WiFi connection to standalone devices.
Supported Things
The WeMo Binding supports the Socket, Outdoor Plug, Insight, Lightswitch, Motion, Dimmer, Coffemaker and Maker devices, as well as the WeMo-Link bridge with WeMo LED bulbs. The Binding also supports the Crock-Pot Smart Slow Cooker, Mr. Coffee Smart Coffemaker as well as the Holmes Smart Air Purifier, Holmes Smart Humidifier and Holmes Smart Heater.
The WeMo devices are discovered through UPnP discovery service in the network. Devices will show up in the inbox and can be easily added as Things.
Binding Configuration
The binding does not need any configuration.
Thing Configuration
For manual Thing configuration, one needs to know the UDN of a certain WeMo device. It can most easily be obtained by performing an auto-discovery before configuring the thing manually.
Most devices share the udn
configuration parameter:
Configuration Parameter | Description |
udn | The UDN identifies the WeMo device |
WeMo LED Light
For LED Lights paired to a WeMo Link bridge, please use the following configuration parameter:
Configuration Parameter | Description |
deviceID | The device ID identifies one certain WeMo light |
WeMo Insight Switch
The WeMo Insight Switch has some additional parameters for controlling the behavior for channel currentPower
This channel reports the current power consumption in Watt.
The internal theoretical accuracy is 5 mW, i.e. three decimals.
These raw values are reported with high frequency, often multiple updates can occur within a single second.
For example, the sequence of 40.440 W, 40.500 W and 40.485 W would result in the channel being updated with values rounded to nearest integer, respectively 40 W, 41 W and 40 W.
When persisting items linked to this channel, this can result in a significant amount of data being stored. To mitigate this issue, a sliding window with a moving average calculation has been introduced. This window is defined with a one minute default period. This is combined with a delta trigger value, which is defaulted to 1 W. This means that the channel is only updated when one of the following conditions are met:
- The rounded value received is equal to the rounded average for the past minute, i.e. this value has stabilized. This introduces a delay for very small changes in consumption, but on the other hand it prevents excessive logging and persistence caused by temporary small changes and rounding.
- The rounded value received is more than 1 W from the previous value. So when changes are happening fast, the channel will also be updated fast.
Configuration Parameter | Description |
udn | The UDN identifies the WeMo Insight Switch |
currentPowerSlidingSeconds | Sliding window in seconds for which moving average power is calculated (0 = disabled) |
currentPowerDeltaTrigger | Delta triggering immediate channel update (in Watt) |
The moving average calculation can be disabled by setting either currentPowerSlidingSeconds
or currentPowerDeltaTrigger
to 0.
This will cause the channel to be updated the same way as in openHAB versions prior to 3.3.
Devices support some of the following channels:
Channel Type | Item Type | Description | Available on Thing |
motionDetection | Switch | On if motion is detected, off otherwise. (Motion Sensor only) | Motion |
lastMotionDetected | DateTime | Date and Time when the last motion was detected. (Motion Sensor only) | Motion |
state | Switch | This channel controls the actual binary State of a Device or represents Motion Detection. | All but Dimmer, Crockpot, Airpurifier and Humidifier |
lastChangedAt | DateTime | Date and Time the device was last turned on or of. | Insight |
lastOnFor | Number | Time in seconds an Insight device was last turned on for. | Insight |
onToday | Number | Time in seconds an Insight device has been switched on today. | Insight |
onTotal | Number | Time in seconds an Insight device has been switched on totally. | Insight |
timespan | Number | Time in seconds over which onTotal applies. Typically 2 weeks except first used. | Insight |
averagePower | Number:Power | Average power consumption in Watts. | Insight |
currentPower | Number:Power | Current power consumption of an Insight device. 0 if switched off. | Insight |
currentPowerRaw | Number:Power | Current power consumption of an Insight device with full precision (5 mW accuracy, three decimals). 0 if switched off. | Insight |
energyToday | Number:Energy | Energy in Wh used today. | Insight |
energyTotal | Number:Energy | Energy in Wh used in total. | Insight |
standbyLimit | Number:Power | Minimum energy draw in W to register device as switched on (default 8W, configurable via WeMo App). | Insight |
onStandBy | Switch | Read-only indication of whether or not the device plugged in to the insight switch is drawing more than the standby limit. | Insight |
relay | Switch | Switches the integrated relay contact close/open | Maker |
sensor | Switch | Shows the state of the integrated sensor | Maker |
coffeeMode | String | Operation mode of a WeMo Coffee Maker | CoffeeMaker |
modeTime | Number | Current amount of time, in minutes, that the Coffee Maker has been in the current mode | CoffeeMaker |
timeRemaining | Number | Remaining brewing time of a WeMo Coffee Maker | CoffeeMaker |
waterLevelReached | Switch | Indicates if the WeMo Coffee Maker needs to be refilled | CoffeeMaker |
cleanAdvise | Switch | Indicates if a WeMo Coffee Maker needs to be cleaned | CoffeeMaker |
filterAdvise | Switch | Indicates if a WeMo Coffee Maker needs to have the filter changed | CoffeeMaker |
brewed | DateTime | Date/time the coffee maker last completed brewing coffee | CoffeeMaker |
lastCleaned | DateTime | Date/time the coffee maker last completed cleaning | CoffeeMaker |
brightness | Number | Brightness of a WeMo LED od Dimmwer. | LED, DimmerSwitch |
faderCountDownTime | Number | Dimmer fading duration time in minutes | DimmerSwitch |
faderEnabled | Switch | Switch the fader ON/OFF | DimmerSwitch |
timerStart | Switch | Switch the fading timer ON/OFF | DimmerSwitch |
nightMode | Switch | Switch the nightMode ON/OFF | DimmerSwitch |
startTime | DateTime | Time when the nightMode starts | DimmerSwitch |
endTime | DateTime | Time when the nightMode ends | DimmerSwitch |
nightModeBrightness | Number | Brightness used in nightMode | DimmerSwitch |
cookMode | String | Shows the operation mode of a WeMo Crockpot (OFF, WARM, LOW, HIGH | Crockpot |
warmCookTime | Number | Shows the timer settings for warm cooking mode | Crockpot |
lowCookTime | Number | Shows the timer settings for low cooking mode | Crockpot |
highCookTime | Number | Shows the timer settings for high cooking mode | Crockpot |
cookedTime | Number | Shows the elapsed cooking time | Crockpot |
purifierMode | String | Runmode of Air Purifier (OFF, LOW, MED, HIGH, AUTO) | Air Purifier |
airQuality | String | Air quality (POOR, MODERATE, GOOD) | Air Purifier |
ionizer | Switch | Indicates whether the ionizer is switched ON or OFF | Air Purifier |
filterLife | Number | Indicates the remaining filter lifetime in Percent | Air Purifier, Humidifier |
expiredFilterTime | Number | Indicates whether the filter lifetime has expired or not | Air Purifier, Humidifier |
filterPresent | Switch | Indicates the presence of an air filter | Air Purifier |
humidifierMode | String | Runmode of Humidifier (OFF, MIN, LOW, MED, HIGH, MAX) | Humidifier |
desiredHumidity | Number | Shows desired humidity in Percent | Humidifier |
currentHumidity | Number | Shows current humidity in Percent | Humidifier |
heaterMode | String | Runmode of Heater (OFF, FROSTPROTECT, HIGH, LOW, ECO) | Heater |
currentTemp | Number | Shows current temperature | Heater |
targetTemp | Number | Shows target temperature | Heater |
autoOffTime | DateTime | Time when the heater switches off | Heater |
heatingRemaining | Number | Shows the remaining heating time | Heater |
Full Example
wemo:socket:Switch1 "DemoSwitch" @ "Office" [udn="Socket-1_0-221242K11xxxxx"]
wemo:motion:Sensor1 "MotionSensor" @ "Entrance" [udn="Sensor-1_0-221337L11xxxxx"]
wemo:insight:Insight1 "Insight" @ "Attic" [udn="Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", currentPowerSlidingSeconds=120, currentPowerDeltaTrigger=2]
Bridge wemo:bridge:Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx [udn="Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx"] {
MZ100 94103EA2B278xxxx "DemoLight1" @ "Living" [ deviceID="94103EA2B278xxxx" ]
MZ100 94103EA2B278xxxx "DemoLoght2" @ "Living" [ deviceID="94103EA2B278xxxx" ]
// Switch
Switch DemoSwitch { channel="wemo:socket:Switch1:state" }
// Lightswitch
Switch LightSwitch { channel="wemo:lightswitch:Lightswitch1:state" }
// Motion
Switch MotionSensor { channel="wemo:Motion:Sensor1:motionDetection" }
DateTime MotionDetected { channel="wemo:Motion:Sensor1:lastMotionDetected" }
// Insight
Switch InsightSwitch { channel="wemo:insight:Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:state" }
Number:Power InsightPower { channel="wemo:insight:Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:currentPower" }
Number InsightLastOn { channel="wemo:insight:Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:lastOnFor" }
Number InsightToday { channel="wemo:insight:Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:onToday" }
Number InsightTotal { channel="wemo:insight:Insight-1_0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:onTotal" }
// LED Bulbs
Switch LED1 { channel="wemo:MZ100:Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx:94103EA2B278xxxx:brightness" }
Dimmer dLED1 { channel="wemo:MZ100:Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx:94103EA2B278xxxx:brightness" }
Switch LED2 { channel="wemo:MZ100:Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx:94103EA2B278xxxx:brightness" }
Dimmer dLED2 { channel="wemo:MZ100:Bridge-1_0-231445B010xxxx:94103EA2B278xxxx:brightness" }
// DimmerSwitch
Switch DimmerSwitch { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:brightness" }
Dimmer dDimmerSwitch { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:brightness" }
Number DimmerSwitchFaderTime { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:faderCountDownTime" }
Switch DimmerSwitchFaderOn { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:faderEnabled" }
Switch DimmerSwitchTimer { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:timerStart" }
Switch DimmerNightMode { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:nightMode" }
Dimmer NightModeBrightness { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:nightModeBrightness" }
DateTime NightModeStart { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:startTime" }
DateTime NightModeEnd { channel="wemo:dimmer:Dimmer-1_0-231445B010xxxx:endTime" }
// CoffeMaker
Switch CoffeSwitch { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:state" }
String CoffeMode { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:coffeeMode" }
Number CoffeModeTime { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:modeTime" }
Number CoffeModeRemaining { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:timeRemaining" }
Switch CoffeWater { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:waterLevelReached" }
Switch CoffeCleanAdvicse { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:cleanAdvise" }
Switch CoffeFilterAdvicse { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterAdvise" }
DateTime CoffeLastCleaned { channel="wemo:coffee:Coffee-1_0-231445B010xxxx:lastCleaned" }
// Crockpot
String crockpotMode { channel="wemo:crockpot:Crockpot-1_0-231445B010xxxx:cookMode" }
Number warmCookTime { channel="wemo:crockpot:Crockpot-1_0-231445B010xxxx:warmCookTime" }
Number lowCookTime { channel="wemo:crockpot:Crockpot-1_0-231445B010xxxx:lowCookTime" }
Number highCookTime { channel="wemo:crockpot:Crockpot-1_0-231445B010xxxx:highCookTime" }
Number cookedTime { channel="wemo:crockpot:Crockpot-1_0-231445B010xxxx:cookedTime" }
// Air Purifier
String airMode { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:airMode" }
String airQuality { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:airQuality" }
Switch ionizer { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:ionizer" }
Number filterLife { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterLife" }
Switch filterExpired { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterExpired" }
Switch filterPresent { channel="wemo:purifier:AirPurifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterPresent" }
// Humidifier
String humidifierMode { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:humidifierMode" }
Number desiredHumidity { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:desiredHumidity" }
Number currentHumidity { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:currentHumidity" }
Number filterLife { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterLife" }
Switch filterExpired { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:filterExpired" }
String waterLevel { channel="wemo:humidifier:Humidifier-1_0-231445B010xxxx:waterLevel" }
// Heater
String heaterMode { channel="wemo:heater:HeaterB-1_0-231445B010xxxx:heaterMode" }
Number currentTemp { channel="wemo:heater:HeaterB-1_0-231445B010xxxx:currentTemp" }
Number targetTemp { channel="wemo:heater:HeaterB-1_0-231445B010xxxx:targetTemp" }
DateTime autoOffTime { channel="wemo:heater:HeaterB-1_0-231445B010xxxx:autoOffTime" }
String heaterRemaining { channel="wemo:heater:HeaterB-1_0-231445B010xxxx:heaterRemaining" }
sitemap demo label="Main Menu"
Frame {
// Switch
Switch item=DemoSwitch
// LightSwitch
Switch item=LightSwitch
// Motion
Switch item=MotionSensor
Text item=MotionSensorLastChanged icon="clock"
// Insight
Switch item=InsightSwitch
Number item=InsightPower
Number item=InsightLastOn
Number item=InsightToday
Number item=InsightTotal
// LED Bulb
Switch item=LED1
Slider item=dLED1
Switch item=LED2
Slider item=dLED2
Switch item=DimmerSwitch
Slider item=dDimmerSwitch
Number item=DimmerSwitchFaderTime
Switch item=DimmerSwitchFaderOn
Switch item=DimmerSwitchTimer
Switch item=DimmerNightMode
Slider item=NightModeBrightness
Text item=NightModeStart
Text item=NightModeEnd
// CoffeMaker
Switch item=CoffeSwitch
Text item=CoffeMode
Number item=CoffeModeTime
Number item=CoffeModeRemaining
Switch item=CoffeWater
Switch item=CoffeCleanAdvicse
Switch item=CoffeFilterAdvicse
DateTime item=CoffeLastCleaned
// CrockPot
Switch item=crockpotMode label="Cooking Mode" mappings=[OFF="OFF", WARM="Warm", LOW="Low", HIGH="High"]
Number item=warmCookTime
Number item=lowCookTime
Number item=highCookTime
Number item=cookedTime
// Air Purifier
Switch item=airMode label="Cooking Mode" mappings=[OFF="OFF", LOW="Low", MED="Med", HIGH="High", AUTO="Auto"]
Text item=airQuality
Switch item=ionizer
Number item=filterLive
Switch item=filterExpired
Switch item=filterPresent
// Humidifier
Switch item=humidifierMode label="Humidity Mode" mappings=[OFF="OFF", MIN="Min", LOW="Low", MED="Med", HIGH="High", MAX="Max"]
Number item=desiredHumidity
Number item=currentHumidity
Number item=filterLive
Switch item=filterExpired
// Heater
Switch item=heaterMode label="Heater Mode" mappings=[OFF="OFF", FROSTPROTECT="FrostProtect", HIGH="High", LOW="Low", ECO="Eco"]
Number item=currentTemp
Setpoint item=targetTemp
Text item=autoOffTime
Number item=heaterRemaining