Signed-off-by: Holger Friedrich <> |
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deCONZ Binding
The Zigbee binding currently does not support the Dresden Elektronik Raspbee and ConBee Zigbee dongles. The manufacturer provides a companion app called deCONZ together with the mentioned hardware. deCONZ offers a documented real-time channel that this binding makes use of to bring support for all paired Zigbee devices.
Supported Things
There is one bridge (deconz
) that manages the connection to the deCONZ software instance.
These sensors are supported:
Device type | Resource Type | Thing type |
Presence Sensor | ZHAPresence, CLIPPresence | presencesensor |
Power Sensor | ZHAPower, CLIPPower | powersensor |
Consumption Sensor | ZHAConsumption | consumptionsensor |
Switch | ZHASwitch | switch |
Light Sensor | ZHALightLevel | lightsensor |
Temperature Sensor | ZHATemperature | temperaturesensor |
Humidity Sensor | ZHAHumidity | humiditysensor |
Pressure Sensor | ZHAPressure | pressuresensor |
Open/Close Sensor | ZHAOpenClose | openclosesensor |
Water Leakage Sensor | ZHAWater | waterleakagesensor |
Alarm Sensor | ZHAAlarm | alarmsensor |
Fire Sensor | ZHAFire | firesensor |
Vibration Sensor | ZHAVibration | vibrationsensor |
deCONZ Artificial Daylight Sensor | deCONZ specific: simulated sensor | daylightsensor |
Carbon-Monoxide Sensor | ZHACarbonmonoxide | carbonmonoxidesensor |
Airquality Sensor | ZHAAirquality | airqualitysensor |
Moisture Sensor | ZHAMoisture | moisturesensor |
Color Controller | ZBT-Remote-ALL-RGBW | colorcontrol |
Additionally, lights, window coverings (blinds), door locks and thermostats are supported:
Device type | Resource Type | Thing type |
Dimmable Light | Dimmable light, Dimmable plug-in unit | dimmablelight |
On/Off Light | On/Off light, On/Off plug-in unit, Smart plug | onofflight |
Color Temperature Light | Color temperature light | colortemperaturelight |
Color Light (w/o temperature) | Color dimmable light | colorlight |
Extended Color Light (w/temperature) | Extended color light | extendedcolorlight |
Blind / Window Covering | Window covering device | windowcovering |
Thermostat | ZHAThermostat | thermostat |
Warning Device (Siren) | Warning device | warningdevice |
Door Lock | A remotely operatable door lock | doorlock |
Note: windowcovering
might require updating your deCONZ software since the support changed.
Currently only light-groups are supported via the thing-type lightgroup
deCONZ software instances are discovered automatically in the same subnet.
Sensors, switches, groups, lights and blinds are discovered as soon as a deconz
bridge thing comes online.
If your device is not discovered, please check the DEBUG log for unknown devices and report your findings.
Thing Configuration
These configuration parameters are available:
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
host | Host address (hostname / ip) of deCONZ interface | string | n/a |
httpPort | Port of deCONZ HTTP interface | string | 80 |
port | Port of deCONZ Websocket (optional, can be filled automatically) (Advanced) | string | n/a |
apikey | Authorization API key (optional, can be filled automatically) | string | n/a |
timeout | Timeout for asynchronous HTTP requests (in milliseconds) | integer | 2000 |
websocketTimeout | Timeout for the websocket connection (in s). After this time, the connection is considered dead and tries to re-connect | integer | 120 |
The deCONZ bridge requires the IP address or hostname as a configuration value in order for the binding to know where to access it. If needed you can specify an optional port for the HTTP interface or the Websocket. The Websocket port can be filled automatically by requesting it via the HTTP interface - you only need to specify it if your deCONZ instance is running containerized.
The API key is an optional value. If a deCONZ API key is available because it has already been created manually, it can also be entered as a configuration value. Otherwise the field can be left empty and the binding will generate the key automatically. For this process the deCONZ bridge must be unlocked in the deCONZ software so that third party applications can register (see deCONZ documentation).
All non-bridge things share the mandatory id
parameter, an integer assigned to the device while pairing to deconz.
Auto-discovered things do not need to be configured.
All sensor-things have an additional lastSeenPolling
Due to limitations in the API of deCONZ, the lastSeen
channel (available some sensors) is only available when using polling.
Allowed values are all positive integers, the unit is minutes.
The default-value is 1440
, which means "once a day".
, extendedcolorlight
, colorlight
and colortemperaturelight
have an additional optional parameter transitiontime
The transition time is the time to move between two states and is configured in seconds.
The resolution provided is 1/10s.
If no value is provided, the default value of the device is used.
, colorlight
and lightgroup
have different modes for setting the color.
Some devices accept only XY, others HSB, others both modes and the binding tries to autodetect the correct mode.
If this fails, the advanced colormode
parameter can be set to xy
or hs
Textual Thing Configuration - Retrieving an API Key
If you use the textual configuration, the thing file without an API key will look like this, for example:
Bridge deconz:deconz:homeserver [ host="" ]
In this case, the API key is generated automatically as described above (the deCONZ bridge has to be unlocked).
Please note that the generated key cannot be written automatically to the .thing
file, and has to be set manually.
The generated key can be queried from the configuration using the openHAB console.
To do this log into the console and use the command things show
to display the configuration parameters, e.g:
things show deconz:deconz:homeserver
Afterwards the API key has to be inserted in the .thing
file as apikey
configuration value, e.g.:
Bridge deconz:deconz:homeserver [ host="", apikey="ABCDEFGHIJ" ]
The sensor devices support some of the following channels:
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Access Mode | Description | Thing types |
airquality | String | R | Airquality as string | airqualitysensor |
airqualityppb | Number:Dimensionless | R | Airquality (in parts-per-billion) | airqualitysensor |
alarm | Switch | R | Status of an alarm: ON = alarm was triggered; OFF = no alarm |
alarmsensor |
battery_level | Number | R | Battery level (in %) | any battery-powered sensor |
battery_low | Switch | R | Battery level low: ON ; OFF |
any battery-powered sensor |
button | Number | R | Last pressed button id on a switch | switch, colorcontrol |
carbonmonoxide | Switch | R | ON = carbon monoxide detected |
carbonmonoxide |
color | Color | R | Color set by remote | colorcontrol |
consumption | Number:Energy | R | Energy in Watt*Hour | consumptionsensor |
current | Number:ElectricCurrent | R | Current in mA | some powersensors |
dark | Switch | R | Light level is below the darkness threshold | lightsensor, sometimes for presencesensor |
daylight | Switch | R | Light level is above the daylight threshold | lightsensor |
enabled | Switch | R/W | This channel activates or deactivates the sensor | presencesensor |
externalwindowopen | Contact | R/W | Forward a status to a thermostat (some devices) | thermostat |
fire | Switch | R | Status of a fire: ON = fire was detected; OFF = no fire detected |
firesensor |
gesture | Number | R | A gesture that was performed with the switch | switch |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | R | Humidity in % | humiditysensor |
last_updated | DateTime | R | Timestamp when the sensor was last updated | all, except daylightsensor |
last_seen | DateTime | R | Timestamp when the sensor was last seen | all, except daylightsensor |
light | String | R | Light level: Daylight ; Sunset ; Dark |
daylightsensor |
lightlux | Number:Illuminance | R | Light illuminance in Lux | lightsensor |
light_level | Number | R | Light level | lightsensor |
locked | Switch | R/W | Reports/sets the child lock on some thermostats | thermostat |
moisture | Number:Dimensionless | R | Moisture | moisturesensor |
on | Switch | R | Some thermostats report their output state as switch | thermostat |
open | Contact | R | Status of contacts: OPEN ; CLOSED |
openclosesensor |
orientation_x, _y, _z | Number | R | Orientation of vibration sensor | vibrationsensor |
power | Number:Power | R | Power usage in Watts | powersensor, sometimes for consumptionsensor |
presence | Switch | R | Status of presence: ON = presence; OFF = no-presence |
presencesensor |
pressure | Number:Pressure | R | Pressure in hPa | pressuresensor |
tampered | Switch | R | Status of a zone: ON = zone is being tampered; OFF = zone is not tampered |
any IAS sensor |
temperature | Number:Temperature | R | Temperature in ˚C | temperaturesensor, some Xiaomi sensors,thermostat |
tiltangle | Number:Angle | R | Tilt angle of vibration sensor | vibrationsensor |
value | Number | R | Sun position: 130 = dawn; 140 = sunrise; 190 = sunset; 210 = dusk |
daylightsensor |
vibration | Switch | R | Vibration detected | vibrationsensor |
vibrationstrength | Number | R | Strength of detected vibration (value is device-dependent) | vibrationsensor |
voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | R | Voltage in V | some powersensors |
waterleakage | Switch | R | Status of water leakage: ON = water leakage detected; OFF = no water leakage detected |
waterleakagesensor |
windowopen | Contact | R | windowopen status is reported by some thermostats |
thermostat |
NOTE: Beside other non-mandatory channels, the battery_level
and battery_low
channels will be added to the Thing during runtime if the sensor is battery-powered.
The specification of your sensor depends on the deCONZ capabilities.
Have a detailed look for supported devices.
The last_seen
channel is added when it is available AND the lastSeenPolling
parameter of this sensor is used to enable polling.
Other devices support
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Access Mode | Description | Thing types |
brightness | Dimmer | R/W | Brightness of the light | dimmablelight , colortemperaturelight |
switch | Switch | R/W | State of a ON/OFF device | onofflight |
color | Color | R/W | Color of an multi-color light | colorlight , extendedcolorlight , lightgroup |
color_temperature | Number | R/W | Color temperature in Kelvin. The value range is determined by each individual light | colortemperaturelight , extendedcolorlight , lightgroup |
effect | String | R/W | Effect selection. Allowed commands are set dynamically | colorlight |
effectSpeed | Number | W | Effect Speed | colorlight |
lock | Switch | R/W | Lock (ON) or unlock (OFF) the doorlock | doorlock |
ontime | Number:Time | W | Timespan for which the light is turned on | all lights |
position | Rollershutter | R/W | Position of the blind | windowcovering |
heatsetpoint | Number:Temperature | R/W | Target Temperature in °C | thermostat |
valve | Number:Dimensionless | R | Valve position in % | thermostat |
mode | String | R/W | Mode: "auto", "heat" and "off" | thermostat |
offset | Number | R | Temperature offset for sensor | thermostat |
alert | String | W | Turn alerts on. Allowed commands are none , select (short blinking), lselect (long blinking) |
warningdevice , lightgroup , dimmablelight , colorlight , extendedcolorlight , colortemperaturelight |
all_on | Switch | R | All lights in group are on | lightgroup |
any_on | Switch | R | Any light in group is on | lightgroup |
scene | String | W | Recall a scene. Allowed commands are set dynamically | lightgroup |
NOTE: For groups color
and color_temperature
are used for sending commands to the group.
Their state represents the last command send to the group, not necessarily the actual state of the group.
Trigger Channels
The dimmer switch additionally supports trigger channels.
Channel Type ID | Description | Thing types |
buttonevent | Event for switch pressed | switch, colorcontrol |
gestureevent | Event for gestures | switch |
NOTE: The gestureevent
trigger channel is only available if the optional channel gesture
is present.
Both will be added during runtime if supported by the switch.
can trigger one of the following events:
Gesture | Event |
GESTURE_FLIP_180 | 4 |
Thing Actions
Thing actions can be used to manage the network and its content.
The deconz
thing supports a thing action to allow new devices to join the network:
Action name | Input Value | Return Value | Description |
permitJoin(duration) |
duration (Integer) |
- | allows new devices to join for duration seconds. Allowed values are 1-240, default is 120 if no value given. |
The lightgroup
thing supports thing actions for managing scenes:
Action name | Input Value | Return Value | Description |
createScene(name) |
name (String) |
newSceneId |
Creates a new scene with the name name and returns the new scene's id (if successfull). |
deleteScene(id) |
id (Integer) |
- | Deletes the scene with the given id. |
storeScene(id) |
id (Integer) |
- | Store the current group's state as scene with the given id. |
The return value refers to a key of the given name within the returned Map. See example.
Full Example
Things file
Bridge deconz:deconz:homeserver [ host="", apikey="ABCDEFGHIJ" ] {
presencesensor livingroom-presence "Livingroom Presence" [ id="1" ]
temperaturesensor livingroom-temperature "Livingroom Temperature" [ id="2" ]
humiditysensor livingroom-humidity "Livingroom Humidity" [ id="3" ]
airqualitysensor livingroom-voc "Livingroom Voc" [ id="9" ]
pressuresensor livingroom-pressure "Livingroom Pressure" [ id="4" ]
openclosesensor livingroom-window "Livingroom Window" [ id="5" ]
switch livingroom-hue-tap "Livingroom Hue Tap" [ id="6" ]
waterleakagesensor basement-water-leakage "Basement Water Leakage" [ id="7" ]
alarmsensor basement-alarm "Basement Alarm Sensor" [ id="8", lastSeenPolling=5 ]
moisturesensor livingroom-chili "Livingroom Chili Plant" [ id="9" ]
firesensor livingroom-fire "Livingroom Fire" [ id="10" ]
thermostat livingroom-thermostat "Livingroom Thermostat" [ id="11" ]
dimmablelight livingroom-ceiling "Livingroom Ceiling" [ id="1" ]
lightgroup livingroom "Livingroom" [ id="1" ]
doorlock entrance-door "Door Lock" [ id="20" ]
warningdevice entrance-siren "Entrance Siren" [ id="21" ]
Items file
Switch Livingroom_Presence "Presence Livingroom [%s]" <motion> { channel="deconz:presencesensor:homeserver:livingroom-presence:presence" }
Number:Temperature Livingroom_Temperature "Temperature Livingroom [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="deconz:temperaturesensor:homeserver:livingroom-temperature:temperature" }
Number:Dimensionless Livingroom_Humidity "Humidity Livingroom [%.1f %%]" <humidity> { channel="deconz:humiditysensor:homeserver:livingroom-humidity:humidity" }
String Livingroom_voc_label "Air quality Livingroom [%s]" { channel="deconz:airqualitysensor:homeserver:livingroom-voc:airquality" }
Number:Dimensionless Livingroom_voc "Air quality [%d ppb]" { channel="deconz:airqualitysensor:homeserver:livingroom-voc:airqualityppb" }
Number:Pressure Livingroom_Pressure "Pressure Livingroom [%.1f hPa]" <pressure> { channel="deconz:pressuresensor:homeserver:livingroom-pressure:pressure" }
Contact Livingroom_Window "Window Livingroom [%s]" <door> { channel="deconz:openclosesensor:homeserver:livingroom-window:open" }
Switch Basement_Water_Leakage "Basement Water Leakage [%s]" { channel="deconz:waterleakagesensor:homeserver:basement-water-leakage:waterleakage" }
Switch Basement_Alarm "Basement Alarm Triggered [%s]" { channel="deconz:alarmsensor:homeserver:basement-alarm:alarm" }
Number:Dimensionless Livingroom_Chili_Moisture "Chili Plant Moisture [%.1f %%]" { channel="deconz:moisturesensor:homeserver:livingroom-chili:moisture" }
Switch Livingroom_Fire "Fire [%s]" <smoke> { channel="deconz:firesensor:homeserver:livingroom-fire:fire" }
Number:Temperature Livingroom_Thermostat_CurrentTemperature "Thermostat Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:temperature" }
Number:Temperature Livingroom_Thermostat_TargetTemperature "Thermostat Setpoint [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:heatsetpoint" }
Number:Temperature Livingroom_Thermostat_Offset "Thermostat Offset [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:offset" }
Number:Dimensionless Livingroom_Thermostat_ValvePosition "Thermostat Valve Position [%.1f %%]" { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:valve" }
Contact Livingroom_Thermostat_WindowOpen "Thermostat Window Open [%s]" { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:windowopen" }
Switch Livingroom_Thermostat_Locked "Thermostat Locked [%s]" { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:locked" }
String Livingroom_Thermostat_Mode "Thermostat Mode [%s]" { channel="deconz:thermostat:homeserver:livingroom-thermostat:mode" }
Dimmer Livingroom_Ceiling "Livingroom Ceiling [%d]" <light> { channel="deconz:dimmablelight:homeserver:livingroom-ceiling:brightness" }
Color Livingroom "Livingroom Light Control" { channel="deconz:lightgroup:homeserver:livingroom:color" }
Switch Entrance_Door "Doorlock" { channel="deconz:doorlock:homeserver:entrance-door:lock" }
String Entrance_Siren "Siren [%s]" <alarm> { channel="deconz:warningdevice:homeserver:entrance-siren:alert" }
rule "example trigger rule"
Channel "deconz:switch:homeserver:livingroom-hue-tap:buttonevent" triggered 34 // Hue Tap Button 1 pressed
Thing Actions Example
:::: tabs
::: tab JavaScript
deconzActions = actions.get("deconz", "deconz:lightgroup:00212E040ED9:5");
retVal = deconzActions.createScene("TestScene");
::: tab DSL
val deconzActions = getActions("deconz", "deconz:lightgroup:00212E040ED9:5");
var retVal = deconzActions.createScene("TestScene");
By default, state updates are ignored for 250ms after a command.
If your light takes more than that to change from one state to another, you might experience a problem with jumping sliders/color pickers.
In that case the transitiontime
parameter should be changed to the desired time.