coop-git 7dfebd66ce
[dsmr] Add support for capacity tariff for Belgium (#15038)
* Added support for capacity tafiff for Belgium

Signed-off-by: Lennert Coopman <>
2024-03-12 05:33:39 +01:00
src [dsmr] Add support for capacity tariff for Belgium (#15038) 2024-03-12 05:33:39 +01:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 [dsmr] Add support for capacity tariff for Belgium (#15038) 2024-03-12 05:33:39 +01:00
pom.xml Apply spotless after release (#16097) 2023-12-22 23:30:38 +01:00

DSMR Binding

The DSMR-binding is targeted towards Dutch, Belgium, Luxembourger and Austrian users having a smart meter (Dutch: 'Slimme meter'). Data of Dutch/Belgium/Luxembourg/Austrian smart meters can be obtained via the P1-port. When connecting this port from a serial port the data can be read out.

This binding reads the P1-port of:

  • Dutch Smart Meters that comply to NTA8130, DSMR v2.1, DSMR v2.2, DSMR v3.0, DSMR v4.0, DSMR v4.04, and DSMR 5.0.
  • Belgium Smart Meters that comply to e-MUCS v1.0.
  • Luxembourgs electricity meter "Smarty" that comply to V1.0.
  • Austrian electricity meters.

Although DSMR v4.2 is not an official specification, the binding has support for this version.

If you are not living in the Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg but do want to read a meter please have look at the SmartMeter Binding. Because the Dutch Meter standard is based on the IEC-62056-21 standard it might be desirable to build support for other country metering systems based on that standard in this binding.

Serial Port Configuration

The P1-port is a serial port. To configure the serial port within openHAB see the general documentation about serial port configuration.

Supported Things

dsmrBridge (The Netherlands/Belgium)

dsmrBridge: This is the device that communicated between the binding (serial) and its internal meters. You always have to have a 'Dutch/Belgium Smart Meter'-bridge. The bridge contains the serial port configuration. Specific meters are bound via the bridge to the smart meter. A smart meter consists typically out of minimal 2 meters. A generic meter and the electricity meter. Each meter is bound to the DSMR protocol the physical meter supports. For each meter it is possible to set a refresh rate at which the status is updated. The physical meter might update with a high frequency per second, while it is desired to have only values per minute.

The Belgium e-MUCS protocol is an extension to the DSMR standard. Belgium meters have emucs in the thing name. Due to it similarities the bridge for Belgium meters is also a dsmrBridge.

smartyBridge (Luxembourg, Austria)

smartyBridge: This is the device that communicated between the binding (serial) and its internal meters. You always have to have a 'Smarty Smart Meter'-bridge. The bridge contains the serial port configuration.


The dsmrBridge and meters can be discovered via the discovery process. The smartyBridge can be discovered. Because the smartyBridge requires a decryption key. You need to set the decryption key when the bridge is added. After the decryption key is set a new discovery can be started to discover the meter.

If a bridge is manually configured it is possible to auto detect available meters.


The configuration for the dsmrBridge consists of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
serialPort The serial port where the P1-port is connected to (e.g. Linux: /dev/ttyUSB1, Windows: COM2) (mandatory)
receivedTimeout The time out period in which messages are expected to arrive, default is 120 seconds
baudrate Baudrate when no auto detect. valid values: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
databits Data bits when no auto detect. valid values: 5, 6, 7, 8
parity Parity when no auto detect. valid values: E(ven), N(one), O(dd)
stopbits Stop bits when no auto detect. valid values: 1, 1.5, 2

The configuration for the smartyBridge consists of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
serialPort The serial port where the P1-port is connected to (e.g. Linux: /dev/ttyUSB1, Windows: COM2) (mandatory)
decryptionKey The meter specific decryption key (mandatory)
additionalKey Additional key for meters that require a secondary key. Some meters in Austria require this
receivedTimeout The time out period in which messages are expected to arrive, default is 120 seconds

Note: The manual configuration is only needed if the DSMR-device requires non DSMR-standard Serial Port parameters (i.e. something different then 115200 8N1 or 9600 7E1)


If there are unexpected configuration issues. For example a meter could not be found or not all channels expected are available. Than run the discovery process and look into the log file. There are extra checks that can give more information about what might be wrong.


The information in this paragraph in necessary if you choose to configure the meters manually in a .things file.

Supported meters:

Meter Thing Thing type ID M-Bus channel Refresh rate
DSMR V2 / V3 Device device_v2_v3 -1 10 seconds
DSMR V4 Device device_v4 -1 10 seconds
DSMR V5 Device device_v5 -1 10 seconds
e-MUCS V1.0 Device device_emucs_v1_0 -1 ?
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 Electricity meter electricity_ace4000 0 10 seconds
DSMR V2.1 Electricity meter electricity_v2_1 0 10 seconds
DSMR V2.2 Electricity meter electricity_v2_2 0 10 seconds
DSMR V3 Electricity meter electricity_v3_0 0 10 seconds
DSMR V4.0 Electricity meter electricity_v4_0 0 10 seconds
DSMR V4.0.4 Electricity meter electricity_v4_0_4 0 10 seconds
DSMR V4.2 Electricity meter electricity_v4_2 0 10 seconds
DSMR V5 Electricity meter electricity_v5_0 0 10 seconds
e-MUCS V1.0 Electricity meter electricity_emucs_v1_0 0 ?
Smarty V1.0 Electricity Meter electricity_smarty_v1_0 0 10 seconds
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 Gas meter gas_ace4000 3 1 hour
DSMR V2.1 Gas meter gas_v2_1 0 24 hours
DSMR V2.2 Gas meter gas_v2_2 0 24 hours
DSMR V3.0 Gas meter gas_v3_0 note 1 1 hour
e-MUCS V1.0 Gas meter gas_emucs_v1_0 note 1 ?
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 Cooling meter cooling_ace4000 6 1 hour
DSMR V2.2 Cooling meter cooling_v2_2 0 1 hour
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 Heating meter heating_ace4000 4 1 hour
DSMR V2.2 Heating meter heating_v2_2 0 1 hour
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 Water meter water_ace4000 5 1 hour
DSMR V2.2 Water meter water_v2_2 0 1 hour
DSMR V3.0 Water meter water_v3_0 note 1 1 hour
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 1st Slave Electricity meter slave_electricity1_ace4000 1 1 hour
ACE4000 GTMM Mk3 2nd Slave Electricity meter slave_electricity2_ace4000 2 1 hour
DSMR V4.x Slave Electricity meter slave_electricity_v4 note 1 1 hour
DSMR V5 Slave Electricity meter slave_electricity_v5 note 1 5 minutes
DSMR V3.0 Generic meter generic_v3_0 note 1 1 hour
DSMR V3.0 Giga Joule meter (heating or cooling) gj_v3_0 note 1 1 hour
DSMR V4.x Giga Joule meter (heating or cooling) gj_v4 note 1 1 hour
DSMR V5 Giga Joule meter (heating or cooling) gj_v5_0 note 1 5 minutes
DSMR V4.x m3 meter (gas or water) m3_v4 note 1 1 hour
DSMR V5 m3 meter (gas or water) m3_v5_0 note 1 5 minutes

note 1. The channel of these meters is dependent on the physical installation and corresponds to the M-Bus channel. You can ask your supplier / installer for this information or you can retrieve it from the logfiles (see Determine M-Bus channel).


The configuration for the meters consists of the following parameters:

Parameter Description
refresh Time in seconds with which the state of the device is updated. Default is 60 seconds
channel M-Bus channel. See the table above


Bridge dsmr:dsmrBridge:myDSMRDevice [serialPort="/dev/ttyUSB0"] {
        device_v5 dsmrDeviceV5 [channel=-1]
        electricity_v5_0 electricityV5 [channel=0]


Item configuration

Item configuration can be done in the regular way.

Manual configuration: The following channels are supported:

  • Y channel is supported
  • - channel is not supported
  • O channel is supported only if the device has this functionality
Channel Type ID Item Type Description Ace4000 DSMR V2.1 DSMR V2.2 DSMR V3.0 DSMR V4.0 DSMR V4.0.4 DSMR V4.2 DSMR V5 SMARTY V1.0 e-MUCS V1.0 Austian
Channels for the generic device
p1_text_code String Text code from the device - Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - -
p1_text_string String Text string from the device - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y -
p1_version_output String Version information (most times this refers to the DSMR specification) - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - Y
p1_emucs_version_output String e-MUCS version information - - - - - - - - Y y -
p1_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last device reading - - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Channels for the cooling meter
cmeter_value_v2 Number:Energy The total amount of cooling used in the past period (GJ) Y - Y - - - - - - - -
cmeter_value_v2_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last meter reading Y - Y - - - - - - - -
cmeter_equipment_identifier_v2_2 String Equipment identifier - - Y - - - - - - - -
Channels for the main electricity meter
emeter_equipment_identifier_v2_x String Electricity Equipment identifier - Y Y - - - - - Y - -
emeter_equipment_identifier String Electricity Equipment identifier - - - Y Y Y Y Y - Y -
emeter_delivery_tariff0 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 0 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_delivery_tariff1 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 1 (kWh) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y
emeter_delivery_tariff2 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 2 (kWh) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y
emeter_production_tariff0 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity produced for tariff 0 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_production_tariff1 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity produced for tariff 1 (kWh) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y
emeter_production_tariff2 Number:Energy Total amount of electricity produced for tariff 2 (kWh) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y
emeter_delivery_tariff0_antifraud Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 2 [antifraud] (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_delivery_tariff1_antifraud Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 1 [antifraud] (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_delivery_tariff2_antifraud Number:Energy Total amount of electricity used for tariff 2 [antifraud] (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_total_imported_energy_register_q Number:Energy Total Imported Energy (Q+) (kvarh) - - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_total_imported_energy_register_r_rate1 Number:Energy Total Imported Energy Rate 1 (kvarh) - - - - - - - - - - Y
emeter_total_imported_energy_register_r_rate2 Number:Energy Total Imported Energy Rate 2 (kvarh) - - - - - - - - - - Y
emeter_total_exported_energy_register_q Number:Energy Total Exported Energy (Q-) (kvarh) - - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_total_exported_energy_register_r_rate1 Number:Energy Total Exported Energy Rate 1 (kvarh) - - - - - - - - - - Y
emeter_total_exported_energy_register_r_rate2 Number:Energy Total Exported Energy Rate 2 (kvarh) - - - - - - - - - - Y
emeter_tariff_indicator String Current tariff indicator Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y -
emeter_treshold_a_v2_1 Number:ElectricCurrent Actual threshold (A) - Y - - - - - - - - -
emeter_treshold_a Number:ElectricCurrent Actual threshold (A) Y - Y Y - - - - - - -
emeter_fuse_threshold_a Number:ElectricCurrent Active fuse threshold (A) - - - - - - - - - Y -
emeter_treshold_kwh Number:Power Actual threshold (kW) - - - - Y Y - - - Y -
emeter_switch_position_v2_1 Number Switch position - Y - - - - - - - - -
emeter_switch_position Number Switch position Y - Y Y Y Y - - Y Y -
emeter_active_import_power Number:Power Aggregate active import power (W) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_actual_delivery Number:Power Current power delivery (kW) - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
emeter_actual_production Number:Power Current power production (kW) - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
emeter_actual_demand Number:Power Current power delivery demand (kW) - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
emeter_maximum_demand_current_month Number:Power Maximum power delivery demand current month (kW) - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
emeter_actual_reactive_delivery Number Actual Reactive Power Delivery (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_actual_reactive_production Number Actual Reactive Power Production (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - Y
emeter_active_threshold_smax Number Active threshold (SMAX) (kVA) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_threshold_kw Number:Power Active threshold (SMAX) (kVA) - - - Y Y Y - - Y Y -
emeter_power_failures Number Number of power failures - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_long_power_failures Number Number of long power failures - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
emeter_power_failure_log_entries Number Number of entries in the power failure log - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_power_failure_log_timestamp[x] note 2 DateTime Timestamp for entry [x] in the power failure log - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_power_failure_log_duration[x] note 2 Number:Time Duration for entry [x] the power failure log - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_voltage_sags_l1 Number Number of voltage sags L1 - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_voltage_sags_l2 Number Number of voltage sags L2 - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_voltage_sags_l3 Number Number of voltage sags L3 - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_voltage_swells_l1 Number Number of voltage swells L1 - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
emeter_voltage_swells_l2 Number Number of voltage swells L2 - - - - O O O O - - -
emeter_voltage_swells_l3 Number Number of voltage swells L3 - - - - O O O O - - -
emeter_instant_current_l1 Number:ElectricCurrent Instant Current L1 (A) - - - - Y Y Y Y Y Y -
emeter_instant_current_l2 Number:ElectricCurrent Instant Current L2 (A) - - - - O O O O O Y -
emeter_instant_current_l3 Number:ElectricCurrent Instant Current L3 (A) - - - - O O O O O Y -
emeter_instant_power_delivery_l1 Number:Power Instant Power Delivery L1 (kW) - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_instant_power_delivery_l2 Number:Power Instant Power Delivery L2 (kW) - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_instant_power_delivery_l3 Number:Power Instant Power Delivery L3 (kW) - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_instant_power_production_l1 Number:Power Instant Power Production L1 (kW) - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - -
emeter_instant_power_production_l2 Number:Power Instant Power Production L2 (kW) - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_instant_power_production_l3 Number:Power Instant Power Production L3 (kW) - - - - O O O O O - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_delivery_l1 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Delivery L1 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_delivery_l2 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Delivery L2 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_delivery_l3 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Delivery L3 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_production_l1 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Prodcution L1 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_production_l2 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Prodcution L2 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_reactive_power_production_l3 Number:Power Instant Reactive Power Prodcution L3 (kvar) - - - - - - - - Y - -
emeter_instant_voltage_l1 Number:ElectricPotential Instant Voltage L1 (V) - - - - - - - Y - Y -
emeter_instant_voltage_l2 Number:ElectricPotential Instant Voltage L2 (V) - - - - - - - O - Y -
emeter_instant_voltage_l3 Number:ElectricPotential Instant Voltage L3 (V) - - - - - - - O - Y -
Channels for the slave electricity meter
meter_device_type String Slave Electricity Meter Device Type - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
meter_equipment_identifier String Slave Electricity Meter ID - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
emeter_delivery_tariff0 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity used for tariff 0 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_delivery_tariff1 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity used for tariff 1 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_delivery_tariff2 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity used for tariff 2 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_production_tariff0 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity produced for tariff 0 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_production_tariff1 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity produced for tariff 1 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_production_tariff2 Number:Energy Total amount of slave electricity produced for tariff 2 (kWh) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_tariff_indicator String Current slave tariff indicator Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_treshold_a Number:ElectricCurrent Actual slave threshold (A) Y - - - - - - - - - -
meter_switch_position Number Slave electricity switch position Y - - Y Y Y - - - - -
emeter_active_import_power Number:Power Slave aggregate active import power (W) Y - - - - - - - - - -
emeter_value Number:Energy Slave electricity usage (kWh) in the past period - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
emeter_value_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
Channels for the gas meter
meter_device_type String Gas Meter Device Type - - - Y - - - - - Y -
meter_equipment_identifier String Gas Meter ID Y - - Y - - - - - Y -
gmeter_equipment_identifier_v2 String Gas Meter ID - Y Y - - - - - - - -
gmeter_24h_delivery_v2 Number:Volume Gas Delivery past 24 hours Y Y Y - - - - - - - -
gmeter_24h_delivery_v2_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading Y Y Y - - - - - - - -
gmeter_24h_delivery_compensated_v2 Number:Volume Gas Delivery past 24 hours (compensated) - Y Y - - - - - - - -
gmeter_24h_delivery_compensated_v2_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading - Y Y - - - - - - - -
gmeter_value_v3 Number:Volume Gas Delivery past period - - - Y - - - - - - -
gmeter_value_v3_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading - - - Y - - - - - - -
gmeter_last_value Number:Volume Gas Delivery last reading value - - - - - - - - - Y -
gmeter_last_value_timestamp DateTime Timesamp of last Gas Delivery reading - - - - - - - - - Y -
gmeter_valve_position_v2_1 Number Gas Valve position - Y - - - - - - - - -
gmeter_valve_position_v2_2 Number Gas Valve position Y - Y - - - - - - - -
meter_valve_switch_position Number Gas Valve position - - - Y - - - - - Y -
Channels for the generic meter
meter_device_type String Generic Meter Device Type - - - Y - - - - - - -
gmeter_equipment_identifier String Generic Meter ID - - - Y - - - - - - -
genmeter_value_v3 Number Delivery past period - - - Y - - - - - - -
meter_valve_switch_position Number Generic Meter Valve/Switch position - - - Y - - - - - - -
Channels for the GJ meter (Heating or Cooling) - -
meter_device_type String GJ Meter Device Type - - - Y Y Y Y Y -
meter_equipment_identifier Number GJ Meter ID - - - Y Y Y Y Y - - -
gjmeter_value_v3 Number:Energy GJ Delivery past period - - - Y - - - - - - -
gjmeter_value_v3_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading - - - Y - - - - - - -
gjmeter_value_v4 Number:Energy GJ Delivery past period - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
gjmeter_value_v4_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
Channels for the heating meter
meter_valve_switch_position Number GJ Meter Valve position - - - Y Y Y Y - - - -
meter_equipment_identifier String Heating Meter ID Y - - - - - - - - - -
hmeter_equipment_identifier_v2_2 String Heating Meter ID - - Y - - - - - - - -
hmeter_value_v2 Number:Energy Heating Delivery past period Y - Y - - - - - - - -
hmeter_value_v2_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading Y - Y - - - - - - - -
m3 Meter Device Type - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
meter_equipment_identifier String m3 Meter ID - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
m3meter_value Number:Volume m3 Delivery past period - - - - Y Y Y Y - - -
meter_valve_switch_position Number m3 Meter Valve position - - - - Y Y Y - - - -
Channels for the water meter
meter_device_type String Water Meter Device Type - - - Y - - - - - - -
meter_equipment_identifier String Water Meter ID Y - - Y - - - - - - -
wmeter_equipment_identifier_v2_2 String Water Meter ID - - Y - - - - - - - -
wmeter_value_v2 Number:Volume Water Delivery past period Y - Y - - - - - - - -
wmeter_value_v2_timestamp DateTime Timestamp of the last reading Y - Y - - - - - - - -
wmeter_value_v3 Number:Volume Water Delivery past period - - - Y - - - - - - -
meter_valve_switch_position Number Water Meter Valve position - - - Y - - - - - - -

note 2. The power failure log has a dynamic number of entries starting at 0. So emeter_power_failure_log_timestamp0, emeter_power_failure_log_duration0 refers to the first entry, emeter_power_failure_log_timestamp1, emeter_power_failure_log_duration1 refers to the second entry, etc.

Channel identifier: dsmr:<ThingTypeID>:<bridge id>:<id>:<channel type id>

  • ThingTypeID. See table with supported meters
  • BridgeID. The configured id for the bridge
  • id. The configured id for the ThingType you want to address
  • channel type id. The channel type id

The following configuration must to be added to an item configuration file. E.g. things/dsmr.items

ItemType <name> "<description>" (<Group>) {channel="<Channel identifier>"}
Number:Energy MeterDeliveryTariff0 "Delivered Low Tariff [%.3f kWh]" {channel="dsmr:electricity_v5_0:mysmartmeter:electricityV5:emeter_delivery_tariff1}

Full configuration example


Bridge dsmr:dsmrBridge:mysmartmeter [serialPort="/dev/ttyUSB0"] {
        device_v5 dsmrV5Device [channel=-1]
        electricity_v5_0 electricityV5 [channel=0]


String P1Version "P1 Version output" {channel="dsmr:device_v5:mysmartmeter:dsmrV5Device:p1_version_output"}
Number:Energy MeterDeliveryTariff0 "Delivered Low Tariff [%.3f kWh]" {channel="dsmr:electricity_v5_0:mysmartmeter:electricityV5:emeter_delivery_tariff1"}
Number:Energy MeterDeliveryTariff1 "Delivered High Tariff [%.3f kWh]" {channel="dsmr:electricity_v5_0:mysmartmeter:electricityV5:emeter_delivery_tariff2"}

Determine M-Bus channel

By manually trigger the discovery process, you can use the logging to find out a M-Bus channel. Look for the following logfile line: <Timestamp> [INFO ] [<class>] - New compatible meter: [Meter type: M3_V5_0, channel: 1, Meter type: ELECTRICITY_V5, channel: 0]

Here you find the ThingTypeID (it is stated only in capitals) and the M-Bus channel. The above example would lead to the following Thing definition

Bridge definition {
        m3_v5_0 mygasmeter [channel=1]
        electricity_v5 [channel=0]