Wouter Born dd38c237a8
Remove readme.txt from transformation bundles (#16366)
Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2024-02-04 14:56:01 +01:00
src Remove readme.txt from transformation bundles (#16366) 2024-02-04 14:56:01 +01:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 Fix Markdown warnings in (#14187) 2023-01-09 17:51:12 +01:00
pom.xml Apply spotless after release (#16097) 2023-12-22 23:30:38 +01:00

XPath Transformation Service

Transforms an XML input using an XPath expression.


Basic Example

Given a retrieved XML

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PTZStatus version="2.0" >

The XPath /PTZStatus/AbsoluteHigh/azimuth/text() returns the document


Advanced Example

Given a retrieved XML (e.g. from an HIK Vision device with the namespace xmlns=""):

Input XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PTZStatus version="2.0" xmlns="">

A simple xpath query to fetch the Azimut value does not work as it does not address the namespace.

There are two ways to address the namespace.

  • Simple path which may not work in complex XML.
  • With full qualified path.

The XPath

  • [name()='PTZStatus']/*[name()='AbsoluteHigh']/*[name()='azimuth']/
  • /*[local-name()='PTZStatus' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='AbsoluteHigh' and namespace-uri()='']/*[local-name()='azimuth' and namespace-uri()='']



In Setup


String  Temperature_xml "Temperature [XPATH(/*[name()='PTZStatus']/*[name()='AbsoluteHigh']/*[name()='azimuth']/):%s °C]" {...}
Number  Temperature "Temperature [%.1f °C]"


rule "Convert XML to Item Type Number"
    Item Temperature_xml changed
    // use the transformation service to retrieve the value
    // Simple
    val mytest = transform("XPATH", "/*[name()='PTZStatus']
                                    Temperature_xml.state.toString )  
    // Fully qualified
    val mytest = transform("XPATH", "/*[local-name()='PTZStatus'    and namespace-uri()='']
                                     /*[local-name()='AbsoluteHigh' and namespace-uri()='']
                                     /*[local-name()='azimuth'      and namespace-uri()='']
                                    Temperature_xml.state.toString )

    // post the new value to the Number Item
    Temperature.postUpdate( newValue )

Now the resulting Number can also be used in the label to change the color or in a rule as value for comparison.

Usage as a Profile

The functionality of this TransformationService can be used in a Profile on an ItemChannelLink too. To do so, it can be configured in the .items file as follows:

String <itemName> { channel="<channelUID>"[profile="transform:XPATH", function="<xpath>", sourceFormat="<valueFormat>"]}

The XPath expression to be executed has to be set in the function parameter. The parameter sourceFormat is optional and can be used to format the input value before the transformation, i.e. %.3f. If omitted the default is %s, so the input value will be put into the transformation without any format changes.

Please note: This profile is a one-way transformation, i.e. only values from a device towards the item are changed, the other direction is left untouched.

Further Reading