Holger Friedrich 639a1cb263
Prepare for OH 5.0.0 (#17906)
* Switch to 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT
* Fix spotless after unleash
* resolve itest runbundles

Signed-off-by: Holger Friedrich <>
2024-12-15 20:30:05 +01:00
src/main Provide unit hints for humidity/noise/volume channels (#16614) 2024-04-07 14:08:53 +02:00
NOTICE [Documentation] Markdown improvements t to z (#14371) 2023-04-11 12:54:54 +02:00
pom.xml Prepare for OH 5.0.0 (#17906) 2024-12-15 20:30:05 +01:00

WeatherUnderground Binding

This binding uses the Weather Underground service for providing weather information for any location worldwide.

The Weather Underground API is provided by The Weather Underground, LLC (WUL) free of charge but there is a daily limit and minute rate limit to the number of requests that can be made to the API for free (until 2018/12/31). WUL will monitor your daily usage of the API to determine if you have exceeded the free-use threshold by using an API key. You may exceed this threshold only if you are or become a fee paying subscriber. By using this binding, you confirm that you agree with the Weather Underground API terms and conditions of use.

To use this binding, you first need to register and get your API key .

Supported Things

There are exactly two supported thing types. The first one is the bridge thing, which represents the connection to the Weather Underground service through the API key. It has the id bridge. The second one is the weather thing, which represents the weather information for an observed location. It has the id weather. Each weather thing uses a bridge thing ; it cannot be set online if no bridge thing is defined.


If a system location is set, "Local Weather" will be automatically discovered for this location.

If the system location is changed, the background discovery updates the configuration of "Local Weather" automatically.

If a bridge is correctly configured, the discovered thing will automatically go online.

Binding Configuration

The binding has no configuration options, all configuration is done at Thing and Channel levels.

Thing Configuration

The bridge only has one configuration parameter:

Parameter Description
apikey API key to access the Weather Underground service. Mandatory.

The thing has a few configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
location Location to be considered by the Weather Underground service. Mandatory.
language Language to be used by the Weather Underground service. Optional, the default is to use the language from the system locale.
refresh Refresh interval in minutes. Optional, the default value is 30 minutes and the minimum value is 5 minutes.

For the location parameter, different syntaxes are possible:

Syntax Example
US state/city CA/San_Francisco
US zipcode 60290
country/city Australia/Sydney
latitude,longitude 37.8,-122.4
airport code KJFK

It can happen that the service is not able to determine the station to use, for example when you select as location a city in which several stations are registered. In this case, the thing configuration will fail because the service will not return the data expected by the binding. The best solution in this case is to use as location latitude and longitude, the service will automatically select a station from this position.

For the language parameter Weather Underground uses a special set of language codes which are different from ISO 639-1 standard, for example for German use DL or Swedish use SW. See Weather Underground language support documentation for a detailed list.


The weather information that is retrieved is available as these channels:

Channel Group ID Channel ID Item Type Description
Current location String Weather observation location
Current stationId String Weather station identifier
Current observationTime DateTime Observation date and time
Current conditions String Weather conditions
Current temperature Number:Temperature Temperature
Current relativeHumidity Number:Dimensionless Relative humidity
Current windDirection String Wind direction
Current windDirectionDegrees Number:Angle Wind direction as an angle
Current windSpeed Number:Speed Wind speed
Current windGust Number:Speed Wind gust
Current pressure Number:Pressure Pressure
Current pressureTrend String Pressure trend ("up", "stable" or "down")
Current dewPoint Number:Temperature Dew Point temperature
Current heatIndex Number:Temperature Heat Index
Current windChill Number:Temperature Wind chill temperature
Current feelingTemperature Number:Temperature Feeling temperature
Current visibility Number:Length Visibility
Current solarRadiation Number:Intensity Solar radiation
Current UVIndex Number UV Index
Current precipitationDay Number:Length Rain fall during the day
Current precipitationHour Number:Length Rain fall during the last hour
Current icon Image Icon representing the weather current conditions
Current iconKey String Key used in the icon URL
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 forecastTime DateTime Forecast date and time
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 conditions String Weather forecast conditions
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 minTemperature Number:Temperature Minimum temperature
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 maxTemperature Number:Temperature Maximum temperature
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 relativeHumidity Number:Dimensionless Relative humidity
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 probaPrecipitation Number:Dimensionless Probability of precipitation
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 precipitationDay Number:Length Rain fall
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 snow Number:Length Snow fall
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 maxWindDirection String Maximum wind direction
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 maxWindDirectionDegrees Number:Angle Maximum wind direction as an angle
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 maxWindSpeed Number:Speed Maximum wind speed
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 averageWindDirection String Average wind direction
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 averageWindDirectionDegrees Number:Angle Average wind direction as an angle
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 averageWindSpeed Number:Speed Average wind speed
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 icon Image Icon representing the weather forecast conditions
forecastToday forecastTomorrow forecastDay2 ... forecastDay9 iconKey String Key used in the icon URL

Full Example


Bridge weatherunderground:bridge:api "API" [ apikey="XXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
        Thing weather paris "Météo Paris" [ location="France/Paris", language="FR", refresh=15 ]


String Conditions "Conditions [%s]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#conditions"}
Image Icon "Icon" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#icon"}
String IconKey "Icon key [%s]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#iconKey"}
DateTime ObservationTime "Observation time [%1$tH:%1$tM]" <clock>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#observationTime"}
String ObservationLocation "Location [%s]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#location"}
String Station "Station [%s]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#stationId"}

Number:Temperature Temperature "Current temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#temperature"}
Number:Temperature FeelTemp "Feeling temperature [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#feelingTemperature"}

Number:Dimensionless Humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#relativeHumidity"}
Number:Pressure Pressure "Pressure [%.0f %unit%]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#pressure"}
String PressureTrend "Pressure trend [%s]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#pressureTrend"}

Number:Length RainD "Rain [%.1f &unit%]" <rain> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#precipitationDay"}
Number:Length RainH "Rain [%.1f %unit%/h]" <rain> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#precipitationHour"}

String WindDirection "Wind direction [%s]" <wind> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#windDirection"}
Number:Angle WindDirection2 "Wind direction [%.0f %unit%]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#windDirectionDegrees"}
Number:Speed WindSpeed "Wind speed [%.1f %unit%]" <wind> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#windSpeed"}
Number:Speed WindGust "Wind gust [%.1f %unit%]" <wind> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#windGust"}

Number:Temperature DewPoint "Dew Point [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#dewPoint"}
Number:Temperature HeatIndex "Heat Index [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#heatIndex"}
Number:Temperature WindChill "Wind Chill [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#windChill"}
Number:Length Visibility "Visibility [%.1f %unit%]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#visibility"}
Number:Intensity SolarRadiation "Solar Radiation [%.2f %unit%]"  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#solarRadiation"}
Number UV "UV Index [%.1f]" {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:current#UVIndex"}

DateTime ForecastTime "Forecast time [%1$tH:%1$tM]" <clock>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#forecastTime"}
String ForecastCondition "Forecast conditions [%s]"  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#conditions"}
Image ForecastIcon "Forecast icon"  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#icon"}
String ForecastIconKey "Forecast icon key [%s]"  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#iconKey"}
Number:Temperature ForecastTempMin "Forecast min temp [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#minTemperature"}
Number:Temperature ForecastTempMax "Forecast max temp [%.1f %unit%]" <temperature>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#maxTemperature"}
Number:Dimensionless ForecastHumidity "Forecast Humidity [%d %unit%]" <humidity>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#relativeHumidity"}
Number:Dimensionless ForecastProbaPrecip "Proba precip [%d %unit%]" <rain>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#probaPrecipitation"}
Number:Length ForecastRain "Rain [%.1f %unit%]" <rain> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#precipitationDay"}
Number:Length ForecastSnow "Snow [%.2f %unit%]" <rain> {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#snow"}
String ForecastMaxWindDirection "Max wind direction [%s]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#maxWindDirection"}
Number:Angle ForecastMaxWindDirection2 "Max wind direction [%.0f %unit%]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#maxWindDirectionDegrees"}
Number:Speed ForecastMaxWindSpeed "Max wind speed [%.1f %unit%]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#maxWindSpeed"}
String ForecastAvgWindDirection "Avg wind direction [%s]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#averageWindDirection"}
Number:Angle ForecastAvgWindDirection2 "Avg wind direction [%.0f %unit%]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#averageWindDirectionDegrees"}
Number:Speed ForecastAvgWindSpeed "Avg wind speed [%.1f %unit%]" <wind>  {channel="weatherunderground:weather:api:paris:forecastToday#averageWindSpeed"}