
136 lines
4.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package proto;
option java_package = "com.daimler.mbcarkit.proto";
// SubscriptionRequest is sent to an actor to indicate that the sender wants to subscribe
// to events of specific topics. By convention the "Sender" property of the actor message is the
// Subscriber and will receive the events.
message SubscribeRequest {
// An array of topics for which the Subscriber wants to be notified from the Receiver of this message
repeated string topics = 1;
// indicates whether the previous set of topics should be replaced or whether the content of
// topics should be merged into the already existing set of topics in the publisher actor. E.g. You're already
// subscribed to topics A and B. If you send a SubscribeRequest with B and C:
// replace = true -> you are subscribed to B and C
// replace = false -> you are subscribed to A, B and C
bool replace = 2;
// SubscribeResponse is returned by the actor which received a SubscribeRequest. In case of a successful subscription
// success will be true and error_codes empty/nil. In case of an error the errors map will contain
// information that points to the reason for failure. The error map's keys are topics that have resulted in an error.
// The message also contains all successfully subscribed topics under the `subscribed_topics` key.
// By convention if an SubscribeRequest is sent for topics that have already been subscribed to, the SubscribeResponse
// will be successful and no error will be returned.
message SubscribeResponse {
bool success = 1;
map<string, SubscriptionError> errors = 2;
repeated string subscribed_topics = 3;
// UnsubscribeRequest is sent to an actor to indicate that the sender wants to unsubscribe
// from events specified by the topics array.
message UnsubscribeRequest {
// An array of topics for which the Subscriber does not want to receive any more messages
repeated string topics = 1;
// Whether the publisher should respond
bool anticipate_response = 2;
// UnsubscribeResponse is returned by the actor which received a UnsubscribeRequest. In case of a successful removal,
// success will be true and error_codes empty/nil. In case of an error the errors map will contain
// information that points to the reason for failure. The error map's keys are topics that have resulted in an error.
// The message also contains all successfully subscribed topics under the `unsubscribed_topics` key.
// By convention if an UnsubscribeRequest is sent for topics that have already been unsubscribed from the UnsubscribeResponse
// will be successful and no error will be returned.
message UnsubscribeResponse {
bool success = 1;
map<string, SubscriptionError> errors = 2;
repeated string unsubscribed_topics = 3;
enum SubscriptionErrorType {
message SubscriptionError {
repeated SubscriptionErrorType code = 1;
repeated string message = 2; // Optional
// Sent from Websocket-Service -> AppTwin
message SubscribeToAppTwinRequest {
string session_id = 1;
string ciam_id = 2;
// additional data
string device_locale = 3;
string app_id = 4;
string app_version = 5;
OperatingSystemName os_name = 6;
string os_version = 7;
string device_model = 8;
string network_carrier = 9;
string sdk_version = 10;
message ResubscribeToAppTwinRequest {
string session_id = 1;
string ciam_id = 2;
message ResubscribeToAppTwinResponse {
enum ResubscribeResult {
ResubscribeResult result = 1;
enum OperatingSystemName {
IOS = 1;
WEB = 5;
// Sent from AppTwin -> Websocket-Service
message SubscribeToAppTwinResponse {
bool success = 1;
SubscriptionErrorType error_code = 2;
message UnsubscribeFromAppTwinRequest {
string session_id = 1;
message UnsubscribeFromAppTwinResponse {
bool success = 1;
map<string, SubscriptionError> errors = 2;
message Heartbeat {}
// This message is used to tell the App which vehicles are assigned to the current user.
// The message is sent when the AppTwin is fully initialized (i.e. when it received the first vcb-response)
// The list of VINs is needed when a user gets unassigned from a vehicle while not connected to an AppTwin
// In this case the vehicle would still show in the app the next time the user starts it (see
// To prevent this, we tell the App which VINs are assigned via this message
message AssignedVehicles {
repeated string vins = 1;
message AcknowledgeAssignedVehicles {}