* Update license headers to 2025 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net> |
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SensorCommunity Binding
Binding for the Sensor.Community. The community provides instructions to build sensors on your own and they can be integrated into the database. With this binding you can integrate your sensor, a sensor nearby or even any sensors you want into openHAB.
Supported Things
Three Things are supported
Name | Thing Type ID | Description |
Particulate Sensor | particulate | measure particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10 |
Conditions Sensor | condition | measures environment conditions like temperature, humidity and some also provides atmospheric pressure |
Noise Sensor | noise | measures noise exposures in the environment |
There's no auto discovery. See Thing configuration how to setup a Sensor.
Thing Configuration
Choose either a local IP address of your personal owned sensor or a sensor id of an external one.
Parameter | Description |
ipAddress | Local IP address of your personal owned sensor |
sensorid | Sensor ID obtained from https://deutschland.maps.sensor.community/ |
Local Sensor
Please check in your browser if you can access your sensor with your local IP address.
External Sensor
Perform the following steps to get the appropriate Sensor ID
- Go to to Sensor.Community map
- Choose your desired value in bottom list - now only the Sensors are displayed which are supporting this
- Click on your / any Sensor and the ID is displayed in the top right corner. Note: Sensor ID is just the number without beginning hash #
- Enter this Sensor ID into the thing configuration
Particulate Sensor
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
pm25 | Number:Density | Ultrafine particulates microgram per cubic meter |
pm100 | Number:Density | Coarse particulate matter microgram per cubic meter |
Conditions Sensor
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
temperature | Number:Temperature | current temperature |
humidity | Number:Dimensionless | current humidity percent |
pressure | Number:Pressure | Atmospheric Pressure (not supported by all sensors) |
pressure-sea | Number:Pressure | Atmospheric Pressure on sea level (not supported by all sensors) |
Noise Sensor
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
noise-eq | Number:Dimensionless | Average noise in db |
noise-min | Number:Dimensionless | Minimum noise covered in the last 2.5 minutes in db |
noise-main | Number:Dimensionless | Maximum noise covered in the last 2.5 minutes in db |
Full Example
Thing sensorcommunity:particulate:pm_sensor "PM Sensor" [ ipAddress= ]
Thing sensorcommunity:conditions:cond_sensor "Condition Sensor" [ sensorid=28843 ]
Thing sensorcommunity:noise:noise_sensor "Noise Sensor" [ sensorid=39745 ]
Number:Density PM_25 "PM2.5" { channel="sensorcommunity:particulate:pm_sensor:pm25" }
Number:Density PM_100 "PM10" { channel="sensorcommunity:particulate:pm_sensor:pm100" }
Number:Temperature LDI_Temperature "Temperature" { channel="sensorcommunity:conditions:cond_sensor:temperature" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_Humidity "Humidity" { channel="sensorcommunity:conditions:cond_sensor:humidity" }
Number:Pressure LDI_Pressure "Atmospheric Pressure" { channel="sensorcommunity:conditions:cond_sensor:pressure" }
Number:Pressure LDI_PressureSea "Pressure sea level" { channel="sensorcommunity:conditions:cond_sensor:pressure-sea" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseEQ "Noise EQ" { channel="sensorcommunity:noise:noise_sensor:noise-eq" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseMin "Noise min" { channel="sensorcommunity:noise:noise_sensor:noise-min" }
Number:Dimensionless LDI_NoiseMax "Noise max" { channel="sensorcommunity:noise:noise_sensor:noise-max" }
sitemap SensorCommunity label="SensorCommunity" {
Text item=PM_25 label="Particulate Matter 2.5 [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=PM_100 label="Particulate Matter 10 [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Temperature label="Temperature [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Humidity label="Humidity [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_Pressure label="Atmospheric Pressure [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_PressureSea label="Atmospheric Pressure sea [%d %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseEQ label="Noise avg [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseMin label="Noise min [%.1f %unit%]"
Text item=LDI_NoiseMax label="Noise max [%.1f %unit%]"