* Update license headers to 2025 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net> |
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meteoblue Binding
The meteoblue binding uses the meteoblue weather service to provide weather information.
Supported Things
The binding has two thing types.
The first thing type is the weather thing. Each weather thing has the ID weather
and retrieves weather data for one location.
The second thing type is the bridge thing. The bridge thing, which has the ID bridge
, holds the API key to be used for all of
its child things.
Thing Configuration
Bridge Thing Configuration
Property | Default Value | Required? | Description |
apiKey | Yes | The api key to be used with the meteoblue service |
Weather Thing Configuration
Property | Default Value | Required? | Description |
location | Yes | The latitude, longitude, and optionally altitude of the location, separated by commas (e.g. 45.6,45.7,45.8). Altitude, if given, should be in meters. | |
refresh | 240 | No | The time between calls to refresh the weather data, in minutes |
serviceType | NonCommercial | No | The service type to be used. Either 'Commercial' or 'NonCommercial' |
timeZone | No | The time zone to use for the location. Optional, but the service recommends it be specified. The service gets the time zone from a database if not specified. |
Channel Groups
Group Name | Description |
forecastToday | Today's forecast |
forecastTomorrow | Tomorrow's forecast |
forecastDay2 | Forecast 2 days out |
forecastDay3 | Forecast 3 days out |
forecastDay4 | Forecast 4 days out |
forecastDay5 | Forecast 5 days out |
forecastDay6 | Forecast 6 days out |
Each of the following channels is supported in all of the channel groups.
Channel | Item Type | Description |
height | Number:Length | Altitude above sea-level of the location (in meters) |
forecastDate | DateTime | Forecast date |
UVIndex | Number | UltraViolet radiation index at ground level (0-16) |
minTemperature | Number:Temperature | Low temperature |
maxTemperature | Number:Temperature | High temperature |
meanTemperature | Number:Temperature | Mean temperature |
feltTemperatureMin | Number:Temperature | Low "feels like" temperature |
feltTemperatureMax | Number:Temperature | High "feels like" temperature |
relativeHumidityMin | Number | Low relative humidity |
relativeHumidityMax | Number | High relative humidity |
relativeHumidityMean | Number | Mean relative humidity |
precipitationProbability | Number | Percentage probability of precipitation |
precipitation | Number:Length | Total precipitation (water amount) |
convectivePrecipitation | Number:Length | Total rainfall (water amount) |
rainSpot | String | Precipitation distribution around the location |
rainArea | Image | Color-coded image generated from rainSpot |
snowFraction | Number | Percentage of precipitation falling as snow |
snowFall | Number:Length | Total snowfall (calculated) |
cardinalWindDirection | String | Name of the wind direction (eg. N, S, E, W, etc.) |
windDirection | Number | Wind direction (in degrees) |
minWindSpeed | Number:Speed | Low wind speed |
maxWindSpeed | Number:Speed | High wind speed |
meanWindSpeed | Number:Speed | Mean wind speed |
minSeaLevelPressure | Number:Pressure | Low sea level pressure |
maxSeaLevelPressure | Number:Pressure | High sea level pressure |
meanSeaLevelPressure | Number:Pressure | Mean sea level pressure |
condition | String | A brief description of the forecast weather condition (e.g. 'Overcast') |
Valid values range from 1 - 17 (see the meteoblue docs) | ||
icon | Image | Image used to represent the forecast (calculated) |
see Image icons below | ||
predictability | Number | Estimated certainty of the forecast (percentage) |
predictabilityClass | Number | Range 0-5 (0=very low, 5=very high) |
precipitationHours | Number | Total hours of the day with precipitation |
humidityGreater90Hours | Number | Total hours of the day with relative humidity greater than 90% |
Image Icons
To show the weather image icons in the UI, the image files need to be downloaded and installed in the conf/icons/classic
In the "Downloads" section at the bottom of the page, download the file named meteoblue_weather_pictograms_<date>.zip
The files to extract from the zip file and install in the folder will be named "iday*.png" or "iday*.svg".
Full Example
Bridge meteoblue:bridge:metBridge "metBridge" [ apiKey="XXXXXXXXXXXX" ] {
Thing weather A51 "Area 51" [ serviceType="NonCommercial", location="37.23,-115.5,1360", timeZone="America/Los_Angeles", refresh=240 ] {
// ----------------- meteoblue GROUPS ------------------------------------------
Group weatherDay0 "Today's Weather"
Group weatherDay1 "Tomorrow's Weather"
Group weatherDay2 "Weather in 2 days"
Group weatherDay3 "Weather in 3 days"
Group weatherDay4 "Weather in 4 days"
Group weatherDay5 "Weather in 5 days"
Group weatherDay6 "Weather in 6 days"
// ----------------- meteoblue ITEMS -------------------------------------------
DateTime todayForecastDate "Forecast for [%1$tY/%1$tm/%1$td]" <calendar> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#forecastDate"}
String todayPCode "Pictocode [%d]" <iday> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#condition"}
String todayCond "Condition [%s]" <iday> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#condition"}
Image todayIcon "Icon [%s]" (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#icon"}
Number todayUV "UV Index [%d]" (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#UVIndex"}
Number:Temperature todayTempL "Low Temp [%.2f °F]" <temperature> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#minTemperature"}
Number:Temperature todayTempH "High Temp [%.2f °F]" <temperature> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#maxTemperature"}
Number todayHumM "Mean Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#relativeHumidityMean"}
Number todayPrecPr "Prec. Prob. [%d %%]" (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#precipitationProbability"}
Number:Length todayPrec "Total Prec. [%.2f in]" <rain> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#precipitation"}
Number:Length todayRain "Rainfall [%.2f in]" <rain> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#convectivePrecipitation"}
Image todayRainArea "Rain area" <rain> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#rainArea"}
Number todaySnowF "Snow fraction [%.2f]" <climate> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#snowFraction"}
Number:Length todaySnow "Snowfall [%.2f in]" <rain> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#snowFall"}
Number:Pressure todayPressL "Low Pressure [%d %unit%]" <pressure> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#minSeaLevelPressure"}
Number:Pressure todayPressH "High Pressure [%d %unit%]" <pressure> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#maxSeaLevelPressure"}
Number todayWindDir "Wind Direction [%d]" <wind> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#windDirection"}
String todayCWindDir "Cardinal Wind Direction [%s]" <wind> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#cardinalWindDirection"}
Number:Speed todayWindSpL "Low Wind Speed [%.2f mph]" <wind> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#minWindSpeed"}
Number:Speed todayWindSpH "High Wind Speed [%.2f mph]" <wind> (weatherDay0) {channel="meteoblue:weather:metBridge:A51:forecastToday#maxWindSpeed"}
sitemap weather label="Weather"
Frame label="Weather" {
Group item=weatherDay0
Group item=weatherDay1
Group item=weatherDay2
Group item=weatherDay3
Group item=weatherDay4
Group item=weatherDay5
Group item=weatherDay6