* Update license headers to 2025 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net> |
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go-e Charger Binding
This Binding controls and reads data from the go-e Charger, which is a mobile wallbox for charging EVs and has an open REST API for reading data and configuration.
Supported Things
This binding supports go-e Charger HOME+ with 7.4kW, 11kW or 22kW as well as go-e Charger HOMEfix and go-e Charger Gemini with 11kW and 22kW.
- Install the binding
- Activate the local HTTP API in the go-e Charger app (Settings --> Connection --> API Settings --> "Allow access to local HTTP API vX"). Please note that v1 is the default, but more functions (channels) are supported by the API v2. However, v2 has to be supported by your go-e Charger (details see below).
- Configure the thing (see below).
Thing Configuration
The thing has three configuration parameters:
Parameter | Description | Required |
ip | The IP-address of your go-e Charger | yes |
apiVersion | The API version to use (1=default or 2) | no |
refreshInterval | Interval to read data, default 5 (in seconds) | no |
The apiVersion 2 is only available for go-e Charger with new hardware revision (CM-03, GM-10 and potentially others), which can be recognized with the serial number on the back of the device.
Currently available channels are:
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | API version |
maxCurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Maximum current allowed to use for charging | 1 (r/w), 2 (r/w) |
maxCurrentTemp | Number:ElectricCurrent | Maximum current temporary (not written to EEPROM) | 1 (r) |
pwmSignal | String | Signal status for PWM signal | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
error | String | Error code of charger | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
voltageL1 | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on L1 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
voltageL2 | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on L2 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
voltageL3 | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on L3 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
currentL1 | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on L1 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
currentL2 | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on L2 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
currentL3 | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on L3 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
powerL1 | Number:Power | Power on L1 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
powerL2 | Number:Power | Power on L2 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
powerL3 | Number:Power | Power on L2 | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
powerAll | Number:Power | Power over all three phases | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
phases | Number | Amount of phases currently used for charging | 1 (r), 2 (r/w) |
sessionChargeEnergyLimit | Number:Energy | Wallbox stops charging after defined value, disable with 0 | 1 (r/w), 2 (r/w) |
sessionChargedEnergy | Number:Energy | Amount of energy that has been charged in this session | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
totalChargedEnergy | Number:Energy | Amount of energy that has been charged since installation | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
transaction | Number | 0 if no card, otherwise card ID | 2 (r/w) |
allowCharging | Switch | If ON charging is allowed |
1 (r/w), 2 (r) |
cableCurrent | Number:ElectricCurrent | Specifies the max current that can be charged with that cable | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature of the curciuit board of the go-e Charger | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
temperatureType2Port | Number:Temperature | Temperature of the type 2 port of the go-e Charger | 2 (r) |
firmware | String | Firmware Version | 1 (r), 2 (r) |
accessConfiguration | String | Access configuration, for example OPEN, RFID ... | 1 (r/w) |
forceState | Number | Force state (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2) | 2 (r/w) |
awattarMaxPrice | Number | Awattar Max Price in ct | 2 (r/w) |
Full Example
Thing goecharger:goe:garage [ip="",refreshInterval=5]
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerMaxCurrent "Maximum current" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:maxCurrent"}
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerMaxCurrentTemp "Maximum current temporary" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:maxCurrentTemp"}
Number GoEChargerForceState "Force state" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:forceState"}
Number GoEChargerPhases "Phases" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:phases"}
String GoEChargerPwmSignal "Pwm signal status" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:pwmSignal"}
String GoEChargerError "Error code" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:error"}
Number:ElectricPotential GoEChargerVoltageL1 "Voltage l1" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:voltageL1"}
Number:ElectricPotential GoEChargerVoltageL2 "Voltage l2" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:voltageL2"}
Number:ElectricPotential GoEChargerVoltageL3 "Voltage l3" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:voltageL3"}
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerCurrentL1 "Current l1" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:currentL1"}
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerCurrentL2 "Current l2" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:currentL2"}
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerCurrentL3 "Current l3" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:currentL3"}
Number:Power GoEChargerPowerL1 "Power l1" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:powerL1"}
Number:Power GoEChargerPowerL2 "Power l2" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:powerL2"}
Number:Power GoEChargerPowerL3 "Power l3" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:powerL3"}
Number:Power GoEChargerPowerAll "Power over All" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:powerAll"}
Number:Energy GoEChargerSessionChargeEnergyLimit "Current session charge energy limit" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:sessionChargeEnergyLimit"}
Number:Energy GoEChargerSessionChargedEnergy "Current session charged energy" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:sessionChargedEnergy"}
Number:Energy GoEChargerTotalChargedEnergy "Total charged energy" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:totalChargedEnergy"}
Switch GoEChargerAllowCharging "Allow charging" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:allowCharging"}
Number:ElectricCurrent GoEChargerCableCurrent "Cable encoding" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:cableCurrent"}
Number:Temperature GoEChargerTemperatureType2Port "Temperature type 2 port" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:temperatureType2Port"}
Number:Temperature GoEChargerTemperatureCircuitBoard "Temperature circuit board" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:temperature"}
String GoEChargerFirmware "Firmware" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:firmware"}
String GoEChargerAccessConfiguration "Access configuration" {channel="goecharger:goe:garage:accessConfiguration"}
Setting charge current of go-e Charger based on photovoltaik output
You can easily define rules to charge with PV power alone. Here is a simple sample how such a rule could look like:
rule "Set max amps for PV charging"
Item availablePVCurrent received update
logInfo("Amps available: ", receivedCommand.state)
Advanced example:
rule "Set charging limit for go-e Charger"
Time cron "*/10 * * ? * *" // Trigger every 10 seconds
var actualMaxChargingCurrentInt = (GoEChargerMaxCurrent.state as Number).intValue
if (GoEChargerExcessCharge.state == ON) {
var currentChargingPower = GoEChargerPowerAll.state as Number
var totalPowerOutputInWatt = (Total_power_fast.state as DecimalType) * 1000
var availableChargingPowerInWatt = 0
if (totalPowerOutputInWatt > 0 && currentChargingPower > 0) {
// take care if already charging
availableChargingPowerInWatt = currentChargingPower.intValue - totalPowerOutputInWatt.intValue
} else {
if (totalPowerOutputInWatt > 0) {
totalPowerOutputInWatt = 0
availableChargingPowerInWatt = (totalPowerOutputInWatt.intValue * -1) + currentChargingPower.intValue
var maxAmp3Phases = (availableChargingPowerInWatt / 3) / 230
if (maxAmp3Phases > 16.0) {
maxAmp3Phases = 16.0
var maxAmp1Phase = availableChargingPowerInWatt / 230
if (maxAmp3Phases >= 6) {
// set force state to neutral (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2)
if (GoEChargerForceState.state != 0) {
// 3 phases
if (GoEChargerPhases.state != 3) {
if (actualMaxChargingCurrentInt != maxAmp3Phases.intValue) {
// logInfo("eCharger", "Set charging limit 3 Phases: " + maxAmp3Phases.intValue + " A")
} else {
if (maxAmp1Phase.intValue >= 6 ) {
// set force state to neutral (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2)
if (GoEChargerForceState.state != 0) {
// switch to 1 phase -> check if this is useful
if (GoEChargerPhases.state != 1) {
if (actualMaxChargingCurrentInt != maxAmp1Phase.intValue) {
// logInfo("eCharger", "Set charging limit 1 Phase: " + maxAmp1Phase.intValue + " A")
} else {
// switch off
if (GoEChargerForceState.state != 1) {
// logInfo("eCharger", "Switch charging off")
} else {
// set force state to neutral (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2)
if (GoEChargerForceState.state != 0) {
if (GoEChargerPhases.state != 3) {
if (actualMaxChargingCurrentInt != 16) {
You can also define more advanced rules if you have multiple cars that charge with a different amount of phases.
For example if your car charges on one phase only, you can set maxAmps to output of PV power, if your car charges on two phases you can set maxAmps to pv output / 2
, and for 3 phases pv output / 3
In general the calculation would be ´maxAmps = pvOutput / phases`.