* Update license headers to 2025 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <github@maindrain.net> |
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Anthem Binding
The binding allows control of Anthem AV processors over an IP connection to the processor.
Supported Things
The following thing type is supported:
Thing | ID | Discovery | Description |
Anthem | anthem | Manual | Represents a Anthem AV processor |
Tested models include the AVM-60 11.2-channel preamp/processor.
Thing Configuration
The following configuration parameters are available on the Anthem thing:
Parameter | Parameter ID | Required/Optional | Description |
Host | host | Required | IP address or host name of the Anthem AV processor |
Port | port | Optional | Port number used by the Anthem |
Reconnect Interval | reconnectIntervalMinutes | Optional | The time to wait between reconnection attempts (in minutes) |
Command Delay | commandDelayMsec | Optional | The delay between commands sent to the processor (in milliseconds) |
The Anthem AV processor supports the following channels (some zones/channels are model specific):
Channel | Type | Description |
General | ||
general#command | String | Send a custom command |
Main Zone | ||
1#power | Switch | Power the zone on or off |
1#volume | Dimmer | Increase or decrease the volume level |
1#volumeDB | Number | The actual volume setting |
1#mute | Switch | Mute the volume |
1#activeInput | Number | The currently active input source |
1#activeInputShortName | String | Short friendly name of the active input |
1#activeInputLongName | String | Long friendly name of the active input |
Zone 2 | ||
2#power | Switch | Power the zone on or off |
2#volume | Dimmer | Increase or decrease the volume level |
2#volumeDB | Number | The actual volume setting |
2#mute | Switch | Mute the volume |
2#activeInput | Number | The currently active input source |
2#activeInputShortName | String | Short friendly name of the active input |
2#activeInputLongName | String | Long friendly name of the active input |
Full Example
Thing anthem:anthem:mediaroom "Anthem AVM 60" [ host="" ]
String Anthem_Command "Command [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:general#command" }
Switch Anthem_Z1_Power "Zone 1 Power [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#power" }
Dimmer Anthem_Z1_Volume "Zone 1 Volume [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#volume" }
Number Anthem_Z1_Volume_DB "Zone 1 Volume dB [%.0f]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#volumeDB" }
Switch Anthem_Z1_Mute "Zone 1 Mute [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#mute" }
Number Anthem_Z1_ActiveInput "Zone 1 Active Input [%.0f]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInput" }
String Anthem_Z1_ActiveInputShortName "Zone 1 Active Input Short Name [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInputShortName" }
String Anthem_Z1_ActiveInputLongName "Zone 1 Active Input Long Name [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInputLongName" }
Switch Anthem_Z2_Power "Zone 2 Power [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#power" }
Dimmer Anthem_Z2_Volume "Zone 2 Volume [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#volume" }
Number Anthem_Z2_Volume_DB "Zone 2 Volume dB [%.0f]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#volumeDB" }
Switch Anthem_Z2_Mute "Zone 2 Mute [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#mute" }
Number Anthem_Z2_ActiveInput "Zone 2 Active Input [%.0f]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInput" }
String Anthem_Z2_ActiveInputShortName "Zone 2 Active Input Short Name [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInputShortName" }
String Anthem_Z2_ActiveInputLongName "Zone 2 Active Input Long Name [%s]" { channel="anthem:anthem:mediaroom:1#activeInputLongName" }