* Extract dynamic channel creation to separate classes. * Avoid double list allocations. * Add test coverage for scenarios with no channels built. * Extract common builder stuff to super class. * Fix grammar. * Reduce constructor access modifiers. * Removed unneeded this keyword for protected method. * Fix null annotation issues. Signed-off-by: Jacob Laursen <jacob-github@vindvejr.dk> |
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src | ||
README.md | ||
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Hunter Douglas (Luxaflex) PowerView Binding
This is an openHAB binding for Hunter Douglas PowerView motorized shades via their PowerView hub. In some countries the PowerView system is sold under the brand name Luxaflex
PowerView shades have motorization control for their vertical position, and some also have vane controls to change the angle of their slats.
This binding also supports scenes that are defined in the PowerView app. This helps to work around a limitation of the hub; commands are executed serially with a several second delay between executions. By using a scene to control multiple shades at once, the shades will all begin moving at the same time.
Supported Things
Thing | Thing Type | Description |
hub | Bridge | The PowerView hub provides the interface between your network and the shade's radio network. It also contains channels used to interact with scenes. |
shade | Thing | A motorized shade. |
Make sure your shades are visible in the PowerView app before attempting discovery.
The binding can automatically discover the PowerView hub. The discovery process can be started by pressing the refresh button in the Main Configuration UI Inbox. However you can also manually create a (bridge) thing for the hub, and enter the required configuration parameters (see Thing Configuration below). If the configuration parameters are all valid, the binding will then automatically attempt to connect to the hub. If the connection succeeds, the hub will indicate its status as Online, otherwise it will show an error status.
Once the hub thing has been created and successfully connected, the binding will automatically discover all shades and scenes that are in it.
- For each shade discovered: the binding will create a new dedicated thing with its own channels.
- For each scene discovered: the binding will create a new channel dynamically within the hub thing.
If in the future, you add additional shades or scenes to your system, the binding will discover them too.
Thing Configuration
Thing Configuration for PowerView Hub
Configuration Parameter | Description |
host | The host name or IP address of the hub on your network. |
refresh | The number of milli-seconds between fetches of the PowerView hub's shade state (default 60'000 one minute). |
hardRefresh | The number of minutes between hard refreshes of the PowerView hub's shade state (default 180 three hours). See Refreshing the PowerView Hub Cache. |
hardRefreshBatteryLevel | The number of hours between hard refreshes of battery levels from the PowerView Hub (or 0 to disable, defaulting to weekly). See Refreshing the PowerView Hub Cache. |
Thing Configuration for PowerView Shades
PowerView shades should preferably be configured via the automatic discovery process.
It is quite difficult to configure manually as the id
of the shade is not exposed in the PowerView app.
However, the configuration parameters are described below:
Configuration Parameter | Description |
id | The ID of the PowerView shade in the app. Must be an integer. |
Channels for Hub (Thing type hub
Scene, scene group and automation channels will be added dynamically to the binding as they are discovered in the hub.
Each will have an entry in the hub as shown below, whereby different scenes, scene groups and automations
have different id
Channel Group | Channel | Item Type | Description |
scenes | id | Switch | Setting this to ON will activate the scene. Scenes are stateless in the PowerView hub; they have no on/off state. Note: include {autoupdate="false"} in the item configuration to avoid having to reset it to off after use. |
sceneGroups | id | Switch | Setting this to ON will activate the scene group. Scene groups are stateless in the PowerView hub; they have no on/off state. Note: include {autoupdate="false"} in the item configuration to avoid having to reset it to off after use. |
automations | id | Switch | Setting this to ON will enable the automation, while OFF will disable it. |
Channels for Shades (Thing type shade
A shade always implements a roller shutter channel position
which controls the vertical position of the shade's (primary) rail.
If the shade has slats or rotatable vanes, there is also a dimmer channel vane
which controls the slat / vane position.
If it is a dual action (top-down plus bottom-up) shade, there is also a roller shutter channel secondary
which controls the vertical position of the secondary rail.
All of these channels appear in the binding, but only those which have a physical implementation in the shade, will have any physical effect.
Channel | Item Type | Description |
position | Rollershutter | The vertical position of the shade's rail -- see next chapter. Up/Down commands will move the rail completely up or completely down. Percentage commands will move the rail to an intermediate position. Stop commands will halt any current movement of the rail. |
secondary | Rollershutter | The vertical position of the secondary rail (if any). Its function is similar to the position channel above -- but see next chapter. |
vane | Dimmer | The degree of opening of the slats or vanes. Setting this to a non-zero value will first move the shade position fully down, since the slats or vanes can only have a defined state if the shade is in its down position -- see Interdependency between Channel positions. |
calibrate | Switch | Setting this to ON will calibrate the shade. Note: include {autoupdate="false"} in the item configuration to avoid having to reset it to off after use. |
lowBattery | Switch | Indicates ON when the battery level of the shade is low, as determined by the hub's internal rules. |
batteryLevel | Number | Battery level (10% = low, 50% = medium, 100% = high) |
batteryVoltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Battery voltage reported by the shade. |
signalStrength | Number | Signal strength (0 for no or unknown signal, 1 for weak, 2 for average, 3 for good or 4 for excellent) |
Roller Shutter Up/Down Position vs. Open/Close State
The position
and secondary
channels are Rollershutter types.
For vertical shades, the binding maps the vertical position of the "rail" to the Rollershutter ▲ / ▼ commands, and its respective percent value.
And for horizontal shades, it maps the horizontal position of the "truck" to the Rollershutter ▲ / ▼ commands, and its respective percent value.
Depending on whether the shade is a top-down, bottom-up, left-right, right-left, or dual action shade, the OPEN
position of the shades may differ from the ▲ / ▼ commands follows..
1) BUG NOTE: In openHAB versions v3.1.x and earlier, there was a bug in the handling of the position percent value of the secondary
Although the RollerShutter Up/Down commands functioned properly as described in the table above, the percent state values (e.g. displayed on a slider control), did not.
After moving the shade, the percent value would initially display the correct value, but on the next refresh it would 'flip' to the inverse of the correct value.
The details are shown in the following table.
This bug has been fixed from openHAB v3.2.x (or later) —
so if you have rules that depend on the percent value, and you update from an earlier openHAB version to v3.2.x (or later), you will need to modify them!
Channel | UI Control Element | UI Control Command | Immediate Action on Shade State |
Dimmer Percent Display (Initial => Final) |
secondary |
RollerShutter | Press UP button |
Rail moves Up (CLOSED ) |
0% (initial) => 100% (final) |
Press DOWN button |
Rail moves Down (OPEN ) |
100% (initial) => 0% (final) | ||
Dimmer | Move slider to 0% | Rail moves Up (CLOSED ) |
0% (initial) => 100% (final) | |
Move slider to 100% | Rail moves Down (OPEN ) |
100% (initial) => 0% (final) |
Interdependency between Channel positions
On some types of shades with movable vanes, the vanes cannot be moved unless the shade is down.
So there is an interdependency between the value of vane
and the value of position
as follows..
Case | State of position |
State of vane |
Shade up | 0% = UP |
Shade 50% down | 50% | UNDEFINED |
Shade 100% down, Vane 0% | 100% = DOWN |
0% |
Shade 100% down, Vane 50% | 100% = DOWN |
50% |
Shade 100% down, Vane 100% | 100% = DOWN |
100% |
On dual action shades, the top rail cannot move below the bottom rail, nor can the bottom rail move above the top.
So the value of secondary
is constrained by the prior value of position
And the value of position
is constrained by the prior value of secondary
Refreshing the PowerView Hub Cache
The hub maintains a cache of the last known state of its shades, and this binding delivers those values. Usually the shades will be moved by this binding, so since the hub is always involved in the moving process, it updates this cache accordingly.
However shades can also be moved manually without the hub’s knowledge. A person can manually move a shade by pressing a button on the side of the shade or via a remote control. In neither case will the hub be aware of the shade’s new position.
The hub periodically does a "hard refresh" in order to overcome this issue.
The time interval between hard refreshes is set in the hardRefresh
configuration parameter.
To disable periodic hard refreshes, set hardRefresh
to zero.
Similarly, the battery level is transient and is only updated automatically by the hub once a week.
To change this interval, set hardRefreshBatteryLevel
to number of hours between refreshes.
To use default hub behavior (weekly updates), set hardRefreshBatteryLevel
to zero.
Note: You can also force the hub to refresh itself by sending a REFRESH
command in a rule to an item that is connected to a channel in the hub as follows:
rule "Hub Refresh (every 20 minutes)"
Time cron "0 1/20 0 ? * * *"
sendCommand(HUB_ITEM_NAME, "REFRESH") // refresh all shades in HUB
sendCommand(SHADE_ITEM_NAME, "REFRESH") // refresh single shade that ITEM is bound to
For single shades the refresh takes the item's channel into consideration:
Channel | Hard refresh kind |
position | Position |
secondary | Position |
vane | Position |
lowBattery | Battery |
batteryLevel | Battery |
batteryVoltage | Battery |
signalStrength | Survey |
Full Example
Bridge hdpowerview:hub:g24 "Luxaflex Hub" @ "Living Room" [host=""] {
Thing shade s50150 "Living Room Shade" @ "Living Room" [id="50150"]
Shade items:
Rollershutter Living_Room_Shade_Position "Living Room Shade Position [%.0f %%]" {channel="hdpowerview:shade:g24:s50150:position"}
Rollershutter Living_Room_Shade_Secondary "Living Room Shade Secondary Position [%.0f %%]" {channel="hdpowerview:shade:g24:s50150:secondary"}
Dimmer Living_Room_Shade_Vane "Living Room Shade Vane [%.0f %%]" {channel="hdpowerview:shade:g24:s50150:vane"}
Switch Living_Room_Shade_Battery_Low_Alarm "Living Room Shade Battery Low Alarm [%s]" {channel="hdpowerview:shade:g24:s50150:lowBattery"}
Switch Living_Room_Shade_Calibrate "Living Room Shade Calibrate" {channel="hdpowerview:shade:g24:s50150:calibrate", autoupdate="false"}
Scene items:
Switch Living_Room_Shades_Scene_Heart "Living Room Shades Scene Heart" <blinds> (g_Shades_Scene_Trigger) {channel="hdpowerview:hub:g24:scenes#22663", autoupdate="false"}
Frame label="Living Room Shades" {
Switch item=Living_Room_Shades_Scene_Open
Slider item=Living_Room_Shade_1_Position