Wouter Born 8a7a411ccc
Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318)
Similar to openhab/openhab-core#4618

Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00
pom.xml Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318) 2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00

Sbus Binding

This binding integrates Sbus devices with openHAB, allowing control and monitoring of Sbus-compatible devices over UDP. Sbus is a protocol used for home automation devices that communicate over UDP networks. The binding supports various device types including RGB/RGBW controllers, temperature sensors, and switch controllers.

Supported Things

  • udp - Sbus Bridge for UDP communication
  • rgbw - RGB/RGBW Controllers for color and brightness control
  • temperature - Temperature Sensors for monitoring environmental conditions
  • switch - Switch Controllers for basic on/off and dimming control


Sbus devices communicate via UDP broadcast, but manual configuration is required to set up the devices in openHAB. Auto-discovery is not supported at this moment.

Binding Configuration

The binding itself does not require any special configuration.

Thing Configuration

Bridge Configuration

The Sbus Bridge has the following configuration parameters:

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
host text IP address of the Sbus device (typically broadcast) N/A yes no
port integer UDP port number 6000 no no

RGBW Controller Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
subnetId integer Subnet ID the RGBW controller is part of N/A yes no
id integer Device ID of the RGBW controller N/A yes no
refresh integer Refresh interval in seconds 30 no yes

Temperature Sensor Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
subnetId integer Subnet ID the temperature sensor is part of N/A yes no
id integer Device ID of the temperature sensor N/A yes no
refresh integer Refresh interval in seconds 30 no yes

Switch Controller Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
subnetId integer Subnet ID the switch controller is part of N/A yes no
id integer Device ID of the switch controller N/A yes no
refresh integer Refresh interval in seconds 30 no yes


RGBW Controller Channels

Channel Type Read/Write Description
color Color RW HSB color picker that controls RGBW components (0-100%)
switch Switch RW On/Off control for the RGBW output with optional timer

Temperature Sensor Channels

Channel Type Read/Write Description
temperature Number:Temperature R Current temperature reading. Can be configured to use Celsius (default) or Fahrenheit units

Switch Controller Channels

Channel Type Read/Write Description
switch Switch RW Basic ON/OFF state control
dimmer Dimmer RW ON/OFF state with timer transition
paired Contact RW OPEN/CLOSED state for two paired channels (e.g., curtains)

Full Example

Thing Configuration

Bridge sbus:udp:mybridge [ host="", port=5000 ] {
    Thing rgbw colorctrl [ id=72, refresh=30 ] {
            Type color-channel : color [ channelNumber=1 ]   // HSB color picker, RGBW values stored at channel 1
            Type switch-channel : power [ channelNumber=1 ]  // On/Off control for the RGBW output For complex scenes, one Sbus color controller can keep up to 40 color states. The switch channelNumber has to fall into this range.
    Thing temperature temp1 [ id=62, refresh=30 ] {
            Type temperature-channel : temperature [ channelNumber=1 ]
    Thing switch switch1 [ id=75, refresh=30 ] {
            Type switch-channel : first_switch  [ channelNumber=1 ]
            Type dimmer-channel : second_switch [ channelNumber=2 ]
            Type paired-channel : third_switch [ channelNumber=3 ]

Item Configuration

// Temperature Sensor
Number:Temperature Temp_Sensor "Temperature [%.1f °C]" { channel="sbus:temperature:mybridge:temp1:temperature" }

// Basic Switch
Switch Light_Switch "Switch" { channel="sbus:switch:mybridge:switch1:switch" }

// Paired Channel (e.g., for curtains)
Contact Curtain_Switch "Curtain [%s]" { channel="sbus:switch:mybridge:switch1:third_switch" }

// RGBW Controller with Power Control
Group   gLight      "RGBW Light"    <light>     ["Lighting"]
Color   rgbwColor    "Color"        <colorwheel> (gLight)   ["Control", "Light"]    { channel="sbus:rgbw:mybridge:colorctrl:color" }
Switch  rgbwPower    "Power"        <switch>     (gLight)   ["Switch", "Light"]     { channel="sbus:rgbw:mybridge:colorctrl:power" }

Sitemap Configuration

sitemap sbus label="Sbus Demo"
    Frame label="Sbus Controls" {
        Colorpicker item=Light_RGB
        Text item=Temp_Sensor
        Switch item=Light_Switch
        Text item=Curtain_Switch