Similar to openhab/openhab-core#4618 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <> |
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Pi-hole Binding
The Pi-hole Binding is a bridge between openHAB and Pi-hole, enabling users to integrate Pi-hole statistics and controls into their home automation setup. Pi-hole is a DNS-based ad blocker that can run on a variety of platforms, including Raspberry Pi.
Pi-hole is a powerful network-level advertisement and internet tracker blocking application. By intercepting DNS requests, it can prevent unwanted content from being displayed on devices connected to your network. The Pi-hole Binding allows you to monitor Pi-hole statistics and control its functionality directly from your openHAB setup.
- Real-time Statistics: Monitor key metrics such as the number of domains being blocked, DNS queries made today, ads blocked today, and more.
- Control: Enable or disable Pi-hole's blocking functionality, configure blocking options, and adjust privacy settings directly from openHAB.
- Integration: Seamlessly integrate Pi-hole data and controls with other openHAB items and rules to create advanced automation scenarios.
Supported Things
: Pi-hole server
Thing Configuration
Thing Configuration
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required | Advanced |
hostname | text | Hostname or IP address of the device | N/A | yes | no |
token | text | Token to access the device. To generate token go to settings > API > Show API token |
N/A | yes | no |
refreshInterval | integer | Interval the device is polled in sec. | 600 | no | yes |
Channel | Type | Read/Write | Description |
domains-being-blocked | Number | RO | The total number of domains currently being blocked. |
dns-queries-today | Number | RO | The count of DNS queries made today. |
ads-blocked-today | Number | RO | The number of ads blocked today. |
ads-percentage-today | Number | RO | The percentage of ads blocked today. |
unique-domains | Number | RO | The count of unique domains queried. |
queries-forwarded | Number | RO | The number of queries forwarded to an external DNS server. |
queries-cached | Number | RO | The number of queries served from the cache. |
clients-ever-seen | Number | RO | The total number of unique clients ever seen. |
unique-clients | Number | RO | The current count of unique clients. |
dns-queries-all-types | Number | RO | The total number of DNS queries of all types. |
reply-unknown | Number | RO | DNS replies with an unknown status. |
reply-nodata | Number | RO | DNS replies indicating no data. |
reply-nxdomain | Number | RO | DNS replies indicating non-existent domain. |
reply-cname | Number | RO | DNS replies with a CNAME record. |
reply-ip | Number | RO | DNS replies with an IP address. |
reply-domain | Number | RO | DNS replies with a domain name. |
reply-rrname | Number | RO | DNS replies with a resource record name. |
reply-servfail | Number | RO | DNS replies indicating a server failure. |
reply-refused | Number | RO | DNS replies indicating refusal. |
reply-notimp | Number | RO | DNS replies indicating not implemented. |
reply-other | Number | RO | DNS replies with other statuses. |
reply-dnssec | Number | RO | DNS replies with DNSSEC information. |
reply-none | Number | RO | DNS replies with no data. |
reply-blob | Number | RO | DNS replies with a BLOB (binary large object). |
dns-queries-all-replies | Number | RO | The total number of DNS queries with all reply types. |
privacy-level | Number | RO | The privacy level setting. |
enabled | Switch | RO | The current status of blocking |
disable-enable | String | RW | Is blocking enabled/disabled |
gravity-last-update | DateTime | RO | Last update of gravity |
gravity-file-exists | DateTime | RO | Does gravity file exists |
Full Example
Thing Configuration
Thing pihole:server:a4a077edb8 "Pi-hole" @ "Location"
] {
Type number : domains_being_blocked "Domains Blocked" [ ]
Type number : dns_queries_today "DNS Queries Today" [ ]
Type number : ads_blocked_today "Ads Blocked Today" [ ]
Type number : ads_percentage_today "Ads Percentage Today" [ ]
Type number : unique_domains "Unique Domains" [ ]
Type number : queries_forwarded "Queries Forwarded" [ ]
Type number : queries_cached "Queries Cached" [ ]
Type number : clients_ever_seen "Clients Ever Seen" [ ]
Type number : unique_clients "Unique Clients" [ ]
Type number : dns_queries_all_types "DNS Queries (All Types)" [ ]
Type number : reply_UNKNOWN "Reply UNKNOWN" [ ]
Type number : reply_NODATA "Reply NODATA" [ ]
Type number : reply_NXDOMAIN "Reply NXDOMAIN" [ ]
Type number : reply_CNAME "Reply CNAME" [ ]
Type number : reply_IP "Reply IP" [ ]
Type number : reply_DOMAIN "Reply DOMAIN" [ ]
Type number : reply_RRNAME "Reply RRNAME" [ ]
Type number : reply_SERVFAIL "Reply SERVFAIL" [ ]
Type number : reply_REFUSED "Reply REFUSED" [ ]
Type number : reply_NOTIMP "Reply NOTIMP" [ ]
Type number : reply_OTHER "Reply OTHER" [ ]
Type number : reply_DNSSEC "Reply DNSSEC" [ ]
Type number : reply_NONE "Reply NONE" [ ]
Type number : reply_BLOB "Reply BLOB" [ ]
Type number : dns_queries_all_replies "DNS Queries (All Replies)" [ ]
Type number : privacy_level "Privacy Level" [ ]
Type switch : enabled "Status" [ ]
Type string : disable-enable "Disable Blocking" [ ]
Item Configuration
Number domains_being_blocked "Domains Blocked" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:domains_being_blocked" }
Number dns_queries_today "DNS Queries Today" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:dns_queries_today" }
Number ads_blocked_today "Ads Blocked Today" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:ads_blocked_today" }
Number ads_percentage_today "Ads Percentage Today" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:ads_percentage_today" }
Number unique_domains "Unique Domains" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:unique_domains" }
Number queries_forwarded "Queries Forwarded" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:queries_forwarded" }
Number queries_cached "Queries Cached" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:queries_cached" }
Number clients_ever_seen "Clients Ever Seen" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:clients_ever_seen" }
Number unique_clients "Unique Clients" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:unique_clients" }
Number dns_queries_all_types "DNS Queries (All Types)" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:dns_queries_all_types" }
Number reply_UNKNOWN "Reply UNKNOWN" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_UNKNOWN" }
Number reply_NODATA "Reply NODATA" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_NODATA" }
Number reply_NXDOMAIN "Reply NXDOMAIN" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_NXDOMAIN" }
Number reply_CNAME "Reply CNAME" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_CNAME" }
Number reply_IP "Reply IP" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_IP" }
Number reply_DOMAIN "Reply DOMAIN" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_DOMAIN" }
Number reply_RRNAME "Reply RRNAME" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_RRNAME" }
Number reply_SERVFAIL "Reply SERVFAIL" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_SERVFAIL" }
Number reply_REFUSED "Reply REFUSED" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_REFUSED" }
Number reply_NOTIMP "Reply NOTIMP" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_NOTIMP" }
Number reply_OTHER "Reply OTHER" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_OTHER" }
Number reply_DNSSEC "Reply DNSSEC" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_DNSSEC" }
Number reply_NONE "Reply NONE" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_NONE" }
Number reply_BLOB "Reply BLOB" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:reply_BLOB" }
Number dns_queries_all_replies "DNS Queries (All Replies)" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:dns_queries_all_replies" }
Number privacy_level "Privacy Level" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:privacy_level" }
Switch enabled "Status" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:enabled" }
String disable_enable "Disable Blocking" { channel="pihole:server:a4a077edb8:disable-enable" }
Pi-hole binding provides actions to use in rules:
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
rule "test"
/* when */
val actions = getActions("pihole", "pihole:server:as8af03m38")
if (actions !== null) {
// disable blocking for 5 * 60 seconds (5 minutes)
actions.disableBlocking(5 * 60)
// disable blocking for 5 minutes
actions.disableBlocking(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
// disable blocking for infinity
// enable blocking