Similar to openhab/openhab-core#4618 Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <> |
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LaMetric Binding
The LaMetric binding allows to connect openHAB to LaMetric Time connected clock devices, providing following features:
- Control the LaMetric Time Device
- Control Display Brightness
- Change Audio Volume
- Enable / Disable Bluetooth
- Activate an Application
- Send notifications messages
- Control the core (built-in) apps
Supported Things
The device acts as a bridge and is exposed as "LaMetric Time" Thing. The "LaMetric Time" Thing is directly responsible for device operations which include the display, audio, bluetooth, and notifications. All apps are implemented as separate things under the bridge.
App | Thing Type | Description |
Clock | clockApp | Clock that dispays time and date |
Timer | countdownApp | A countdown timer that counts by seconds |
Radio | radioApp | Streaming radio player |
Stopwatch | stopwatchApp | Stopwatch that counts up by seconds |
Weather | weatherApp | Current weather conditions as well as a forecast |
The binding supports two levels of discovery - device and apps. Device discovery is accomplished via UPnP. Once a device is added, discovery will find all apps installed on the device and suggest them as individual things with the device being the bridge.
Binding Configuration
The binding requires no special configuration.
Thing Configuration
Bridge (Thing ID: "device")
The bridge requires a host and an API key. The key can be found by visiting the LaMetric dev portal.
Configuration Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
host | text | Host name or network address of the LaMetric Time | Yes | |
apiKey | text | API key to access LaMetric Time | Yes |
Core (Built-in) Apps (Thing ID: "clockApp", "countdownApp", "radioApp", "stopwatchApp", "weatherApp")
The core app things can be defined with no configuration at all. The package name is defaulted for you. If you do not specify a widget ID, the first available one will be used automatically. Widgets are instances of the application. For example, if you duplicated the weather app for two locations, the app would have two widgets.
Configuration Parameter | Type | Description | Default | Required |
widgetId | text | The identifier for the exact instance of the app (widget) | The first widget ID found | No |
Sample Thing Configuration
Bridge lametrictime:device:demo [ host="somehost", apiKey="ksfjsdkfsksjfs" ]
Thing clockApp clock [ widgetId="generatedcorewidgetid1" ]
Thing countdownApp timer
Thing radioApp radio
Thing stopwatchApp stopwatch
Thing weatherApp weather [ widgetId="generatedcorewidgetid2" ]
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
brightness | Dimmer | The brightness of the display. Please note that changing the brightness will automatically set the 'brightnessMode' to 'manual'. |
brightnessMode | String (possible values are 'auto' and 'manual') | The mode for the display brightness. If set to 'auto' the brightness is set by the device automatically based on environment illumination. If set to 'manual' the brightness can be changed via 'brightness' channel. |
volume | Dimmer | The volume of the device speaker. |
bluetooth | Switch | The status of Bluetooth audio streaming on the device. |
app | String | The active application on the device. State options for UIs are determined at runtime automatically. The value must be formatted as ':'. |
info | String | Send informational notifications to the device. |
warning | String | Send warning notifications to the device. |
alert | String | Send alert notifications to the device. |
Note that app channels have no defined state from the device. They exist as one-way communication only.
Clock App
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
setAlarm | DateTime | Set the alarm using the given time (note that the date is not used) |
command | String | Send a command to the app (disableAlarm) |
Timer App
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
duration | Number | Set the duration of the timer in seconds |
command | String | Send a command to the app (start, pause, reset) |
Radio App
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
control | Player | Control interface to manipulate the radio |
Stopwatch App
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
command | String | Send a command to the app (start, pause, reset) |
Weather App
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
command | String | Send a command to the app (forecast) |
How Tos
The following configuration examples assume the device was added with the thing id lametrictime:device:demo
Replace the thing id in all the configurations with your real thing id which can be looked up the UI.
Simple text notifications
The binding provides three simple notification channels for info messages (channel id info
), warning messages (channel id warning
) and alert messages (channel id alert
To post messages to these channels, simply map them to a String item, e.g. like this:
String DeviceNotifyInfo "Info Message" {channel="lametrictime:device:demo:info"}
By setting a text on the item, the binding will send the notification which is then shown on the LaMetric device.
In a rule this can be done the following way:
DeviceNotifyInfo.sendCommand("My Information Message to be displayed")
Sample item configuration:
Dimmer DeviceBrightness "Brightness" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:brightness" }
String DeviceBrightnessMode "Brightness Mode" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:brightnessMode" }
Dimmer DeviceVolume "Volume" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:volume" }
Switch DeviceBluetooth "Bluetooth" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:bluetooth" }
String DeviceApp "Application" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:app" }
String DeviceNotifyInfo "Info Message" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:info" }
String DeviceNotifyWarning "Warning Message" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:warning" }
String DeviceNotifyAlert "Alert Message" { channel="lametrictime:device:demo:alert" }
Switch NotifyInfo "Notify Info"
Switch NotifyWarning "Notify Warning"
Switch NotifyAlert "Notify Alert"
DateTime ClockSetAlarm "Set Alarm" { channel="lametrictime:clockApp:demo:clock:setAlarm" }
String ClockCommand "Clock Command" { channel="lametrictime:clockApp:demo:clock:command" }
Switch SetAlarmIn1Min "Set Alarm in 1 min"
Number TimerDuration "Timer Duration" { channel="lametrictime:countdownApp:demo:timer:duration" }
String TimerCommand "Timer Command" { channel="lametrictime:countdownApp:demo:timer:command" }
Switch Set2MinTimer "Set 2 Minute Timer"
Player RadioControl "Player" { channel="lametrictime:radioApp:demo:radio:control" }
String StopwatchCommand "Stopwatch Command" { channel="lametrictime:stopwatchApp:demo:stopwatch:command" }
String WeatherCommand "Weather Command" { channel="lametrictime:weatherApp:demo:weather:command" }
Sample sitemap configuration:
Note: Populating switch or selection options automatically from the state description is not currently possible with sitemaps. For this reason, the brightness modes and example applications are repeated here.
Text label="LaMetric Time Demo" {
Frame label="Device Controls" {
Slider item=DeviceBrightness
Switch item=DeviceBrightnessMode mappings=[AUTO="Automatic",MANUAL="Manual"]
Slider item=DeviceVolume
Switch item=DeviceBluetooth
Selection item=DeviceApp mappings=["com.lametric.clock:widgetid"="Clock","com.lametric.countdown:widgetid"="Timer"]
Frame label="Device Notifications" {
Switch item=NotifyInfo
Switch item=NotifyWarning
Switch item=NotifyAlert
Frame label="Clock" {
Switch item=SetAlarmIn1Min
Selection item=ClockCommand mappings=["disableAlarm"="Disable Alarm"]
Frame label="Timer" {
Switch item=Set2MinTimer
Selection item=TimerCommand mappings=["start"="Start","pause"="Pause","reset"="Reset"]
Frame label="Radio" {
Default item=RadioControl
Frame label="Stopwatch" {
Selection item=StopwatchCommand mappings=["start"="Start","pause"="Pause","reset"="Reset"]
Frame label="Weather" {
Selection item=WeatherCommand mappings=["forecast"="Forecast"]
Sample rules:
import java.util.Calendar
rule "Notify Info"
Item NotifyInfo changed to ON
logInfo("demo.rules", "Sending info notification")
rule "Notify Warning"
Item NotifyWarning changed to ON
logInfo("demo.rules", "Sending warning notification")
rule "Notify Alert"
Item NotifyAlert changed to ON
logInfo("demo.rules", "Sending alert notification")
rule "Set Alarm in 1 Minute"
Item SetAlarmIn1Min changed to ON
logInfo("demo.rules", "Setting alarm for 1 minute from now")
val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1)
ClockSetAlarm.sendCommand(new DateTimeType(cal))
rule "Set 2 Minute Timer"
Item Set2MinTimer changed to ON
logInfo("demo.rules", "Configure timer for 2 minutes without starting")