Wouter Born 8a7a411ccc
Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318)
Similar to openhab/openhab-core#4618

Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00
src Fix headers (#18070) 2025-01-08 23:25:39 +01:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 [Documentation] Markdown improvements for bindings a to e (#13859) 2022-12-07 21:09:32 +01:00
pom.xml Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318) 2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00

Digiplex/EVO Binding

This binding provides integration with Digiplex/EVO alarm systems from Paradox. It utilizes PRT3 module for serial communication.

Supported Things

PRT3 Module

Before the binding can be used, a serial adapter must be added manually. Select PRT3 Module and enter serial port parameters. Please refer to PRT3 module manual for instructions how to modify baudrate (default setting is 2400)


Once PRT3 Module is added and communication with the alarm system confirmed by its online status, please start discovery process to automatically discover (and add as new Things) all zones and areas defined in the alarm system.

Binding Configuration

There is no binding level configuration required.

Thing Configuration

PRT3 Module Configuration

The following section lists the PRT3 Module configuration. If using manual configuration in text files, the parameter names are given in the square brackets.

Serial Port [port]

Sets the serial port name for the communication with the alarm system

Baud Rate [baudrate]

Baud rate to use for serial port communication

Area configuration

Refresh time of area status (in seconds) [refreshPeriod]

Controls how often area status is refreshed from the alarm system.


PTR3 Module Channels

The table below summarizes all the channels available from the PTR3 Module thing.

Channel Description
messages_sent Counts the number of messages sent to the module
responses_received Counts the number of responses received from the module
events_received Counts the number of events received from the module

Zone Channels

The table below summarizes all the channels available from the zone thing.

Channel Description
status Simple zone status (open/closed)
extended_status Extended zone status as a String (Open/Closed/Tampered/Fire Loop Alarm)
alarm Information whether zone is in alarm (open/closed)
fire_alarm Same as above for fire alarm
supervision_lost Information whether supervision has been lost (open/closed)
low_battery Low battery warning (open/closed)

Area Channels

The table below summarizes all the channels available from the area thing.

Channel Description
status Area status available as a String
armed Simple (open/closed) information whether zone is armed
zone_in_memory Information whether there are zones in the memory (after alarm has been triggered
trouble Information whether some of the zones are in 'trouble' (malfunctioning)
ready Information whether area is ready (no open zones)
in_programming Checks for programming mode enabled
alarm Information whether area is in alarm
strobe Information whether area is in strobe alarm
control Channel for controlling area

User is able to send commands through control channel to arm/quick arm/disarm the zone. Every sent message is followed by the channel state change to either Ok or Failed depending whether command has been accepted by the alarm system. Note that PRT3 module is capable of handling more kinds of messages, but those are not yet supported by this binding. Message format is as follows:

Command String sent to the control channel
Regular Arm AA<pin>
Force Arm AF<pin>
Stay Arm AS<pin>
Instant Arm AI<pin>
Regular Quick Arm QA
Force Quick Arm QF
Stay Quick Arm QS
Instant Quick Arm QI
Disarm D<pin>

<pin> is your PIN as entered on a keypad.

Note: For security reasons please consider not storing your PIN in openHAB configuration files.

Note2: Please consult your alarm system manual how to enable Quick Arm feature. It is not enabled by default.

For example, the following sitemap item can be used to send commands to the area and receive response status as modified color of a label:

Switch item=areaControl label="Actions[]" mappings=[QA="Regular Quick Arm",QS="Stay Quick Arm",D1111="Disarm"] labelcolor=[Ok="green",Fail="red"]