Wouter Born 8a7a411ccc
Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318)
Similar to openhab/openhab-core#4618

Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <>
2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00
doc [airgradient] Initial contribution (#16584) 2024-05-10 00:10:37 +02:00
src Upgrade Karaf from 4.4.6 to 4.4.7 (#17515) 2025-01-26 15:47:37 +01:00
NOTICE [airgradient] Initial contribution (#16584) 2024-05-10 00:10:37 +02:00 Add UoM support for RSSI channels (#17845) 2024-12-05 20:37:15 +01:00
pom.xml Use Spotless sortpom plug-in (#18318) 2025-02-23 20:23:16 +01:00

AirGradient Binding

AirGradient provides open source and open hardware air quality monitors.

This binding reads air quality data from the AirGradient ( API.

This API is documented at

Supported Things

AirGradient sensors

This binding supports all the different AirGradient sensors, providing most of the sensor data.

  • bridge: Connection to the API
  • location: Location in the API to read values for


Autodiscovery of locations is implemented. Start by adding an AirGradient API thing. When that is added and online, run a scan for new things in the AirGradient binding.

Thing Configuration

This binding supports reading data both directly from AirGradient sensors and from the AirGradient API. If you don't specify any path on the server, the binding will behave as if the hostname is the hostname of the AirGradient API server, and append paths and tokens for it.

The binding will adapt to the content type of the returned content to support different formats for getting data both from local and cloud installations.

Name Hostname Content-Type Parser
API Hostnames without any path (e.g., application/json JSON parser for the AirGradient API, correct paths will be appended to the calls
Local OpenMetrics Hostnames with path (e.g., http://192.168.x.x/metrics) application/openmetrics-text OpenMetrics parser
Local Web Hostnames with path (e.g., http://192.168.x.x/measures/current) application/json JSON parser for the AirGradient API, as if you returned the value of sendToServer() payload
Local Prometheus Hostnames with path (e.g., http://192.168.x.x/measures) text/plain Prometheus parser for Prometheus format

AirGradient API

The connection to the API needs setup and configuration

  1. Log in to the AirGradient Dashboard:
  2. Navigate to Place->Connectivity Settings from the upper left hamburger menu.
  3. Enable API access, and take a copy of the Token, which will be used in the token setting to configure the connection to the API.

To add a location, you need to know the location ID. To get the location ID, you

  1. Log in to the AirGradient Dashboard:
  2. Navigate to Locations from the upper left hamburger menu.
  3. Here you will find a list of all of your sensors, with a location ID in the left column. Use that id when you add new Location things.

API Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
token text Token to access the device N/A yes no
hostname text Hostname or IP address of the API no yes
refreshInterval integer Interval the device is polled in sec. 600 no yes

Location Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
location text A number identifying the location id in the AirGradient Dashboard N/A yes no


For more information about the data in the channels, please refer to the models in

Channel Type Read/Write Description
pm01 Number:Density Read Particulate Matter 1 (0.001mm)
pm02 Number:Density Read Particulate Matter 2 (0.002mm)
pm10 Number:Density Read Particulate Matter 10 (0.01mm)
pm003-count Number:Dimensionless Read The number of particles with a diameter beyond 0.3 microns in 1 deciliter of air
rco2 Number:Density Read Carbon dioxide PPM
tvoc Number:Density Read Total Volatile Organic Compounds
atmp Number:Temperature Read Ambient Temperature
rhum Number:Dimensionless Read Relative Humidity Percentage
wifi Number:Power Read Received signal strength indicator
uploads-since-boot Number:Dimensionless Read Number of measure uploads since last reboot (boot)
leds String Read/Write Sets the leds mode (off/co2/pm)
calibration String Write Triggers co2 calibration on the device

Some configuration channels are only available for local devices (for cloud devices use the AirGradient dashboard to configure these instead). These configuration settings needs AirGradient firmware on the sensor of version 3.1.1 or later.

Channel Type Read/Write Description
country-code String Read/Write The ALPHA-2 Country code used for the device
pm-standard String Read/Write Standard used for Parts per Million measurements (us-aqi or ugm3)
abc-days Number:Days Read/Write Co2 calibration automatic baseline calibration days
tvoc-learning-offset Number:Dimensionless Read/Write Time constant of long-term estimator for offset.
nox-learning-offset Number:Dimensionless Read/Write Time constant of long-term estimator for offset.
mqtt-broker-url String Read/Write MQTT Broker URL
temperature-unit String Read/Write Temperature unit used on the display
configuration-control String Read/Write Where the unit is configured from (local/cloud/both)
post-to-cloud Switch Read/Write Send data to the AirGradient cloud
led-bar-brightness Number:Dimensionless Read/Write Brightness of the LED bar
display-brightness Number:Dimensionless Read/Write Brightness of the display
model String Read/Write The model of the device (can be changed e.g. if you change sensors)
led-bar-test String Write Trigger test of LED bar

Full Example

Thing Configuration

Bridge airgradient:airgradient-api:home "My Home" [ token="abc123...." ] {
    Thing location      "654321"               "Outside"      [ location="654321" ]

Item Configuration

Number:Density      AirGradient_Location_PM2        "%.0f kg/m³"                         <density>       {channel="airgradient:location:654321:pm2"}"
Number:Temperature  AirGradient_Location_PM2        "Temperature [%.1f °C]"              <temperature>   {channel="airgradient:location:654321:atmp"}"