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Velbus Binding
The Velbus binding integrates with a Velbus system through a Velbus configuration module (VMBRSUSB, VMB1USB or VMB1RS) or a network connection (TCP/IP).
For optimal stability, the preferred configuration module is the VMBRSUSB module. Consider deploying a TCP bridge – the officially developed python-velbustcp or one of the third party projects – in between the configuration module and openHAB. Doing so allows concurrent access to your Velbus system by both openHAB and the official configuration software.
The binding exposes basic actions from the Velbus System that can be triggered from the smartphone/tablet interface, as defined by the Velbus Protocol info sheets.
Supported item types are switches, dimmers and rollershutters. Pushbutton, temperature sensors and input module states are retrieved and made available in the binding.
Supported Things
In addition to the bridge modules mentioned in the section above, the supported Velbus modules are:
Type | Description |
vmb1bl | 1-channel blind control module for din rail |
vmb1bls | 1-channel blind control module for universal mounting |
vmb1dm | Dimmer module for inductive/resistive and capacitive load |
vmb1led | 1-channel 0-10V controlled PWM dimmer for led strips |
vmb1ry | 1-channel relay module |
vmb1ryno | 1-channel relay module with potential-free changeover contact |
vmb1rynos | 1-channel relay module with potential-free changeover contact |
vmb1rys | 1-channel relay module with input |
vmb1ts | Temperature Sensor Module |
vmb2bl | 2-channel blind control module |
vmb2ble-10 | 2-channel blind control module with extended possibilities |
vmb2ble | 2-channel blind control module with extended possibilities |
vmb2pbn | Push-button interface for Niko 1- or 2-fold push-buttons |
vmb4an | Analog I/O module |
vmb4dc | 4-channel 0/1-10V dimmer controller |
vmb4pb | 4 button interface module |
vmb4ry | 4-channel relay module |
vmb4ryld-10 | 4-channel relay module with voltage outputs |
vmb4ryld | 4-channel relay module with voltage outputs |
vmb4ryno-10 | 4-channel relay module with potential-free contacts |
vmb4ryno | 4-channel relay module with potential-free contacts |
vmb6in | 6-channel input module |
vmb6pb-20 | 6-channel input module |
vmb6pbn | Push-button interface module for Niko 4- or 6-fold push-button |
vmb7in | 7-channel input module (potentialfree + pulse) |
vmb8ir | Infrared remote control receiver module |
vmb8pb | 8-Channel Push Button module |
vmb8pbu | Push-button interface with 8 channels for universal mounting |
vmbdali-20 | DALI gateway module |
vmbdali | DALI gateway module |
vmbdme | Dimmer for electronic/resistive load |
vmbdmir | Single channel triac dimmer for resistive and inductive loads |
vmbdmi | Single channel triac dimmer for resistive and inductive loads |
vmbel1-20 | Edge-lit one touch button module |
vmbel1 | Edge-lit one touch button module |
vmbel2-20 | Edge-lit two touch buttons module |
vmbel2 | Edge-lit two touch buttons module |
vmbel4pir-20 | Edge-lit Motion detector with four touch buttons |
vmbel4-20 | Edge-lit four touch buttons module |
vmbel4 | Edge-lit four touch buttons module |
vmbelo-20 | Edge-lit touch panel with Oled display |
vmbelo | Edge-lit touch panel with Oled display |
vmbelpir | Edge-lit Motion detector with one touch button |
vmbgp1-20 | Glass control module with 1 touch key |
vmbgp1-2 | Glass control module with 1 touch key (Edition 2) |
vmbgp1 | Glass control module with 1 touch key |
vmbgp2-20 | Glass control module with 2 touch keys |
vmbgp2-2 | Glass control module with 2 touch keys (Edition 2) |
vmbgp2 | Glass control module with 2 touch keys |
vmbgp4-20 | Glass control module with 4 touch keys |
vmbgp4-2 | Glass control module with 4 touch keys (Edition 2) |
vmbgp4 | Glass control module with 4 touch keys |
vmbgp4pir-20 | Glass control module with 4 touch keys and built-in motion and twilight sensor |
vmbgp4pir-2 | Glass control module with 4 touch keys and built-in motion and twilight sensor (Edition 2) |
vmbgp4pir | Glass control module with 4 touch keys and built-in motion and twilight sensor |
vmbgpod-2 | Glass control module with oled display and temperature controller (Edition 2) |
vmbgpod | Glass control module with oled display and temperature controller |
vmbgpo-20 | Glass control module with oled display and temperature controller |
vmbgpo | Glass control module with oled display |
vmbin | 1-channel input module |
vmbkp | Keypad interface module |
vmbmeteo | Weather station with thermometer, anemometer, rain sensor and light sensor |
vmbpirc | Motion and twilight sensor for ceiling mounting |
vmbpirm | Mini motion and twilight sensor for recessed or surface mounting |
vmbpiro | Outdoor motion, twilight and temperature sensor, Theben |
vmbrfr8s | 8 channel RF receiver module |
vmbvp1 | Doorbird interface module |
The Velbus bridge cannot be discovered automatically.
Configure it manually by defining the serial port of the Velbus Configuration module for the Velbus Serial Bridge or by defining the IP address and port for the Velbus Network Bridge, as described in the Thing Configuration
Once the bridge has been configured with openHAB, a manual scan can be initiated to discover Velbus modules with an assigned address. Addresses can be assigned via the official configuration software, and is a required step before a Velbus installation can work correctly.
The discovery scan can take a few minutes to complete. Modules discovered during this scan will appear in the inbox. This procedure will also retrieve the channel names of the Velbus devices.
Thing Configuration
The Velbus bridge needs to be added first.
Velbus Serial Bridge
For the Velbus Serial Bridge it is necessary to specify the serial port device used for communication.
On Linux and other UNIX systems, it is recommended to use a more stable symbolic device path such as /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Velleman_Projects_VMB1USB_Velbus_USB_interface-if00
, as it will always refer at to a Velbus configuration module, and not an arbitrary serial device.
If this is not a concern or an option, it is valid to refer to the serial device directly with a path such as /dev/ttyS0
, /dev/ttyUSB0
or /dev/ttyACM0
(or a number other than 0
if multiple serial devices are connected.)
On Windows port
will refer to one of the COM devices such as COM1
, COM2
, etc.
The Device Manager system utility can be used to determine the exact COM port number to use.
In a .things
file, a USB connection to a Velbus configuration module might be configured like so:
Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Velleman_Projects_VMB1USB_Velbus_USB_interface-if00" ]
// or
Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="COM1" ]
Velbus Network Bridge
For the Velbus Network Bridge it is necessary to specify the address (either an IP address or a hostname) and the port of a Velbus network server.
In a .things
file, a network bridge running on the same machine at port 6000 would be configured like so:
Bridge velbus:networkbridge:1 "Velbus Network Bridge - Loopback" @ "Control" [ address="localhost", port=6000 ]
Realtime Clock Synchronization
Optionally, the openHAB Velbus binding can synchronize the realtime clock, date and daylight savings status of the Velbus modules. This is achieved by setting the Time Update Interval (in minutes) on the bridge thing. For example:
Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="COM1", timeUpdateInterval="360" ]
If timeUpdateInterval
is not specified, the time will be updated every 360 minutes by default.
In order to disable this behaviour, set the interval to 0 or an empty string.
In case of a connection error, a Velbus bridge will attempt to reconnect every 15 seconds by default.
You can modify the bridge reconnection interval by specifying the reconnectionInterval
parameter (in seconds):
Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="COM1", reconnectionInterval="15" ]
Velbus modules
Adding Velbus modules to your openHAB configuration follows the conventions of your preferred configuration method.
UI-based configuration: Invoke a manual scan from the Things menu in order to start the discovery process. Discovered modules can be found in the inbox.
configuration can declare Velbus modules either in a standalone fashion (a bridge is still required):Thing velbus:<thingType>:<bridgeId>:<thingId> "Label" @ "Location" [ CH1="Kitchen Light", CH2="Living Light" ]
Or, more concisely, by nesting modules within the
they’re connected to:Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="COM1" ] { <thingType> <thingId> "Label" @ "Location" [ CH1="Kitchen Light", CH2="Living Light" ] }
is the type of the Velbus module. Refer to the Supported Things table for valid<thingType>
is the hexadecimal address of the Velbus module;"Label"
is an optional label for the thing;@ "Location"
is an optional specification of the location of the thing;- The
properties are optional and can be used to specify names of the module channels.
Individual module Thing
’s channels can be linked to openHAB items via channel names like velbus:vmb4ryld:1:0A:CH1
. Here, from left to right, the channel name consistes of the binding name, module type (<thingType> = vmb4ryld
), bridge id (1
), module’s hexadecimal address (<thingId> = 0A
) and channel within the module (CH1
Additional properties
Some module types have additional functionality not represented well by the trigger channels. A prime example of this is a temperature sensor, measurements of which must be polled.
The following table lists these additional properties and the modules that support the corresponding property:
Property | Supported modules | Description |
counter1PulseMultiplier |
vmb7in |
The pulse multiplier for counter 1 |
counter1Unit |
vmb7in |
The unit for Counter 1. |
counter2PulseMultiplier |
vmb7in |
The pulse multiplier for counter 2 |
counter2Unit |
vmb7in |
The unit for Counter 2. |
counter3PulseMultiplier |
vmb7in |
The pulse multiplier for counter 3 |
counter3Unit |
vmb7in |
The unit for Counter 3. |
counter4PulseMultiplier |
vmb7in |
The pulse multiplier for counter 4 |
counter4Unit |
vmb7in |
The unit for Counter 4. |
dimspeed |
vmb1dm , vmb1led , vmb4dc , vmbdme , vmbdmi , vmbdmir |
The time (in seconds) needed for dimming from 0 to 100%. |
refresh |
vmb1ts , vmb4an , vmb7in , vmbel1 , vmbel2 , vmbel4 , vmbelpir , vmbgp1 , vmbgp1-2 , vmbgp2 , vmbgp2-2 , vmbgp4 , vmbgp4-2 , vmbgp4pir , vmbgp4pir-2 , vmbmeteo , vmbpirc , vmbpirm , vmbpiro |
Refresh interval for sensors or counters (in seconds), default 300. If set to 0 or left empty, no refresh will be scheduled. |
The vmbdali
and vmbdali-20
things have 16 virtual light channels.
A virtual light combines 3 or 4 VMBDALI module channels into an openHAB channel to control RGB or RGBW lights.
This is because an RGBW DALI light is configured on the VMBDALI module with 4 channels (Red channel, Green channel, Blue channel, White channel).
The channels of the virtual light can be identified by a module channel CH1
... CH64
or a DALI address A0
... A63
The configuration is set like this:
Thing velbus:vmbdali:<bridgeId>:<thingId> [VL1="R,G,B,W"]
The white channel is optional.
Thing velbus:vmbdali:1:01 [VL1="CH1,CH2,CH3,CH4", VL2="A4,A5,A6"]
The bridges have a number of channels to set the global alarms: bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and bridgeClockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
For thing types vmb1bl
and vmb1bls
the supported channel is CH1
UpDown, StopMove and Percent command types are supported.
For thing types vmb1dm
, vmb1led
, vmbdme
, vmbdmi
and vmbdmir
the supported channel is CH1
OnOff and Percent command types are supported.
Sending an ON command will switch the dimmer to the value stored when last turning the dimmer off.
For thing type vmb1ry
the supported channel is CH1
OnOff command types are supported.
For thing type vmb4ry
4 channels are available CH1
... CH4
OnOff command types are supported.
For thing types vmb1ryno
, vmb1rynos
, vmb4ryld
, vmb4ryld-10
, vmb4ryno
and vmb4ryno-10
5 channels are available CH1
... CH5
OnOff command types are supported.
For thing types vmb1rys
6 channels are available CH1
... CH6
OnOff command types are supported on channels CH1
... CH5
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channel CH6
1 trigger channel on CH6t
The module vmb1ts
has a number of channels to set the module's thermostat (thermostat#currentTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint
, operatingMode
and thermostat#mode
) and thermostat trigger channels: thermostat#heater
, thermostat#boost
, thermostat#pump
, thermostat#cooler
, thermostat#alarm1
, thermostat#alarm2
, thermostat#alarm3
, thermostat#alarm4
For thing types vmb2bl
, vmb2ble
and vmb2ble-10
the supported channels are CH1
and CH2
. UpDown, StopMove and Percent command types are supported.
For thing type vmb6in
6 channels are available CH1
... CH6
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH6
6 trigger channels on channels input#CH1
... input#CH6
For thing type vmb7in
8 channels are available CH1
... CH8
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH8
8 trigger channels on channels input#CH1
... input#CH8
For thing types vmb2pbn
, vmb6pbn
, vmb7in
, vmb8ir
, vmb8pb
, vmb8pbu
, vmbrfr8s
, vmbvp1
and vmb6pb-20
8 channels are available CH1
... CH8
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH8
8 trigger channels on channels input#CH1
... input#CH8
Thing types vmb2pbn
, vmb6pbn
, vmb7in
, vmb8pb
, vmb8pbu
, vmbrfr8s
and vmbvp1
also have 8 channels to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
... feedback#CH8
Additionally, the modules vmb2pbn
, vmb6pbn
, vmb7in
, vmb8pbu
, vmbrfr8s
, vmbvp1
and vmb6pb-20
have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
For thing typevmb4an
8 trigger channels are avaiable input#CH1
... input#CH8
These channels will be triggered by the module's alarms.
Four pairs of channels are available to retrieve the module's analog inputs.
Each pair has a channel to retrieve the raw analog value (analoginput#CH9Raw
... analoginput#CH12Raw
) and a channel to retrieve the textual analog value (analoginput#CH9
... analoginput#CH12
Four channels are available to set the module's analog outputs analogOutput:CH13
... analogOutput:CH16
For thing type vmb4dc
4 channels are available CH1
... CH4
OnOff and Percent command types are supported.
Sending an ON command will switch the dimmer to the value stored when last turning the dimmer off.
For thing type vmb4ry
4 channels are available CH1
... CH4
OnOff command types are supported.
Thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
, vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
, vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbelpir
, vmbel4pir-20
, vmbgp1
, vmbgp2
, vmbgp4
, vmbgp4pir
, vmbgp4pir-20
and vmbpiro
have 8 trigger channels input:CH1
... input:CH8
and one temperature channel input:CH9
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
and button#CH2
for the thing type vmbelpir
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH4
for the thing type vmbel4pir-20
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH8
for the thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
, vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
, vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbgp1
, vmbgp2
, vmbgp4
, vmbgp4pir
, vmbgp4pir-20
and vmbpiro
The thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
and vmbgp1
have one channel to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
The thing types vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
and vmbgp2
have two channels to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
and feedback#CH2
The thing types vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbel4pir-20
, vmbgp4
, vmbgp4pir
and vmbgp4pir-20
have four channels to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
... feedback#CH4
The thing type vmbpiro
has a channel input#LIGHT
indicating the illuminance.
The thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
, vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
, vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbelpir
and vmbel4pir-20
have one output channel output#output
Thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
, vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
, vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbelpir
, vmbel4pir-20
, vmbgp1
, vmbgp2
, vmbgp4
, vmbgp4pir
and vmbgp4pir-20
have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
Thing types vmbel1
, vmbel1-20
, vmbel2
, vmbel2-20
, vmbel4
, vmbel4-20
, vmbelpir
, vmbel4pir-20
, vmbgp1
, vmbgp2
, vmbgp4
, vmbgp4pir
and vmbgp4pir-20
also have a number of channels to set the module's thermostat (thermostat#currentTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint
, operatingMode
and thermostat#mode
) and thermostat trigger channels: thermostat#heater
, thermostat#boost
, thermostat#pump
, thermostat#cooler
, thermostat#alarm1
, thermostat#alarm2
, thermostat#alarm3
, thermostat#alarm4
Thing types vmbelo
, vmbelo-20
, vmbgpo
, vmbgpo-20
, vmbgpod
and vmbgpod-2
have 32 trigger channels input#CH1
... input#CH32
and one temperature channel input#CH33
Pressed and Long_Pressed command types are supported on channels button#CH1
... button#CH32
They have have 32 channels to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
... feedback#CH32
The thing type vmbelo
and vmbelo-20
have one output channel output#output
They have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
They have a number of channels to set the module's thermostat thermostat (thermostat#currentTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#heatingModeAntiFrostTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeComfortTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeDayTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeNightTemperatureSetpoint
, thermostat#coolingModeSafeTemperatureSetpoint
, operatingMode
and thermostat#mode
) and thermostat trigger channels: thermostat#heater
, thermostat#boost
, thermostat#pump
, thermostat#cooler
, thermostat#alarm1
, thermostat#alarm2
, thermostat#alarm3
, thermostat#alarm4
They also have two channels to control the module's display oledDisplay:MEMO
and oledDisplay:SCREENSAVER
Thing type vmbmeteo
has 8 trigger channels (input#CH1
... input#CH8
). These channels will be triggered by the module's alarms.
It has a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
It also has a number of channels to read out the weather station's sensors: weatherStation:temperature
, weatherStation:rainfall
, weatherStation:illuminance
and weatherStation:windspeed
Thing types vmbpirc
and vmbpirm
have 7 trigger channels input#CH1
... input#CH7
Additionally, these modules have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
Thing types vmbdali
and vmbdali-20
have 81 trigger channels input#CH1
... input#CH81
They have 81 channels to steer the button LED feedback feedback#CH1
... feedback#CH81
hsbColor command type is supported on channels color#CH1
... color#CH64
(A1 ... A64), color#CH65
... color#CH80
(G1 ... G16) and color#CH81
(broadcast). This is to set the color on the channels.
Percent command type is supported on channels brightness#CH1
... brightness#CH64
(A1 ... A64), brightness#CH65
... brightness#CH80
(G1 ... G16) and brightness#CH81
(broadcast). This is to set the brightness on the channels.
Percent command type is supported on channels white#CH1
... white#CH64
(A1 ... A64), white#CH65
... white#CH80
(G1 ... G16) and white#CH81
(broadcast). This is to set the white on the channels.
Values 1 to 15 are supported on channels scene#CH1
... scene#CH64
(A1 ... A64), scene#CH65
... scene#CH80
(G1 ... G16) and scene#CH81
(broadcast). This is to set the scene on the channels.
hsbColor command type is supported on channels virtual-light#VL1
... virtual-light#VL16
. This is to set the color on the virtual light.
They have a number of channels to set the module's alarms: clockAlarm#clockAlarm1Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm1BedtimeMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2Enabled
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupHour
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2WakeupMinute
, clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeHour
and clockAlarm#clockAlarm2BedtimeMinute
The trigger channels can be used as a trigger to rules. The event message can be PRESSED
To remove the state of the Item in the Sitemap for a button
Go to the Items list, select the Item, add a State Description Metadata, and set the Pattern value to a blank space.
Full Example
Bridge velbus:bridge:1 [ port="COM1" ] {
vmb2ble 01
vmb2pbn 02
vmb6pbn 03
vmb8pbu 04
vmb7in 05
vmb4ryld 06
vmb4dc 07
vmbgp1 08
vmbgp2 09
vmbgp4 0A
vmbgp4pir 0B
vmbgpo 0C
vmbgpod 0D
vmbpiro 0E
Switch LivingRoom { channel="velbus:vmb4ryld:1:06:CH1" } # Switch for onOff type action
Switch KitchenButton { channel="velbus:vmb2pbn:1:05:button#CH1" } # Switch for Pressed and Long_Pressed type actions
Dimmer TVRoom { channel="velbus:vmb4dc:1:07:CH2" } # Changing brightness dimmer type action
Rollershutter Kitchen { channel="velbus:vmb2ble:1:01" } # Controlling rollershutter or blind type action
Number Temperature_LivingRoom "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="velbus:vmbgp1:1:08:CH09" }
Number Temperature_Corridor "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="velbus:vmbgpo:1:0C:CH33" }
Number Temperature_Outside "Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { channel="velbus:vmbpiro:1:0E:CH09" }
Switch item=LivingRoom
Slider item=TVRoom
Switch item=TVRoom # allows switching dimmer item off or on
Rollershutter item=Kitchen
Switch item=KitchenButton # Press and Long_Pressed message are available
# or
Switch item=KitchenButton mappings=[PRESSED="Push"] # only the Pressed message is send on the bus
# or
Switch item=KitchenButton mappings=[LONG_PRESSED="Push"] # only the Long_Pressed message is send on the bus
Example trigger rule:
rule "example trigger rule"
Channel 'velbus:vmb7in:1:05:input#CH5' triggered PRESSED
var message = receivedEvent.getEvent()
logInfo("velbusTriggerExample", "Message: {}", message)