Prevents JavaDoc tooling issues because these tools check comments starting with `/**`. Signed-off-by: Wouter Born <> |
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src/main | ||
NOTICE | || | ||
pom.xml |
EnOcean Binding
The EnOcean binding connects openHAB to the EnOcean ecosystem.
The binding uses an EnOcean gateway to retrieve sensor data and control actuators. For bidirectional actuators it is even possible to update the openHAB item state if the actuator gets modified outside of openHAB. This binding has been developed on an USB300 gateway and was also tested with an EnOceanPi. As this binding implements a full EnOcean stack, we have full control over these gateways. This binding can enable the repeater function (level 1 or 2) of these gateways and retrieve detailed information about them.
First of all you have to configure an EnOcean transceiver (gateway). A directly connected USB300 can be auto discovered, an EnOceanPi has to be added manually to openHAB. Both gateways are represented by an EnOcean gateway in openHAB. If you want to place the gateway for better reception apart from your openHAB server, you can forward its serial messages over TCP/IP (ser2net). In this case you have to define the path to the gateway like this rfc2217://x.x.x.x:3001. When using ser2net make sure to use telnet instead of raw in the set2net config file. If everything is running fine you should see the base id of your gateway in the properties of your bridge.
Another way to improve sending and reception reliability is to setup a wired connection. In this case you directly connect to your RS485 EnOcean bus (use USB connection of an Eltako FAM14 e.g.). However communication on RS485 bus is mostly done with an older ESP2 protocol which does not support advanced telegrams like VLD. Furthermore you have to be aware that not all radio telegrams are published on the bus.
The vast majority of EnOcean messages are sent as broadcast messages without an explicit receiver address. However each EnOcean device is identified by an unique id, called EnOceanId, which is used as the sender address in these messages. To receive messages from an EnOcean device you have to determine its EnOceanId and add an appropriate thing to openHAB.
If the device is an actuator which you want to control with your gateway from openHAB, you also have to create an unique sender id and announce it to the actuator (teach-in). For security reasons you cannot choose a random id, instead each gateway has 127 unique ids build in, from which you can choose. A SenderId of your gateway is made up its base id and a number between 1 and 127. This number can be chosen manually or the next free/unused number can be determined by the binding.
Supported Things
This binding is developed on and tested with the following devices
- USB300 and EnOceanPi gateways
- The following Eltako actuators:
- FSR14 (light switch)
- FSB14 (rollershutter)
- FUD14 (dimmer)
- FSSA-230V (smart plug)
- FWZ12-65A (energy meter)
- FTKE (window / door contact)
- FPE-1 & FPE-2 (window / door contact)
- TF-FGB (window handle)
- TF-FKB (window contact)
- TF-AHDSB (outdoor brightness sensor)
- FAFT60 (outdoor temperature & humidity sensor)
- FLGTF55 (air quality & temperature & humidity sensor)
- The following Opus actuators:
- GN-A-R12V-SR-4 (light)
- GN-A-R12V-MF-2 (light)
- GN-A-R12V-LZ/UD (dimmer)
- GN-A-R12V-JRG-2 (rollershutter)
- GN-A-U230V-JRG (rollershutter)
- OPUS-FUNK PLUS Jalousieaktor 1fach UP (rollershutter)
- OPUS-Funk PLUS Steckdosenleiste (smart multiple socket)
- NodOn:
- Smart Plug (ASP-2-1-10)
- In Wall Switch (SIN-2-2-00, SIN-2-1-0x)
- In Wall Rollershutter (SIN-2-RS-01)
- Temperature & humidity sensor (STPH-2-1-05)
- Permundo
- PSC234 (smart plug with metering) = Afriso APR234
- PSC132 (smart switch actor with metering)
- PSC152 (smart blinds control)
- Thermokon SR04 room control
- Hoppe SecuSignal window handles
- Rocker switches (NodOn, Eltako FT55 etc)
- Siegenia Senso Secure window sensors
- Soda window handles
- Nexelec INSAFE+ Carbon
However, because of the standardized EnOcean protocol it is more important which EEP this binding supports. Hence if your device supports one of the following EEPs the chances are good that your device is also supported by this binding.
Thing type | EEP family | EEP Types | Channels¹ | Devices² | Pairing |
bridge | - | - | repeaterMode, setBaseId | USB300, EnOceanPi | - |
pushButton | F6-01/D2-03 | 0x01/0x0A | pushButton, doublePress, longPress, batteryLevel | NodOn soft button | Manually/Discovery |
rockerSwitch | F6-02 | 0x01-02 | rockerswitchA, rockerswitchB, rockerSwitchAction | Eltako FT55 | Discovery |
mechanicalHandle | F6-10/D2-06 | 0x00-01/0x01 | windowHandleState, contact and a lot more for soda handles³ | Hoppe SecuSignal handles, Eltako TF-FGB, Soda handles | Discovery |
contact | D5-00 | 0x01 | contact | Eltako FTK(E) & TF-FKB | Discovery |
temperatureSensor | A5-02 | 0x01-30 | temperature | Thermokon SR65 | Discovery |
temperatureHumiditySensor | A5-04 | 0x01-03 | humidity, temperature | Eltako FTSB | Discovery |
gasSensor | A5-09 | 0x02,04,05, 08,09,0C,0D | co, co2, totalVolatileOrganicCompounds, volatileOrganicCompounds, volatileOrganicCompoundsId, humidity, temperature | Nexelec, Eltako FLGTF55 | Discovery |
occupancySensor | A5-07 | 0x01-03 | illumination, batteryVoltage, motionDetection | NodON PIR-2-1-01 | Discovery |
lightTemperatureOccupancySensor | A5-08 | 0x01-03 | illumination, temperature, occupancy, motionDetection | Eltako FABH | Discovery |
lightSensor | A5-06 | 0x01 | illumination | Eltako TF-AHDSB | Discovery |
roomOperatingPanel | A5-10 | 0x01-23 | temperature, setPoint, fanSpeedStage, occupancy, dayNightModeState, conntact, humidity, illumination, batteryLevel, batteryLow | Thermokon SR04 | Discovery |
automatedMeterSensor | A5-12 | 0x00-03 | counter, currentNumber, instantpower, totalusage, amrLitre, amrCubicMetre | FWZ12 | Discovery |
environmentalSensor | A5-13 | 0x01-02 | temperature, windspeed, illumination, rainStatus | FWS61 | Discovery |
centralCommand | A5-38 | 0x08 | dimmer, generalSwitch | Eltako FUD14, FSR14 | Teach-in |
rollershutter | A5-3F/D2-05/A5-38 | 0x7F/00/08 | rollershutter | Eltako FSB14, NodOn SIN-2-RS-01 | Teach-in/Discovery |
measurementSwitch | D2-01 | 0x00-0F,11,12 | generalSwitch(/A/B), instantpower, totalusage, repeaterMode | NodOn In Wall Switch | Discovery |
windowSashHandleSensor | D2-06 | 0x50 | windowHandleState, windowSashState, batteryLevel, batteryLow, windowBreachEvent, windowCalibrationState, windowCalibrationStep | Siegenia Senso Secure | Discovery |
multiFunctionSmokeDetector | D2-14/F6-05 | 0x30/02 | smokeDetection, batteryLow | Insafe+, Afriso ASD | Discovery |
heatRecoveryVentilation | D2-50 | 0x00,01,10,11 | a lot of different state channels | Dimplex DL WE2 | Discovery |
classicDevice | F6-02 | 0x01-02 | virtualRockerswitchA, virtualRockerswitchB | - | Teach-in |
¹ Not all channels are supported by all devices, it depends which specific EEP type is used by the device, all thing types additionally support rssi
, repeatCount
and lastReceived
² These are just examples of supported devices
³ Note that the soda handles potentially contain a wide range of different sensors and buttons. However the amount of built-in sensors and buttons may vary between different models. In case your particular device does not contain one of the potentially supported features the corresponding channel will never trigger an update. Please see the manual of your particular model to check which channels should be supported before opening an issue.
Furthermore following supporting EEP family is available too: A5-11, types 0x03 (rollershutter position status), 0x04 (extended light status) and D0-06 (battery level indication).
A rockerSwitch
is used to receive messages from a physical EnOcean Rocker Switch.
Channel rockerswitchA
and rockerswitchB
just react if corresponding rocker switch channel is pressed as single action.
These channels do not emit an event if ChannelA and ChannelB are pressed simultaneously.
To handle simultaneously pressed channels you have to use the rockerSwitchAction
A classicDevice
is used for older EnOcean devices which react only on rocker switch messages (like Opus GN-A-R12V-SR-4).
As these devices do not send their current status, you have to add additional listener channels for each physical Rocker Switch to your thing.
In this way you can still sync your item status with the physical status of your device whenever it gets modified by a physical rocker switch.
The classic device simulates a physical Rocker Switch.
Per default the classic device uses the channel A of the simulated rocker switch.
If you want to use channel B you have to use virtualRockerswitchB in conjunction with rules to send commands.
Most of the EnOcean devices can be automatically created and configured as an openHAB thing through the discovery service. The EnOcean protocol defines a so called "teach-in" process to announce the abilities and services of an EnOcean device and pair devices. To pair an EnOcean device with its openHAB thing representation, you have to differentiate between sensors and actuators.
To pair a sensor with its thing, you first have to start the discovery scan for this binding. Then press the "teach-in" button of the sensor. The sensor sends a teach-in message which contains the information about the EEP and the EnOceanId of the sensor. If the EEP is known by this binding the thing representation of the device is created. The corresponding channels are created dynamically, too.
If the actuator supports UTE teach-in, the corresponding thing can be created and paired automatically. First you have to start the discovery scan for a gateway. Then press the teach-in button of the actuator. If the EEP of the actuator is known, the binding sends an UTE teach-in response with a new SenderId and creates a new thing with its channels.
This binding supports so called smart acknowlegde (SMACK) devices too. Before you can pair a SMACK device you have to configure your gateway bridge as a SMACK postmaster. If this option is enabled you can pair up to 20 SMACK devices with your gateway.
Communication between your gateway and a SMACK device is handled through mailboxes.
A mailbox is created for each paired SMACK device and deleted after teach out.
You can see the paired SMACK devices and their mailbox index in the gateway properties.
SMACK devices send periodically status updates followed by a response request.
Whenever such a request is received a requestAnswer
event is triggered for channel statusRequestEvent
Afterwards you have 100ms time to recalculate your items states and update them.
A message with the updated item states is built, put into the corresponding mailbox and automatically sent upon request of the device.
Pairing and unpairing can be done through a discovery scan.
The corresponding thing of an unpaired device gets disabled, you have to delete it manually if you want to.
If the actuator does not support UTE teach-ins, you have to create, configure and choose the right EEP of the thing manually. It is important to link the teach-in channel of this thing to a switch item. Afterwards you have to activate the pairing mode of the actuator. Then switch on the teach-in item to send a teach-in message to the actuator. If the pairing was successful, you can control the actuator and unlink the teach-in channel now. The content of this teach-in message is device specific and can be configured through the teach-in channel.
To pair a classicDevice with an EnOcean device, you first have to activate the pairing mode of the actuator. Then switch the virtualRockerSwitchA On/Off.
Each EnOcean gateway supports 127 unique SenderIds. The SenderId of a thing can be set manually or determined automatically by the binding. In case of an UTE teach-in the next unused SenderId is taken automatically. To set this SenderId to a specific one, you have to use the nextSenderId parameter of your gateway.
Thing Configuration
The pairing process of an openHAB thing and an EnOcean device has to be triggered within the UI. Therefore if you do not want to use the UI, a mixed mode configuration approach has to be done. To determine the EEP and EnOceanId of the device and announce a SenderId to it, you first have to pair an openHAB thing with the EnOcean device. Afterwards you can delete this thing and manage it with its necessary parameters through a configuration file. If you change the SenderId of your thing, you have to pair again the thing with your device.
Thing type | Parameter | Meaning | Possible Values |
bridge | path | Path to the EnOcean Gateway | COM3, /dev/ttyAMA0, rfc2217://x.x.x.x:3001 |
nextSenderId | Set SenderId of next created thing. If omitted, the next unused SenderId is taken |
1-127 | |
espVersion | ESP Version of gateway | ESP3, ESP2 | |
rs485 | If gateway is directly connected to a RS485 bus the BaseId is set to 0x00 | true, false | |
rs485BaseId | Override BaseId 0x00 if your bus contains a telegram duplicator (FTD14 for ex) | 4 byte hex value | |
enableSmack | Enables SMACK pairing and handling of SMACK messages | true, false | |
sendTeachOuts | Defines if a repeated teach in request should be answered with a learned in or teach out response | true, false | |
pushButton | receivingEEPId | EEP used for receiving msg | F6_01_01, D2_03_0A |
enoceanId | EnOceanId of device this thing belongs to | hex value as string | |
rockerSwitch | receivingEEPId | F6_02_01, F6_02_02 | |
enoceanId | |||
mechanicalHandle | receivingEEPId | F6_10_00, F6_10_01, A5_14_09, D2_06_01 | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
contact | receivingEEPId | D5_00_01, A5_14_01_ELTAKO | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | Adds a batteryLevel channel to thing and let thing interpret SIG messages | true, false | |
temperatureSensor | receivingEEPId | A5_02_01-0B, A5_02_10-1B, A5_02_20, A5_02_30 | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
temperatureHumiditySensor | receivingEEPId | A5_04_01-03 | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
gasSensor | receivingEEPId | A5_09_02, A5_09_04, A5_09_05, A5_09_08, A5_09_09, A5_09_0C, A5_09_0D | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
occupancySensor | receivingEEPId | A5_07_01-03 | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
lightTemperatureOccupancySensor | receivingEEPId | A5_08_01-03, A5_08_01_FXBH | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
lightSensor | receivingEEPId | A5_06_01, A5_06_01_ELTAKO | |
enoceanId | |||
receivingSIGEEP | |||
roomOperatingPanel | receivingEEPId | A5_10_01-0D, A5_10_10-1F, A5_10_20-23 | |
enoceanId | |||
automatedMeterSensor | receivingEEPId | A5_12_00-03 | |
enoceanId | |||
environmentalSensor | receivingEEPId | A5_13_01 | |
enoceanId | |||
centralCommand | senderIdOffset | SenderId used for sending msg. If omitted, nextSenderId of bridge is used |
1-127 |
enoceanId | |||
sendingEEPId | EEP used for sending msg | A5_38_08_01, A5_38_08_02 | |
broadcastMessages | Send broadcast or addressed msg | true, false | |
receivingEEPId | F6_00_00, A5_38_08_02, A5_11_04 | ||
suppressRepeating | Suppress repeating of msg | true, false | |
rollershutter | senderIdOffset | 1-127 | |
enoceanId | |||
sendingEEPId | A5_3F_7F_EltakoFSB, A5_3F_7F_EltakoFRM, A5_38_08_07, D2_05_00_NODON | ||
broadcastMessages | true, false | ||
receivingEEPId¹ | A5_3F_7F_EltakoFSB, A5_3F_7F_EltakoFRM, A5_11_03, D2_05_00_NODON | ||
suppressRepeating | true, false | ||
pollingInterval | Refresh interval in seconds | Integer | |
measurementSwitch | senderIdOffset | 1-127 | |
enoceanId | |||
sendingEEPId | D2_01_00-0F, D2_01_11, D2_01_12, D2_01_09_PERMUNDO, D2_01_0F_NODON, D2_01_12_NODON |
receivingEEPId¹ | D2_01_00-0F, D2_01_11, D2_01_12, D2_01_09_PERMUNDO, D2_01_0F_NODON, D2_01_12_NODON, A5_12_01 |
broadcastMessages | true, false | ||
pollingInterval | Integer | ||
suppressRepeating | true, false | ||
windowSashHandleSensor | receivingEEPId | D2_06_50 | |
enoceanId | |||
multiFunctionSmokeDetector | receivingEEPId | F6_05_02, D2_14_30 | |
enoceanId | |||
heatRecoveryVentilation | senderIdOffset | 1-127 | |
enoceanId | |||
sendingEEPId | D2_50_00, D2_50_01, D2_50_10, D2_50_11 |
receivingEEPId | D2_50_00, D2_50_01, D2_50_10, D2_50_11 |
broadcastMessages | true, false | ||
suppressRepeating | true, false | ||
classicDevice | senderIdOffset | 1-127 | |
sendingEEPId | F6_02_01, F6_02_02 | ||
broadcastMessages | true, false | ||
receivingEEPId | F6_02_01, F6_02_02 | ||
suppressRepeating | true, false |
¹ multiple values possible, EEPs have to be of different EEP families. If you want to receive messages of your EnOcean devices you have to set the enoceanId to the EnOceanId of your device.
The channels of a thing are determined automatically based on the chosen EEP.
Channel | Item | Description |
repeaterMode | String | Set repeater level to 1, 2 or disable |
setBaseId | String | Changes the BaseId of your gateway. This can only be done 10 times! So use it with care. |
pushButton | Trigger | Channel type system:rawbutton, emits PRESSED and RELEASED events |
pushButton2 | Trigger | Channel type system:rawbutton, emits PRESSED and RELEASED events |
doublePress | Trigger | Channel type system:rawbutton, emits PRESSED |
longPress | Trigger | Channel type system:rawbutton, emits PRESSED and RELEASED events |
rockerswitchA/B | Trigger | Channel type system:rawrocker, emits DIR1_PRESSED, DIR1_RELEASED, DIR2_PRESSED, DIR2_RELEASED events |
rockerSwitchAction | Trigger | Emits combined rocker switch actions for channel A and B and RELEASED events |
windowHandleState | String | Textual representation of handle position (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT for the D2_06_01 EEP and OPEN, CLOSED, TILTED for all others) |
windowSashState | String | Textual representation of sash position (TILTED or NOT TILTED for the D2_06_01 EEP and OPEN, CLOSED, TILTED for all others) |
windowCalibrationState | String | Textual representation of the calibration state (OK, ERROR, INVALID) |
windowCalibrationStep | String | Textual representation of the next step that must be performed for calibrating the device (e.g. NONE, SASH CLOSED HANDLE CLOSED, SASH CLOSED HANDLE OPEN, SASH OPEN HANDLE TILTED, and so on) |
contact | Contact | State OPEN/CLOSED (tilted handle => OPEN) |
temperature | Number:Temperature | Temperature in degree Celsius |
humidity | Number | Relative humidity level in percentages |
co | Number:Dimensionless | Carbonmonoxide level in ppm |
co2 | Number:Dimensionless | Carbondioxide level in ppm |
totalVolatileOrganicCompounds | Number:Dimensionless | Total volatile organic compounds in ppb |
volatileOrganicCompounds | Number:Dimensionless | VOC level |
volatileOrganicCompoundsId | String | VOC Identification |
illumination | Number:Illuminance | Illumination in lux |
illuminationWest | Number:Illuminance | Illumination in lux |
illuminationSouthNorth | Number:Illuminance | Illumination in lux |
illuminationEast | Number:Illuminance | Illumination in lux |
rainStatus | Switch | Rain indicator |
windspeed | Number:Speed | windspeed in m/s |
occupancy | Switch | Occupancy button pressed (ON) or released (OFF) |
motionDetection | Switch | On=Motion detected, Off=not |
setPoint | Number | linear set point |
fanSpeedStage | Number | Fan speed: -1 (Auto), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
dimmer | Dimmer | Dimmer value in percent |
generalSwitch(/A/B) | Switch | Switch something (channel A/B) ON/OFF |
rollershutter | Rollershutter | Shut time (shutTime) in seconds can be configured |
angle | Number:Angle | The angle for blinds |
instantpower | Number:Power | Instant power consumption in Watts |
totalusage | Number:Energy | Used energy in Kilowatt hours |
teachInCMD | Switch | Sends a teach-in msg, content can configured with parameter teachInMSG |
virtualSwitchA | Switch | Used to convert switch item commands into rocker switch messages (channel A used) Time in ms between sending a pressed and release message can be defined with channel parameter duration. The switch mode (rocker switch: use DIR1 and DIR2, toggle: use just one DIR) can be set with channel parameter switchMode (rockerSwitch, toggleButtonDir1, toggleButtonDir2) |
virtualRollershutterA | Rollershutter | Used to convert rollershutter item commands into rocker switch messages (channel A used) |
rockerswitchListenerSwitch | Switch | Used to convert rocker switch messages into switch item state updates |
rockerswitchListenerRollershutter | Rollershutter | Used to convert rocker switch messages into rollershutter item state updates |
virtualRockerswitchB | String | Used to send plain rocker switch messages (channel B used) |
batteryVoltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Battery voltage for things with battery |
energyStorage | Number:ElectricPotential | Energy storage, don't know what this means... |
batterLevel | Number | Battery level in percent |
batterLow | Switch | Battery low indicator |
smokeDetection | Switch | Smoke detected |
sensorFault | Switch | Smoke sensor fault |
timeSinceLastMaintenance | Number:Time | Time since last maintenance |
remainingPLT | Number:Time | Remaining product life time |
hygroComfortIndex | String | Hygrothermal Comfort Index |
indoorAirAnalysis | String | Indoor Air Analysis |
ventilationOperationMode | String | Direct Operation Mode Control |
fireplaceSafetyMode | Switch | Fireplace Safety Mode |
heatExchangerBypassStatus | Contact | Heat Exchanger Bypass Status |
supplyAirFlapStatus | Contact | Supply Air Flap Position |
exhaustAirFlapStatus | Contact | Exhaust Air Flap Position |
defrostMode | Switch | Defrost Mode |
coolingProtectionMode | Switch | Cooling Protection Mode |
outdoorAirHeaterStatus | Switch | Outdoor Air Heater Status |
supplyAirHeaterStatus | Switch | Supply Air Heater Status |
drainHeaterStatus | Switch | Drain Heater Status |
timerOperationMode | Switch | Timer Operation Mode |
weeklyTimerProgramStatus | Switch | Weekly Timer Program Status |
roomTemperatureControlStatus | Switch | Room Temperature Control Status |
airQualityValue1 | Number:Dimensionless | Air Quality Value in percent |
airQualityValue2 | Number:Dimensionless | Air Quality Value in percent |
outdoorAirTemperature | Number:Temperature | Outdoor Temperature |
supplyAirTemperature | Number:Temperature | Supply Air Temperature |
indoorAirTemperature | Number:Temperature | Indoor Temperature |
exhaustAirTemperature | Number:Temperature | Exhaust Air Temperature |
supplyAirFanAirFlowRate | Number:VolumetricFlowRate | Supply Air Fan Air Flow Rate |
exhaustAirFanAirFlowRate | Number:VolumetricFlowRate | Exhaust Air Fan Air Flow Rate |
supplyFanSpeed | Number:Dimensionless | Supply Fan Speed in rpm |
exhaustFanSpeed | Number:Dimensionless | Exhaust Fan Speed |
rssi | Number | Received Signal Strength Indication (dBm) of last received message |
repeatCount | Number | Number of repeaters involved in the transmission of the telegram |
lastReceived | DateTime | Date and time the last telegram was received |
statusRequestEvent | Trigger | Emits event 'requestAnswer' |
windowBreachEvent | Trigger | Emits event 'ALARM' |
protectionPlusEvent | Trigger | Emits event 'ALARM' |
vacationModeToggleEvent | Trigger | Emits events 'ACTIVATED', 'DEACTIVATED' |
dayNightModeState | Number | 0 = Night mode on, 1 = day mode on |
Items linked to bi-directional actuators (actuator sends status messages back) should always disable the autoupdate
This is especially true for Eltako rollershutter, as their position is calculated out of the current position and the moving time.
Channel Configuration
Some channels can be configured with parameters.
Channel type | Parameter | Meaning | Possible values |
rollershutter | shutTime | Time (in seconds) to completely close the rollershutter | |
dimmer | rampingTime | Duration of dimming | A5-38-08: Ramping Time (in seconds), 0 = default ramping, 1..255 = seconds to 100%; D2-01-01: 0 = switch, 1-3 = timer 1-3, 4 = stop |
eltakoDimmer | Flag for Eltako dimmers, because Eltako does interpret this EEP differently | True for Eltako dimmer, false otherwise. Defaults to true for compatibility purpose. | |
storeValue | Store final value. For Eltako devices, block dimming value. | True or false. Defaults to false. | |
teachInCMD | manufacturerId | Id is used for 4BS teach in with EEP | HEX |
teachInMSG | Use this message if teach in type and/or manufacturer id are unknown | HEX | |
totalusage | validateValue | Filter out increases more than 10.0 kWh and decreases less than 1.0 kWh | true / false |
tariff | Tariff info or measurement channel to listen to | 0-15 | |
contact | inverted | Swap OPEN / CLOSED. Set True for Eltako FPE-2. | true / false. Defaults to false. |
Possible declaration in Thing DSL:
Thing centralCommand 11223344 "Light" @ "Living room" [ enoceanId="11223344", senderIdOffset=15, sendingEEPId="A5_38_08_02", receivingEEPId="A5_38_08_02" ] {
Type teachInCMD : teachInCMD [ teachInMSG="E0400D80" ]
Type dimmer : dimmer [ rampingTime=0 ]
Rules and Profiles
The rockerSwitch things use system:rawrocker channel types. So they trigger _DIR1[/2]__PRESSED and _DIR1[/2]__RELEASED events. These channels can be directly linked to simple items like Switch, Dimmer or Player with the help of profiles. If you want to do more advanced stuff, you have to implement rules which react to these events
rule "Advanced rocker rule"
Channel 'enocean:rockerSwitch:gtwy:AABBCC00:rockerswitchA' triggered DIR1_PRESSED
// do some advanced stuff
If you also want to react to simultaneously pressed channels you have to use the rockerSwitchAction
This channel emits events in the following form "DirectionChannelA|DirectionChannelB" (for example "Dir1|Dir2").
If a channel is not pressed a "-" is emitted.
To bind this channel to an item you have to use the rockerswitchaction-toggle-switch
or the rockerswitchaction-toggle-player
To define for which button press combination the linked item should toggle you have to set the configuration parameters channelAFilter
and channelBFilter
The options for these parameters are "*" (any direction), "Dir1", "Dir2", "-" (corresponding channel not pressed at all).
An example can be found below.
Bridge enocean:bridge:gtwy "EnOcean Gateway" [ path="/dev/ttyAMA0" ] {
Thing rockerSwitch rs01 "Rocker" @ "Kitchen" [ enoceanId="aabbcc01", receivingEEPId="F6_02_01" ]
Thing mechanicalHandle mh01 "Door handle" @ "Living room" [ enoceanId="aabbcc02", receivingEEPId="F6_10_00" ]
Thing roomOperatingPanel p01 "Panel" @ "Floor" [ enoceanId="aabbcc03", receivingEEPId="A5_10_06" ]
Thing centralCommand cc01 "Light" @ "Kitchen" [ enoceanId="aabbcc04", senderIdOffset=1, sendingEEPId="A5_38_08_01", receivingEEPId="F6_00_00", broadcastMessages=true, suppressRepeating=false ]
Thing centralCommand cc02 "Dimmer" @ "Living room" [ enoceanId="aabbcc05", senderIdOffset=2, sendingEEPId="A5_38_08_02", receivingEEPId="A5_38_08_02", broadcastMessages=true, suppressRepeating=false ]
Thing rollershutter r01 "Rollershutter" @ "Kitchen" [ enoceanId="aabbcc06", senderIdOffset=3, sendingEEPId="A5_3F_7F_EltakoFSB", receivingEEPId="A5_3F_7F_EltakoFSB", broadcastMessages=true, suppressRepeating=false ] {Channels: Type rollershutter:rollershutter [shutTime=25]}
Thing measurementSwitch ms01 "TV Smart Plug" @ "Living room" [ enoceanId="aabbcc07", senderIdOffset=4, sendingEEPId="D2_01_09", broadcastMessages=false, receivingEEPId="D2_01_09","A5_12_01", suppressRepeating=false, pollingInterval=300]
Thing classicDevice cd01 "Garage_Light" @ "Garage" [
] {
Type virtualSwitchA : virtualSwitchA [duration=300, switchMode="rockerSwitch"]
Type rockerswitchListenerSwitch : Listener1 "Schalter links" [enoceanId="aabbcc08", channel="channelA", switchMode="toggleButtonDir1"]
Type rockerswitchListenerSwitch : Listener2 "Schalter rechts" [enoceanId="aabbcc09", channel="channelB", switchMode="toggleButtonDir2"]
Player Kitchen_Sonos "Sonos" (Kitchen) {channel="sonos:PLAY1:ID:control", channel="enocean:rockerSwitch:gtwy:rs01:rockerswitchA" [profile="system:rawrocker-to-play-pause"]}
Switch Light_Switch { channel="enocean:rockerSwitch:gtwy:rs01:rockerSwitchAction" [profile="enocean:rockerswitchaction-toggle-switch", channelAFilter="DIR1", channelBFilter="DIR1"]}
Dimmer Kitchen_Hue "Hue" <light> {channel="enocean:rockerSwitch:gtwy:rs01:rockerswitchB" [profile="system:rawrocker-to-dimmer"], channel="hue:0220:0017884f6626:9:brightness"}
Rollershutter Kitchen_Rollershutter "Roller shutter" <blinds> (Kitchen) {channel="enocean:rollershutter:gtwy:r01:rollershutter", autoupdate="false"}
Switch Garage_Light "Switch" {
Generic Things
If an EnOcean device uses an unsupported EEP or A5-3F-7F, you have to create a genericThing
Generic things support all channels like switch, number, string etc as generic channels.
However you have to specify how to convert the EnOcean messages of the device into openHAB state updates and how to convert the openHAB commands into EnOcean messages.
These conversion functions can be defined with the help of transformation functions like MAP.
Thing type | Parameter | Meaning | Possible Values |
genericThing | senderIdOffset | 1-127 | |
enoceanId | EnOceanId of device this thing belongs to | hex value as string | |
sendingEEPId | EEP used for sending msg | F6_FF_FF, A5_FF_FF, D2_FF_FF | |
receivingEEPId | EEP used for receiving msg | F6_FF_FF, A5_FF_FF, D2_FF_FF | |
broadcastMessages | true, false | ||
suppressRepeating | true, false |
Supported channels: genericSwitch, genericRollershutter, genericDimmer, genericNumber, genericString, genericColor, genericTeachInCMD. You have to define the transformationType (e.g. MAP) and transformationFunction (e.g. for MAP: file name of mapping file) for each of these channels.
For an inbound transformation (EnOcean message => openHAB state) you receive the channel id and the EnOcean data in hex separated by a pipe. Your transformation function has to return the openHAB State type and value separated by a pipe. If you want to use a mapping transformation, your mapping file has to look like this for a genericThing using EEP F6_FF_FF:
For an outbound transformation (openHAB command => EnOcean message) you receive the channel id and the command separated by a pipe. Your transformation function has to return the payload of the EnOcean message. You do not have to worry about CRC and header data. If you want to use a mapping transformation, your mapping file has to look like this for a genericThing using EEP A5_FF_FF: