Jacob Laursen f4596f581e
Update license headers to 2024 (#16168)
* Update copyright year in configuration
* Update license headers
* Manually update nibeheatpump headers (.cpp/.h/.ino)
* Manually update smsmodem header
* Manually update hueemulation header
* Manually update addon-header.xml header

Signed-off-by: Jacob Laursen <>
2024-01-01 18:14:57 +01:00
src/main Update license headers to 2024 (#16168) 2024-01-01 18:14:57 +01:00
NOTICE added migrated 2.x add-ons 2020-09-21 03:37:19 +02:00 [Documentation] Markdown improvements t to z (#14371) 2023-04-11 12:54:54 +02:00
pom.xml Apply spotless after release (#16097) 2023-12-22 23:30:38 +01:00

VigiCrues Binding

This binding allows you to get data regarding water flow and water height on major French rivers. These data are made public through OpenDataSoft website.

Supported Things

There is exactly one supported thing type, which represents a river level measurement station. It is identified by the id.

To get your station id :

  1. open

  2. Select your region on the France map

  3. Select the station nearest to your location

  4. In the 'Info Station' tab you'll get the id just near the station name (e.g. X9999999299)

Of course, you can add multiple Things, e.g. for getting measures for different locations.


You can discover stations based upon the system location. Select Vigicrues binding and click scan in order to discover new stations. The first scan will proceed with stations located in a radius of 10 km. This radius will increase by 10 km at each new scan.

Binding Configuration

The binding has no configuration options, all configuration is done at Thing level.

Thing Configuration

The thing has a few configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
id Id of the station.
refresh Refresh interval in minutes. Optional, the default value is 30 minutes.


Once created, at first initialization, the thing will discover its capabilities (available data) using the webservices apis. Channels will be presented depending upon actual available data.

The VigiCrues information that retrieved are made available with these channels:

Channel ID Item Type Description
observation-time DateTime Date and time of measurement
flow Number:VolumetricFlowRate Volume of water per time unit
height Number:Length Water height of the river
relative-height Number:Dimensionless Current water level toward lowest historical flood
relative-flow Number:Dimensionless Current water flow tower lowest historical flood
alert (*) Number Flooding alert level of the portion related to the station
alert-icon Image Pictogram associated to the alert level
short-comment String Description of the alert level
comment String Detailed informations regarding the ongoing event

(*) Each alert level is described by a color:

Code Color Description
0 Green No particular vigilance
1 Yellow Be attentive to the flooding situation
2 Orange Be "very vigilant" in the concerned areas
3 Red Absolute vigilance required

Full Example


Thing vigicrues:station:poissy "Station Poissy" @ "VigiCrues" [id="H300000201", refresh=30]
Thing vigicrues:station:vernon "Station Vernon" @ "VigiCrues" [id="H320000104", refresh=30]


Group gVigiCrues "VigiCrues" <flow>
    Number:Length VC_hauteur "Hauteur Eau Poissy [%.2f %unit%]"  <none> (gVigiCrues) {channel="vigicrues:station:poissy:height"}
    Number:VolumetricFlowRate VC_debit "Débit Eau Poissy [%.2f %unit%]" <flow> (gVigiCrues) {channel="vigicrues:station:poissy:flow"}
    DateTime VC_ObservationPTS "Timestamp [%1$tH:%1$tM]" <time> (gVigiCrues) {channel="vigicrues:station:poissy:observation-time" }


sitemap vigicrues label="VigiCrues" {
    Frame {
        Default item=VC_hauteur
        Default item=VC_debit
        Default item=VC_ObservationPTS