mlobstein dfea7a13cf
Add chapter headings for examples (#18195)
Signed-off-by: Michael Lobstein <>
2025-01-27 15:30:58 +01:00
src/main [roku] Add End Time and Media Progress channels (#18059) 2025-01-09 08:12:57 +01:00
NOTICE [roku] binding - initial implementation (#9571) 2021-01-18 12:57:42 -08:00 Add chapter headings for examples (#18195) 2025-01-27 15:30:58 +01:00
pom.xml Prepare for OH 5.0.0 (#17906) 2024-12-15 20:30:05 +01:00

Roku Binding

This binding connects Roku streaming media players and Roku TVs to openHAB. The Roku device must support the Roku ECP protocol REST API.

In order for the binding to control the Roku, the following setting: Settings-> System-> Advanced system settings-> Control by mobile apps must be configured as Enabled or Permissive.

Supported Things

There are two supported thing types, which represent either a standalone Roku device or a Roku TV. A supported Roku streaming media player or streaming stick uses the roku_player id and a supported Roku TV uses the roku_tv id. The Roku TV type adds additional channels and button commands to the button channel dropdown for TV specific functionality. Multiple Things can be added if more than one Roku is to be controlled.


Auto-discovery is supported if the Roku can be located on the local network using SSDP. Otherwise the Thing must be manually added.

Binding Configuration

The binding has no configuration options, all configuration is done at Thing level.

Thing Configuration

The thing has a few configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
hostName The host name or IP address of the Roku device. Mandatory.
port The port on the Roku that listens for http connections. Default 8060
refresh Overrides the refresh interval for player status updates. Optional, the default is 10 seconds and minimum is 1 second.


The following channels are available:

Channel ID Item Type Description
activeApp String A dropdown containing a list of all apps installed on the Roku. The app currently running is automatically selected. The list updates every 10 minutes.
activeAppName String The name of the current app (ReadOnly).
button String Sends a remote control command the Roku. See list of available commands below. (WriteOnly)
control Player Control Playback e.g. play/pause/next/previous
playMode String The current playback mode ie: stop, play, pause (ReadOnly).
timeElapsed Number:Time The total number of seconds of playback time elapsed for the current playing title (ReadOnly).
timeTotal Number:Time The total length of the current playing title in seconds (ReadOnly). This data is not provided by all streaming apps.
endTime DateTime The date/time when the currently playing media will end (ReadOnly). N/A if timeTotal is not provided by the current streaming app.
progress Dimmer The current progress [0-100%] of playing media (ReadOnly). N/A if timeTotal is not provided by the current streaming app.
activeChannel String A dropdown containing a list of available TV channels on the Roku TV. The channel currently tuned is automatically selected. The list updates every 10 minutes.
signalMode String The signal type of the current TV channel, ie: 1080i (ReadOnly).
signalQuality Number:Dimensionless The signal quality of the current TV channel, 0-100% (ReadOnly).
channelName String The name of the channel currently selected (ReadOnly).
programTitle String The name of the current TV program (ReadOnly).
programDescription String The description of the current TV program (ReadOnly).
programRating String The TV parental guideline rating of the current TV program (ReadOnly).
power Switch Controls the power for the TV.
powerState String The current power state for the TV. (ReadOnly - ie PowerOn, DisplayOff, Ready, etc.)

Some Notes:

  • The values for activeApp, activeAppName, playMode, timeElapsed, timeTotal, activeChannel, signalMode, signalQuality, channelName, programTitle, programDescription, programRating, power & powerState refresh automatically per the configured refresh interval.
  • The endTime and progress channels may not be accurate for some streaming apps especially 'live' streams where the timeTotal value constantly increases.

List of available button commands for Roku streaming devices:

  • Home
  • Rev
  • Fwd
  • Play
  • Select
  • Left
  • Right
  • Up
  • Down
  • Back
  • InstantReplay
  • Info
  • Backspace
  • Search
  • Enter
  • FindRemote

List of additional button commands for Roku TVs:

  • ChannelUp
  • ChannelDown
  • VolumeUp
  • VolumeDown
  • VolumeMute
  • InputTuner
  • InputHDMI1
  • InputHDMI2
  • InputHDMI3
  • InputHDMI4
  • InputAV1
  • PowerOff
  • POWERON (NOTE: POWERON needs to be completely capitalized due to a bug with older Roku devices)

Full Example

roku.things Example

// Roku streaming media player
roku:roku_player:myplayer1 "My Roku" [ hostName="", refresh=10 ]

// Roku TV
roku:roku_tv:mytv1 "My Roku TV" [ hostName="", refresh=10 ]

roku.items Example

// Roku streaming media player items:

String Player_ActiveApp        "Current App: [%s]"             { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:activeApp" }
String Player_ActiveAppName    "Current App Name: [%s]"        { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:activeAppName" }
String Player_Button           "Send Command to Roku"          { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:button" }
Player Player_Control          "Control"                       { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:control" }
String Player_PlayMode         "Status: [%s]"                  { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:playMode" }
Number:Time Player_TimeElapsed "Elapsed Time: [%d %unit%]"     { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:timeElapsed" }
Number:Time Player_TimeTotal   "Total Time: [%d %unit%]"       { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:timeTotal" }
DateTime Player_EndTime        "End Time: [%1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:endTime" }
Dimmer Player_Progress         "Progress [%.0f%%]"             { channel="roku:roku_player:myplayer1:progress" }

// Roku TV items:

Switch Player_Power              "Power: [%s]"                   { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:power" }
String Player_PowerState         "Power State: [%s]              { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:powerState" }
String Player_ActiveApp          "Current App: [%s]"             { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:activeApp" }
String Player_ActiveAppName      "Current App Name: [%s]"        { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:activeAppName" }
String Player_Button             "Send Command to Roku"          { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:button" }
Player Player_Control            "Control"                       { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:control" }
String Player_PlayMode           "Status: [%s]"                  { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:playMode" }
Number:Time Player_TimeElapsed   "Elapsed Time: [%d %unit%]"     { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:timeElapsed" }
Number:Time Player_TimeTotal     "Total Time: [%d %unit%]"       { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:timeTotal" }
DateTime Player_EndTime          "End Time: [%1$tl:%1$tM %1$tp]" { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:endTime" }
Dimmer Player_Progress           "Progress [%.0f%%]"             { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:progress" }
String Player_ActiveChannel      "Current Channel: [%s]"         { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:activeChannel" }
String Player_SignalMode         "Signal Mode: [%s]"             { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:signalMode" }
Number Player_SignalQuality      "Signal Quality: [%d %%]"       { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:signalQuality" }
String Player_ChannelName        "Channel Name: [%s]"            { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:channelName" }
String Player_ProgramTitle       "Program Title: [%s]"           { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:programTitle" }
String Player_ProgramDescription "Program Description: [%s]"     { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:programDescription" }
String Player_ProgramRating      "Program Rating: [%s]"          { channel="roku:roku_tv:mytv1:programRating" }

// A virtual switch used to trigger a rule to start a given app
Switch Player_StartYouTube       "Start YouTube"

roku.sitemap Example

sitemap roku label="Roku" {
    Frame label="My Roku" {
        Selection item=Player_ActiveApp icon="screen"
        Text item=Player_ActiveAppName
        // This Selection is deprecated in favor of the Buttongrid element below
        Selection item=Player_Button icon="screen"
        Default item=Player_Control
        Text item=Player_PlayMode
        Text item=Player_TimeElapsed icon="time"
        Text item=Player_TimeTotal icon="time"
        Text item=Player_EndTime icon="time"
        Slider item=Player_Progress icon="time"
        // The following items apply to Roku TVs only
        Switch item=Player_Power
        Text item=Player_PowerState
        Selection item=Player_ActiveChannel icon="screen"
        Text item=Player_SignalMode
        Text item=Player_SignalQuality
        Text item=Player_ChannelName
        Text item=Player_ProgramTitle
        Text item=Player_ProgramDescription
        Text item=Player_ProgramRating

        // Virtual switch/button to trigger a rule to start a given app
        // The ON value displays as the button label
        Switch item=Player_StartYouTube mappings=[ON="YouTube"]

        // Buttongrid for Roku player
        Buttongrid label="Remote Control" staticIcon=material:tv_remote item=Player_Button buttons=[1:1:Back="Back", 1:2:Home="Home"=f7:house, 1:3:Search="Search", 2:2:Up="Up"=f7:arrowtriangle_up, 4:2:Down="Down"=f7:arrowtriangle_down, 3:1:Left="Left"=f7:arrowtriangle_left, 3:3:Right="Right"=f7:arrowtriangle_right, 3:2:Select="Select", 5:1:InstantReplay="Instant Replay", 5:2:Info="Info*", 6:1:Rev="Reverse"=f7:backward, 6:2:Play="Play/Pause"=f7:playpause, 6:3:Fwd="Forward"=f7:forward, 7:1:Enter="Enter", 7:2:Backspace="Backspace", 7:3:FindRemote="Find Remote"]

        // Buttongrid for Roku TV
        Buttongrid label="Remote Control" staticIcon=material:tv_remote item=Player_Button buttons=[1:1:POWERON="Power On"=switch-on, 1:2:PowerOff="Power Off"=switch-off, 1:3:InputTuner="Tuner", 1:4:InputAV1="AV 1", 2:1:InputHDMI1="HDMI 1", 2:2:InputHDMI2="HDMI 2", 2:3:InputHDMI3="HDMI 3", 2:4:InputHDMI4="HDMI 4", 3:1:Back="Back", 3:2:Home="Home"=f7:house, 3:3:Search="Search", 4:2:Up="Up"=f7:arrowtriangle_up, 6:2:Down="Down"=f7:arrowtriangle_down, 5:1:Left="Left"=f7:arrowtriangle_left, 5:3:Right="Right"=f7:arrowtriangle_right, 5:2:Select="Select", 7:1:InstantReplay="Instant Replay", 7:2:Info="Info*", 8:1:Rev="Reverse"=f7:backward, 8:2:Play="Play/Pause"=f7:playpause, 8:3:Fwd="Forward"=f7:forward, 9:1:Enter="Enter", 9:2:Backspace="Backspace", 9:3:FindRemote="Find Remote", 4:4:ChannelUp="Channel +", 5:4:ChannelDown="Channel -", 7:4:VolumeUp="Volume +", 8:4:VolumeMute="Mute"=soundvolume_mute, 9:4:VolumeDown="Volume -"]

roku.rules Example

rule "Start the YouTube app on Roku"
  Item Player_StartYouTube received command
  // Find the list of all installed apps and their IDs at http://$ROKU_IP:8060/query/apps

  // It is also possible to launch specific content within an app via deep-linking.
  // See here for more details:

  // Command to start 'Frozen' on Disney+:
  // Player_ActiveApp.sendCommand("291097?MediaType=movie&ContentID=8e06a8b7-d667-4e31-939d-f40a6dd78a88")

  // Command to start 'Me at the zoo' on YouTube:
  // Player_ActiveApp.sendCommand("837?contentId=jNQXAC9IVRw")