@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# thing types
thing-type.mqtt.topic.label = Generic MQTT Thing
thing-type.mqtt.topic.description = You need a configured Broker first. Dynamically add channels of various types to this Thing. Link different MQTT topics to each channel.
# thing types config
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.availabilityTopic.label = Availability Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.availabilityTopic.description = Topic of the LWT of the device
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.payloadAvailable.label = Device Available Payload
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.payloadAvailable.description = Payload of the 'Availability Topic', when the device is available. Default: 'ON'
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.payloadNotAvailable.label = Device Unavailable Payload
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.payloadNotAvailable.description = Payload of the 'Availability Topic', when the device is *not* available. Default: 'OFF'
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.transformationPattern.label = Availability Payload Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.topic.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to the incoming availability payload. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.status" for a json {status: "Online"}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
# channel types
channel-type.mqtt.color.label = Color Value (HSB, RGB or CIE xyY)
channel-type.mqtt.colorHSB.label = Color Value (Hue,Saturation,Brightness)
channel-type.mqtt.colorRGB.label = Color Value (Red,Green,Blue)
channel-type.mqtt.contact.label = Open/Close Contact
channel-type.mqtt.datetime.label = Date/Time Value
channel-type.mqtt.datetime.description = Current date and/or time
channel-type.mqtt.dimmer.label = Dimmer
channel-type.mqtt.image.label = Image
channel-type.mqtt.image.description = An image to display. Send a binary bmp, jpg, png or any other supported format to this channel.
channel-type.mqtt.location.label = Location
channel-type.mqtt.location.description = GPS coordinates as Latitude,Longitude,Altitude
channel-type.mqtt.number.label = Number Value
channel-type.mqtt.rollershutter.label = Rollershutter
channel-type.mqtt.string.label = Text Value
channel-type.mqtt.switch.label = On/Off Switch
channel-type.mqtt.trigger.label = Trigger
# channel types config
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.colorMode.label = Color Mode
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.colorMode.description = Defines the color representation format of the payload. "HSB" by default.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.colorMode.option.HSB = HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness)
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.colorMode.option.RGB = RGB (Red, Green, Blue)
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.colorMode.option.XYY = CIE xyY (x, y, Brightness)
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.off.label = Off/Closed Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.off.description = A number (like 0, -10) or a string (like "disabled") that is recognised as off/closed state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to OFF (CLOSED respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.on.label = On/Open Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.on.description = A number (like 1, 10) or a string (like "enabled") that is recognised as on/open state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to ON (OPEN respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.onBrightness.label = Initial Brightness
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.onBrightness.description = If you connect this channel to a Switch item and turn it on, color and saturation are preserved from the last state, but the brightness will be set to this configured initial brightness percentage.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.color_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.max.label = Absolute Maximum
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.max.description = This configuration represents the maximum of the allowed range. For a percentage channel that equals one-hundred percent.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.min.label = Absolute Minimum
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.min.description = This configuration represents the minimum of the allowed range. For a percentage channel that equals zero percent.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.off.label = Custom Off/Closed Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.off.description = A number (like 0, -10) or a string (like "disabled") that is additionally recognised as off/closed state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to OFF (CLOSED respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.on.label = Custom On/Open Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.on.description = A number (like 1, 10) or a string (like "enabled") that is additionally recognised as on/open state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to ON (OPEN respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.step.label = Delta Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.step.description = A number/dimmer channel can receive INCREASE/DECREASE commands and computes the target number by adding or subtracting this delta value.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.dimmer_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.max.label = Absolute Maximum
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.max.description = This configuration represents the maximum of the allowed range. For a percentage channel that equals one-hundred percent.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.min.label = Absolute Minimum
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.min.description = This configuration represents the minimum of the allowed range. For a percentage channel that equals zero percent.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.step.label = Delta Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.step.description = A number/dimmer channel can receive INCREASE/DECREASE commands and computes the target number by adding or subtracting this delta value.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.unit.label = Unit Of Measurement
thing-type.config.mqtt.number_channel.unit.description = Unit of measurement (optional). The unit is used for representing the value in the GUI as well as for converting incoming values (like from '°F' to '°C'). Examples: "°C", "°F"
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.off.label = Down Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.off.description = A string (like "CLOSE") that is recognised as DOWN state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to DOWN.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.on.label = Up Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.on.description = A string (like "OPEN") that is recognised as UP state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to UP.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.stop.label = Stop Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.stop.description = A string (like "STOP") that is recognised as stop state. Will set the rollershutter state to undefined, because the current position is unknown at that point.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.rollershutter_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.allowedStates.label = Allowed States
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.allowedStates.description = If your MQTT topic is limited to a set of one or more specific commands or specific states, define those states here. Separate multiple states with commas. An example for a light bulb state set: ON,DIMMED,OFF
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.string_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.commandTopic.label = MQTT Command Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.commandTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will send a command to. If not set, this will be a read-only switch.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.formatBeforePublish.label = Outgoing Value Format
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.formatBeforePublish.description = Format a value before it is published to the MQTT broker. The default is to just pass the channel/item state. If you want to apply a prefix, say "MYCOLOR,", you would use "MYCOLOR,%s". If you want to adjust the precision of a number to for example 4 digits, you would use "%.4f".
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter a value before it is published to MQTT or before a received value is assigned to an item.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.off.label = Custom Off/Closed Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.off.description = A number (like 0, -10) or a string (like "disabled") that is additionally recognised as off/closed state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to OFF (CLOSED respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.on.label = Custom On/Open Value
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.on.description = A number (like 1, 10) or a string (like "enabled") that is additionally recognised as on/open state. You can use this parameter for a second keyword, next to ON (OPEN respectively on a Contact).
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.postCommand.label = Is Command
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.postCommand.description = If the received MQTT value should not only update the state of linked items, but command them, enable this option.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.qos.label = QoS
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.qos.description = MQTT QoS of this channel (0, 1, 2). Default is QoS of the broker connection.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.qos.option.0 = At most once (best effort delivery "fire and forget")
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.qos.option.1 = At least once (guaranteed that a message will be delivered at least once)
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.qos.option.2 = Exactly once (guarantees that each message is received only once by the counterpart)
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.retained.label = Retained
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.retained.description = The value will be published to the command topic as retained message. A retained value stays on the broker and can even be seen by MQTT clients that are subscribing at a later point in time.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT State Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the state. This can be left empty, the channel will be state-less command-only channel.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. A transformation example for a received JSON would be "JSONPATH:$.device.status.temperature" for a json {device: {status: { temperature: 23.2 }}}. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.transformationPatternOut.label = Outgoing Value Transformation
thing-type.config.mqtt.switch_channel.transformationPatternOut.description = Applies a transformation before publishing a MQTT topic value. Transformations are specialised in extracting a value, but some transformations like the MAP one could be useful.
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.group.transformations.label = Transform Values
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.group.transformations.description = These configuration parameters allow you to alter before a received value is used in the trigger.
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.stateTopic.label = MQTT Trigger Topic
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.stateTopic.description = An MQTT topic that this thing will subscribe to, to receive the trigger
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.transformationPattern.label = Incoming Value Transformations
thing-type.config.mqtt.trigger_channel.transformationPattern.description = Applies transformations to an incoming MQTT topic value. This can be used to map the events sent by the device to common values for all devices using, e.g. the MAP transformation. You can chain transformations by separating them with the intersection character ∩.