2024-04-27 20:49:34 +00:00
# SAICiSMART Binding
OpenHAB binding to the SAIC-API used by MG cars (MG4, MG5 EV, MG ZSV...)
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
It enables iSMART users to get battery status and other data from their cars.
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They can also pre-heat their cars by turning ON the AC.
Based on the work done here: https://github.com/SAIC-iSmart-API
## Supported Things
European iSMART accounts and vehicles.
- `account`: Bridge representing an iSMART Account
- `vehicle`: Thing representing an iSMART MG Car
## Discovery
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
Vehicle discovery is implemented.
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Once an account has been configured it can be scanned for vehicles.
## Thing Configuration
### `account` iSMART Account Configuration
| Name | Type | Description | Default | Required | Advanced |
| username | text | iSMART username | N/A | yes | no |
| password | text | iSMART password | N/A | yes | no |
### `vehicle` An iSMART MG Car
| Name | Type | Description | Default | Required | Advanced |
| vin | text | Vehicle identification number (VIN) | N/A | yes | no |
| abrpUserToken | text | User token for A Better Routeplanner | N/A | no | no |
## Channels
| Channel | Type | Read/Write | Description | Advanced |
| odometer | Number:Length | R | Total distance driven | no |
| range-electric | Number:Length | R | Electric range | no |
| soc | Number | R | State of the battery in % | no |
| power | Number:Power | R | Power usage | no |
| charging | Switch | R | Charging | no |
| engine | Switch | R | Engine state | no |
| speed | Number:Speed | R | Vehicle speed | no |
| location | Location | R | The actual position of the vehicle | no |
| heading | Number:Angle | R | The compass heading of the car, (0-360 degrees) | no |
| auxiliary-battery-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | R | Auxiliary battery voltage | no |
| tyre-pressure-front-left | Number:Pressure | R | Pressure front left | no |
| tyre-pressure-front-right | Number:Pressure | R | Pressure front right | no |
| tyre-pressure-rear-left | Number:Pressure | R | Pressure rear left | no |
| tyre-pressure-rear-right | Number:Pressure | R | Pressure rear right | no |
| interior-temperature | Number:Temperature | R | Interior temperature | no |
| exterior-temperature | Number:Temperature | R | Exterior temperature | no |
| door-driver | Contact | R | Driver door open state | no |
| door-passenger | Contact | R | Passenger door open state | no |
| door-rear-left | Contact | R | Rear left door open state | no |
| door-rear-right | Contact | R | Rear right door open state | no |
| window-driver | Contact | R | Driver window open state | no |
| window-passenger | Contact | R | Passenger window open state | no |
| window-rear-left | Contact | R | Rear left window open state | no |
| window-rear-right | Contact | R | Rear right window open state | no |
| window-sun-roof | Contact | R | Sun roof open state | no |
| last-activity | DateTime | R | Last time the engine was on or the car was charging | no |
| last-position-update | DateTime | R | Last time the Position data was updated | no |
| last-charge-state-update | DateTime | R | Last time the Charge State data was updated | no |
| remote-ac-status | Number | R | Status of the A/C | no |
| switch-ac | Switch | R/W | Control the A/C remotely | no |
| force-refresh | Switch | R/W | Force an immediate refresh of the car data | yes |
| last-alarm-message-date | DateTime | R | Last time an alarm message was sent | no |
| last-alarm-message-content | String | R | Vehicle message | no |
# Example
Bridge saicismart:account:myaccount "My iSMART Account" [ username="MyEmail@domian.com", password="MyPassword" ] {
Thing vehicle mymg5 "MG5" [ vin="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", abrpUserToken="xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" ]
Number MG5_Total_Distance_Driven "MG5 Total Distance Driven" ["Length"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:odometer"}
Number MG5_Electric_Range "MG5 Electric Range" ["Length"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:range-electric"}
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
Number MG5_Battery_Level "MG5 Battery Level" ["Energy"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:soc"}
2024-04-27 20:49:34 +00:00
Number MG5_Power_Usage "MG5 Power Usage" ["Power"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:power"}
Switch MG5_Charging "MG5 Charging" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:charging"}
Switch MG5_Engine_State "MG5 Engine State" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:engine"}
Number MG5_Speed "MG5 Speed" ["Speed"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:speed"}
Location MG5_Location "MG5 Location" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:location"}
Number MG5_Heading "MG5 Heading" ["Angle"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:heading"}
Number MG5_Auxiliary_Battery_Voltage "MG5 Auxiliary Battery Voltage" ["ElectricPotential"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:auxiliary-battery-voltage"}
Number MG5_Pressure_Front_Left "MG5 Pressure Front Left" ["Pressure"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:tyre-pressure-front-left"}
Number MG5_Pressure_Front_Right "MG5 Pressure Front Right ["Pressure"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:tyre-pressure-front-right"}
Number MG5_Pressure_Rear_Left "MG5 Pressure Rear Left" ["Pressure"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:tyre-pressure-rear-left"}
Number MG5_Pressure_Rear_Right "MG5 Pressure Rear Right" ["Pressure"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:tyre-pressure-rear-right"}
Number MG5_Interior_Temperature "MG5 Interior Temperature" ["Temperature"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:interior-temperature"}
Number MG5_Exterior_Temperature "MG5 Exterior Temperature" ["Temperature"] {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:exterior-temperature"}
Contact MG5_Driver_Door "MG5 Driver Door" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:door-driver"}
Contact MG5_Passenger_Door "MG5 Passenger Door" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:door-passenger"}
Contact MG5_Rear_Left_Door "MG5 Rear Left Door" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:door-rear-left"}
Contact MG5_Rear_Right_Door "MG5 Rear Right Door" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:door-rear-right"}
Contact MG5_Driver_Window "MG5 Driver Window" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:window-driver"}
Contact MG5_Passenger_Window "MG5 Passenger Window" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:window-passenger"}
Contact MG5_Rear_Left_Window "MG5 Rear Left Window" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:window-rear-left"}
Contact MG5_Rear_Right_Window "MG5 Rear Right Window" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:window-rear-right"}
Contact MG5_Sun_Roof "MG5 Sun Roof" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:window-sun-roof"}
DateTime MG5_Last_Car_Activity "MG5 Last Car Activity" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:last-activity"}
DateTime MG5_Last_Position_Timestamp "MG5 Last Position Timestamp" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:last-position-update"}
DateTime MG5_Last_Charge_State_Timestamp "MG5 Last Charge State Timestamp" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:last-charge-state-update"}
Number MG5_Remote_AC "MG5 Remote A/C" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:remote-ac-status"}
Switch MG5_Switch_AC "MG5 Switch A/C" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:switch-ac"}
Switch MG5_Force_Refresh "MG5 Force Refresh" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:force-refresh"}
DateTime MG5_Last_Alarm_Message_Timestamp "MG5 Last Alarm Message Timestamp" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:last-alarm-message-date"}
String MG5_Vehicle_Message "MG5 Vehicle Message" {channel="saicismart:vehicle:myaccount:mymg5:last-alarm-message-content"}
## Limitations
The advanced channel "force refresh" if used regularly will drain the 12v car battery and you will be unable to start it!
Only European iSMART accounts and vehicles are supported. API host configuration and testing for other markets is required.