2020-09-25 20:23:51 +00:00
# E3DC
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
Integrates the Home Power Plants from E3/DC GmbH into openHAB.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
See [E3DC Website ](https://www.e3dc.com/ ) to find more informations about the device.
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
The Power Plant handles all your Electrical Energy Resources like Photovoltaic Producers, Battery Storage, Wallbox Power Supply, Household Consumption and even more.
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
E3DC devices are integrated into the Modbus Binding.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
See chapter [Thing Configuration ](#thing-configuration ) how to set them up or check the [full example Things ](#things ) for manual setup.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
## Supported Things
First you need a Bridge which establishes the basic connection towards your E3DC device
| Name | Thing Type ID | Description |
| E3DC Home Power Plant | e3dc | Provides Power values, String Details, Emergency Power Status and general Information of your E3DC Home Power Plant |
| E3DC Wallbox | e3dc-wallbox | Provides your Wallbox Settings. Switches like "Sunmode" or "1-Phase Charging" can be changed |
## Discovery
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
There's no discovery.
Modbus registers are available for all devices.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
## Thing Configuration
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
The needed Things can be found in the **Modbus Binding** and have to be added manually without Discovery
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
< img align = "right" src = "./doc/E3DC_Modbus_Settings.png" / >
1. Create _Modbus TCP Bridge_ with matching Settings of your E3DC Device
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
- IP Address
- Device ID
- Port ID
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
1. Create _E3DC Home Power Plant_ and attach it to the previous installed _Modbus TCP Bridge_ . Configuration requires an approriate Data Refresh Interval with more than 1000 Milliseconds
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
1. If you have a Wallbox attached add _E3DC Wallbox_ Thing with your previous installed _E3DC Home Power Plant_ as Bridge. Configuration requires a Wallbox ID between 0 and 7.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Check the [full example Things ](#things ) for manual setup.
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
### Modbus TCP Slave
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
| Parameter | Type | Description |
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
| host | text | IP Address of your device |
| port | integer | TCP Port of your E3DC device Modbus Settings.. Default is 502 |
| deviceid | integer | Modbus ID of your E3DC device Modbus Settings. Default is 1 |
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
### E3DC Home Power Plant
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Select as Bridge your previously created Modbus TCP Slave.
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
| Parameter | Type | Description |
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
| refresh | integer | Refresh Rate of E3DC values in Milliseconds |
### E3DC Wallbox
Select as Bridge your previously created E3DC Home Power Plant.
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
| Parameter | Type | Description |
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
| wallboxId | integer | E3DC supports up to 8 Wallboxes - select a value from 0 to 7 |
## Channels
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
The E3DC device offers quite an amount of channels. For clustering 4 Channel Groups are used:
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
### Channel Group _Information Block_
| Channel Label | Channel Group ID | Channel ID | Type | Description |
| Modbus-ID | info | modbus-id | String | Modbus ID / Magic Byte of E3DC |
| Modbus Firmware | info | modbus-firmware | String | Version of Modbus Firmware |
| Supported Registers | info | supported-registers | Number | Number of registers supported by Modbus |
| Manufacturer Name | info | manufacturer-name | String | Name of the Device Manufacturer |
| E3DC Model Name | info | model-name | String | Name of the E3DC Model |
| E3DC Firmware Release | info | firmware-release | String | Firmware installed on this particular E3DC Device |
| E3DC Serial Number | info | serial-number | String | Serial Number of this particular E3DC Device |
### Channel Group _Power Block_
2021-03-15 22:15:00 +00:00
| Channel Label | Channel Group ID | Channel ID | Type | Description |
| PV Output | power | pv-power-supply | Number:Power | Photovoltaic Power Production |
| Battery Discharge | power | battery-power-supply | Number:Power | Battery discharges and provides Power |
| Battery Charge | power | battery-power-consumption | Number:Power | Battery charges and consumes Power |
| Household Consumption | power | household-power-consumption | Number:Power | Household consuming Power |
| Grid Power Consumption | power | grid-power-consumption | Number:Power | More Photovoltaic Power is produced than needed. Additional Power is consumed by Grid |
| Grid Power Supply | power | grid-power-supply | Number:Power | Grid Power is needed in order to satisfy your overall Power consumption |
| External Power Supply | power | external-power-supply | Number:Power | Power produced by an external device which is attached to your E3DC device |
| Wallbox Power Consumption | power | wallbox-power-consumption | Number:Power | Power consumption of attached Wallboxes |
| Wallbox PV Power Consumption | power | wallbox-pv-power-consumption | Number:Power | Photovoltaic Power consumption (PV plus Battery) of attached Wallboxes |
| Autarky | power | autarky-channel | Number:Dimensionless | Your current Autarky Level in Percent |
| Self Consumption | power | self-consumption | Number:Dimensionless | Your current Photovoltaic Self Consumption Level in Percent |
| Battery State Of Charge | power | battery-soc | Number:Dimensionless | Charge Level of your attached Battery in Percent |
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
### Channel Group _String Details Block_
2021-03-15 22:15:00 +00:00
| Channel Label | Channel Group ID | Channel ID | Type | Description |
| String 1 Potential | strings | string1-dc-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on String 1 |
| String 2 Potential | strings | string2-dc-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on String 2 |
| String 3 Potential | strings | string3-dc-voltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Voltage on String 3 |
| String 1 Current | strings | string1-dc-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on String 1 |
| String 2 Current | strings | string2-dc-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on String 2 |
| String 3 Current | strings | string3-dc-current | Number:ElectricCurrent | Current on String 3 |
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
| String 1 Power | strings | string1-dc-output | Number:Power | Power produced by String 1 |
| String 2 Power | strings | string2-dc-output | Number:Power | Power produced by String 2 |
| String 3 Power | strings | string3-dc-output | Number:Power | Power produced by String 3 |
### Channel _EMS Block_
| Channel Label | Channel Group ID | Channel ID | Type | Description |
| Emergency Power Status | emergency | emergency-power-status | String | Possible values: EP not supported, EP active, EP not active, EP not available, EP Switch in wrong position, EP Status unknown |
| Battery Charging Locked | emergency | battery-charging-lock | Switch | Battery charging is locked |
| Battery Discharging Locked | emergency | battery-discharging-lock | Switch | Battery discharging is locked |
| Emergency Power Possible | emergency | emergency-power-possible | Switch | Emergency Power Supply is possible |
| Weather Predicted Battery Charging | emergency | weather-predicted-charging | Switch | Weather Predicted Battery Charging is activated |
| Regulation Status Of Max Grid Power Supply | emergency | regulation-status | Switch | Grid Power Supply is currently regulated |
| Charge Lock time Active | emergency | charge-lock-time | Switch | Charge Lock Time is currently active |
| Discharge Lock time Active | emergency | discharge-lock-time | Switch | Discharge Lock Time is currently active |
### E3DC Wallbox Channels
Some of the Wallbox Settings can be changed. See the Access column if the actual value is Read/Write (RW) or Read Only (RO)
| Channel Label | Channel ID | Type | Access | Description |
| Wallbox Available | wb-available | Switch | RO | Indicates if the Wallbox is attached. Check your Wallbox ID in offline case |
| Sun Mode | wb-sunmode | Switch | RW | Activate / Deactivate Sun Mode. Off case takes Grid Power to ensure highest possible charging. |
| Wallbox Charging Aborted | wb-charging-aborted | Switch | RW | Wallbox charging is aborted |
| Wallbox Charging | wb-charging | Switch | RO | Wallbox is charging |
| Jack Locked | wb-jack-locked | Switch | RO | Jack is locked |
| Jack Plugged | wb-jack-plugged | Switch | RO | Jack is plugged |
| Schuko Socket On | wb-schuko-on | Switch | RW | If your Wallbox has an additional Schuko Socket it provides state ON or OFF |
| Schuko Socket Plugged | wb-schuko-plugged | Switch | RO | If your Wallbox has an additional Schuko Socket it provides plugged state ON or OFF |
| Schuko Socket Locked | wb-schuko-locked | Switch | RO | If your Wallbox has an additional Schuko Socket it provides locked state ON or OFF |
| Schuko 16A Relay On | wb-schuko-relay-16a | Switch | RO | Schuko 16A Relay is ON |
| 16A Relay On | wb-relay-16a | Switch | RO | Wallbox 16A Relay is ON |
| 32A Relay On | wb-relay-32a | Switch | RO | Wallbox 32A Relay is ON |
| 1-Phase Charging | 1-Phase Active | Switch | RW | 1-phase charging is activated. If OFF 3-phase charging is activated |
## Full Example
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
Following example provides the full configuration.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
If you enter the correct Connection Data, IP Address, Device ID and Port number in the thing configuration you should be fine.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
### Things
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Bridge modbus:tcp:device "E3DC Modbus TCP" [ host="", port=502, id=1 ] {
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
Bridge e3dc powerplant "E3DC Power Plant" [ refresh=2500 ] {
Thing e3dc-wallbox wallbox0 "E3DC Wallbox" [ wallboxId=0]
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
### Items
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
String E3DC_ModbusId "E3DC Modbus ID" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#modbus-id" }
String E3DC_ModbusFirmware "E3DC Modbus Firmware" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#modbus-firmware" }
Number E3DC_SupportedRegisters "E3DC Supported Registers" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#supported-registers" }
String E3DC_Manufacturer "E3DC Manufacturer" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#manufacturer-name" }
String E3DC_ModelName "E3DC Model" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#model-name" }
String E3DC_Firmware "E3DC Modbus ID" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#firmware-release" }
String E3DC_SerialNumber "E3DC Modbus ID" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:info#serial-number" }
2021-03-15 22:15:00 +00:00
Number:Power E3DC_PVPower "E3DC PV Power" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#pv-power-supply" }
Number:Power E3DC_BatteryDischarge "E3DC Battery Discharge" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#battery-power-supply" }
Number:Power E3DC_BatteryCharge "E3DC Battery Charge" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#battery-power-consumption" }
Number:Power E3DC_Household "E3DC Household Consumption" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#household-power-consumption" }
Number:Power E3DC_GridConsumption "E3DC Power to Grid" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#grid-power-consumption" }
Number:Power E3DC_GridSupply "E3DC Power from Grid" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#grid-power-supply" }
Number:Power E3DC_ExternalSupply "E3DC External Supply" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#external-power-supply" }
Number:Power E3DC_WallboxConsumption "E3DC Wallbox Consumption" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#wallbox-power-consumption" }
Number:Power E3DC_WallboxPVConsumption "E3DC Wallbox PV Consumption" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#wallbox-pv-power-consumption" }
Number:Dimensionless E3DC_AutarkyLevel "E3DC Autarky Level" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#autarky" }
Number:Dimensionless E3DC_SelfConsumptionLevel "E3DC Self Consumption Level" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#self-consumption" }
Number:Dimensionless E3DC_BatterySOC "E3DC Battery SOC" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:power#battery-soc" }
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Switch E3DC_WB_Available "E3DC WB available" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-available" }
Switch E3DC_WB_Sunmode "E3DC WB Sunmode" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-sunmode" }
Switch E3DC_WB_ChargingAborted "E3DC WB Charging Aborted" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-charging-aborted" }
Switch E3DC_WB_Charging "E3DC WB Charging" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-charging" }
Switch E3DC_WB_JackLocked "E3DC WB Jack Locked" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-jack-locked" }
Switch E3DC_WB_JackPlugged "E3DC WB Jack Plugged" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-jack-plugged" }
Switch E3DC_WB_SchukoOn "E3DC WB Schuko On" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-schuko-on" }
Switch E3DC_WB_SchukoPlugged "E3DC WB Schuko Plugged" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-schuko-plugged" }
Switch E3DC_WB_SchukoLocked "E3DC WB Schuko Locked" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-schuko-locked" }
Switch E3DC_WB_Schuko_Relay16A "E3DC WB Schuko 16A Relay" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-schuko-relay-16a" }
Switch E3DC_WB_Relay16A "E3DC WB 16A Relay" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-relay-16a" }
Switch E3DC_WB_Relay32A "E3DC WB 32A Relay" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-relay-32a" }
Switch E3DC_WB_1PhaseCharging "E3DC WB 1-Phase Charging" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc-wallbox:device:powerplant:wallbox0:wb-1phase" }
Number:ElectricPotential E3DC_String1V "E3DC String 1 Volt" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string1-dc-voltage" }
Number:ElectricPotential E3DC_String2V "E3DC String 2 Volt" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string2-dc-voltage" }
Number:ElectricPotential E3DC_String3V "E3DC String 3 Volt" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string3-dc-voltage" }
Number:ElectricCurrent E3DC_String1A "E3DC String 1 Ampere" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string1-dc-current" }
Number:ElectricCurrent E3DC_String2A "E3DC String 2 Ampere" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string2-dc-current" }
Number:ElectricCurrent E3DC_String3A "E3DC String 3 Ampere" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string3-dc-current" }
Number:Power E3DC_String1W "E3DC String 1 Watt" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string1-dc-output" }
Number:Power E3DC_String2W "E3DC String 2 Watt" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string2-dc-output" }
Number:Power E3DC_String3W "E3DC String 3 Watt" (e3dc,persist) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:strings#string3-dc-output" }
String E3DC_EMS_Status "E3DC EMS Status" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#emergency-power-status" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_BatteryChargingLock "E3DC EMS Battery Charging Locked" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#battery-charging-lock" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_BatteryDischargingLock "E3DC EMS Battery Discharging Locked" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#battery-discharging-lock" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_EmergencyPowerPossible "E3DC EMS Emergency Power possible" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#emergency-power-possible" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_WeatherPredictedCharging "E3DC EMS Weather Predicted Charging" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#weather-predicted-charging" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_RegulationStatus "E3DC EMS Regulation Status" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#regulation-status" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_ChargeLockTime "E3DC EMS Charge Lock Time" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#charge-lock-time" }
Switch E3DC_EMS_DischargeLockTime "E3DC EMS Discharge Lock TIme" (e3dc) { channel="modbus:e3dc:device:powerplant:emergency#discharge-lock-time" }
### Sitemap
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
sitemap E3DC label="E3DC Binding Sitemap" {
Frame label="Info" {
Text item=E3DC_ModbusId label="Modbus-ID [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_ModbusFirmware label="Modbus Firmware [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_SupportedRegisters label="Registers [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_Manufacturer label="Manufacturer [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_ModelName label="Model Name [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_Firmware label="Firmware [%s]"
Text item=E3DC_SerialNumber label="Serial Number[%s]"
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Frame label="Power Producer" {
Text item=E3DC_PVPower label="PV Power [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_BatteryDischarge label="Battery Discharge [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_GridSupply label="Power from Grid [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_ExternalSupply label="External Supply [%d %unit%]"
Frame label="Power Consumer" {
Text item=E3DC_Household label="Household [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_BatteryCharge label="Battery Charge [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_GridConsumption label="Power to Grid [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_WallboxConsumption label="Wallbox [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_WallboxPVConsumption label="Wallbox PV [%d %unit%]"
Frame label="Power Measures" {
Text item=E3DC_AutarkyLevel label="Autarky [%d %%]"
Text item=E3DC_SelfConsumptionLevel label="Self Consumption [%d %%]"
Text item=E3DC_BatterySOC label="SOC [%d %%]"
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Frame label="Wallbox" {
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Available label="Available [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Sunmode label="Sunmode [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_ChargingAborted label="Charging Aborted[%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Charging label="Charging [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_JackLocked label="Jack locked [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_JackPlugged label="Jack plugged [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_SchukoOn label="Schuko On [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_SchukoPlugged label="Schuko plugged [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_SchukoLocked label="Schuko locked [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Schuko_Relay16A label="Schuko Relay 16A [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Relay16A label="Relay 16A [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_Relay32A label="Relay 32A [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_WB_1PhaseCharging label="1-Phase charging [%s]"
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Frame label="String 1 Details" {
Text item=E3DC_String1V label="Volt [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String1A label="Ampere [%.2f %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String1W label="Watt [%d %unit%]"
Frame label="String 2 Details" {
Text item=E3DC_String2V label="Volt [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String2A label="Ampere [%.2f %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String2W label="Watt [%d %unit%]"
Frame label="String 3 Details" {
Text item=E3DC_String3V label="Volt [%d %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String3A label="Ampere [%.2f %unit%]"
Text item=E3DC_String3W label="Watt [%d %unit%]"
2024-09-28 15:46:53 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Frame label="EMS" {
Text item=E3DC_EMS_Status label="Status [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_BatteryChargingLock label="Battery Charging Lock [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_BatteryDischargingLock label="Battery Discharging Lock [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_EmergencyPowerPossible label="Emergency Power Possible [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_WeatherPredictedCharging label="Weather Predicted Charging [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_RegulationStatus label="Regulation [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_ChargeLockTime label="Charge Lock Times [%s]"
Switch item=E3DC_EMS_DischargeLockTime label="Discharge Lock Times [%s]"
## Going further
Setup and configured everything the right way? Congratulations, you've now the recent E3DC values on your table. Don't stop and go ahead!
### Persistence
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
You can see in the example item configuration, that I added some items to the "persist".
Feel free to choose your own group name but this opens the possibility to store the items in a database.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
See following *.persist file configuration how this can be established.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Strategies {
everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
everyHour : "0 0 * * * ?"
everyDay : "0 0 0 * * ?"
default = everyChange
Items {
// persist items on every change and every minute - used for E3DC
persist : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
### Visualization
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
After the timeline is available in your database you can continue with Visualization.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
I like the Grafana approach and I used the [InfluxDB & Grafana Tutorial ](https://community.openhab.org/t/influxdb-grafana-persistence-and-graphing/13761 )
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
from the Community to set this up.
I prepared my machine and I'm quite pleased with the results.
2021-03-15 22:15:00 +00:00
< img align = "right" src = "./doc/GrafanaPV.png" / >
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
In the above picture there are two graphs
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
- The top one shows the Photovoltaic Production of my 2 attached Strings. You can clearly see when the sky wasn't bright the production goes down
- The bottom graph show the producers & consumers.
- Battery in blue charging during the day, discharging at night
- Household consumption in green
- Wallbox consumption in orange
- Grid consumption / supply in yellow
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
### Cross Connections
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
With the above setup you have now a great visualization and overview regarding your electric production and consumption.
Now use the Power of openHAB and cross connect your data.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
For example you can use the [OpenweatherMap API Binding ](https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/openweathermap/ )
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
the cloudiness in Percent.
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
With a modified *.persist file I store the cloudiness forecast also in the database
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Strategies {
everyMinute : "0 * * * * ?"
everyHour : "0 0 * * * ?"
everyDay : "0 0 0 * * ?"
default = everyChange
Items {
// persist items on every change and every minute - used for E3DC
persist : strategy = everyChange, everyMinute
LocalWeatherAndForecast_Current_BewLkung : strategy = everyChange,everyHour
2022-12-08 20:36:05 +00:00
Having these values in the timeline you're able to cross check how the forecast influences the Photovoltaic Production.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2021-03-15 22:15:00 +00:00
< img align = "right" src = "./doc/GrafanaCloudiness.png" / >
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
2020-12-20 13:43:48 +00:00
I personally would like to have more steering control of the E3DC to react on such forecast e.g. "stop charging the car if it gets too cloudy"