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# FolderWatcher Binding
This binding is intended to monitor a local folder, FTP and S3 bucket and their subfolders and notify of new files.
## Supported Things
The binding support three types of things: `localfolder`, `ftpfolder` and `s3bucket`.
## Thing Configuration
The `localfolder` thing has the following configuration options:
| Parameter | Name | Description | Required | Default value |
| ------------------ | --------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | -------- | ------------- |
| localDir | Local Directory | Local directory to be watched | yes | n/a |
| listHiddenLocal | List Hidden | Allow listing of hidden files | yes | No |
| pollIntervalLocal | Polling interval in seconds | Interval for polling folder changes | yes | 60 |
| listRecursiveLocal | List Sub Folders | Allow listing of sub folders | yes | No |
The `ftpfolder` thing has the following configuration options:
| Parameter | Name | Description | Required | Default value |
| ----------------- | ------------------------------ | ----------------------------------- | -------- | ------------- |
| ftpAddress | FTP server | IP address of FTP server | yes | n/a |
| ftpPort | FTP port | Port of FTP server | yes | 21 |
| secureMode | FTP Security | FTP Security | yes | None |
| ftpUsername | Username | FTP user name | yes | n/a |
| ftpPassword | Password | FTP password | yes | n/a |
| ftpDir | RootDir | Root directory to be watched | yes | n/a |
| listRecursiveFtp | List Sub Folders | Allow listing of sub folders | yes | No |
| listHidden | List Hidden | Allow listing of hidden files | yes | false |
| connectionTimeout | Connection timeout in seconds | Connection timeout for FTP request | yes | 30 |
| pollInterval | Polling interval in seconds | Interval for polling folder changes | yes | 60 |
| diffHours | Time stamp difference in hours | How many hours back to analyze | yes | 24 |
The `s3bucket` thing has the following configuration options:
| Parameter | Name | Description | Required | Default value |
| s3BucketName | S3 Bucket Name | Name of the S3 bucket to be watched | yes | n/a |
| s3Path | S3 Path | S3 path (folder) to be monitored | no | n/a |
| pollIntervalS3 | Polling Interval | Interval for polling S3 bucket changes, in seconds | yes | 60 |
| awsKey | AWS Access Key | AWS access key | no | n/a |
| awsSecret | AWS Secret | AWS secret | no | n/a |
| awsRegion | AWS Region | AWS region of S3 bucket | yes | "" |
| s3Anonymous | Anonymous Connection | Connect anonymously (works for public buckets) | yes | true |
## Events
This binding supports the following event:
| Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
| newfile | String | A new file name discovered |
## Full Example
Thing configuration:
folderwatcher:localfolder:myLocalFolder [ localDir="/myfolder", pollIntervalLocal=60, listHiddenLocal="false", listRecursiveLocal="false" ]
folderwatcher:ftpfolder:myLocalFolder [ ftpAddress="X.X.X.X", ftpPort=21, secureMode="EXPLICIT", ftpUsername="username", ftpPassword="password", ftpDir="/myfolder/", listHidden="true", listRecursiveFtp="true", connectionTimeout=33, pollInterval=66, diffHours=25 ]
folderwatcher:s3bucket:myS3bucket [ s3BucketName="mypublic-bucket", pollIntervalS3=60, awsRegion="us-west-1", s3Anonymous="true" ]
### Using in a Rule
Local folder example:
rule "New Local file"
Channel "folderwatcher:localfolder:myLocalFolder:newfile" triggered
logInfo("NewLocalFile", receivedEvent.toString())
FTP example:
rule "New FTP file"
Channel "folderwatcher:ftpfolder:myFTPFolder:newfile" triggered
logInfo("NewFTPFile", receivedEvent.toString())
S3 bucket example:
rule "New S3 file"
Channel "folderwatcher:s3bucket:myS3bucket:newfile" triggered
logInfo("NewS3File", receivedEvent.toString())