2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
# Exec Binding
This binding integrates the possibility to execute arbitrary shell commands.
## Supported Things
Currently, the binding supports a single type of Thing, being the `command` Thing.
## Binding Configuration
For security reasons all commands need to be whitelisted.
Allowed commands need to be added to the `misc/exec.whitelist` file in the configuration directory.
Every command needs to be on a separate line.
/bin/echo "Hello world!"
/usr/local/bin/apcaccess status
php ./configurations/scripts/script.php %2$s
Note that the commands are executed in the context and with the privileges of the process running the Java Virtual Machine.
On a Linux system the system user `openhab` needs to have the privileges needed to execute your intended command.
It is advised to test the correct operation of the command in the scope of the `openhab` user on the command line first:
sudo -u openhab < YOUR COMMAND >
It is not advised to run the virtual machine as superuser/root.
## Thing Configuration
The "command" Thing requires the command to execute on the shell.
Optionally one can specify:
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- `transform` - [Transformations ](/docs/configuration/transformations.html ) to apply on the execution result string.
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- `interval` - An interval, in seconds, the command will be repeatedly executed. Default is 60 seconds, set to 0 to avoid automatic repetition.
- `timeout` - A time-out, in seconds, the execution of the command will time out, and lastly,
- `autorun` - A boolean parameter to make the command execute immediately every time the input channel is sent a different openHAB command. If choosing autorun, you may wish to also set `interval=0` . Note that sending the same command a second time will not trigger execution.
For each shell command, a separate Thing has to be defined.
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### Transformations
Transformations can be chained in the UI by listing each transformation on a separate line, or by separating them with the mathematical intersection character "∩".
Transformations are defined using this syntax: `TYPE(FUNCTION)` , e.g.: `JSONPATH($.path)` .
The syntax: `TYPE:FUNCTION` is also supported, e.g.: `JSONPATH:$.path` .
Please note that if the transformation failed or returned `null` , the original data will be passed through.
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Thing exec:command:uniquename [command="/command/to/execute here", interval=15, timeout=5, autorun=false]
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The `command` itself can be enhanced using the well known syntax of the [Java formatter class syntax ](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/21/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Formatter.html#syntax ).
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The following parameters are automatically added:
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- the current date (as java.util.Date, example: `%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td` )
- the current (or last) command to the input channel (see below, example: `%2$s` )
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note - if you trigger execution using interval or the run channel, the `%2` substitution will use the most recent command (if there has been one) sent to the input channel. The state of the Item linked to input channel is ignored.
## Channels
All Things support the following channels:
| Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
| input | String | Input parameter to provide to the command |
| output | String | Output of the last execution of the command |
| exit | Number | The exit value of the last execution of the command |
| run | Switch | Send ON to execute the command, the current state tells whether it is running or not |
| lastexecution | DateTime | Time/Date the command was last executed, in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ format |
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**Attention:** Linking `input` to any other item type than `String` will result in erroneous behavior.
If needed, please use a rule to convert your item's state to a string.
Also note that only commands (e.g. `sendCommand` ) to the `input` channel are recognized, updating the item's state will not work (e.g. `postUpdate` ).
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## Minimal Example
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### `demo.things` Example
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Thing exec:command:apc [command="/usr/local/bin/apcaccess status", interval=15, timeout=5]
Thing exec:command:myscript [command="php ./configurations/scripts/script.php %2$s", transform="REGEX((.*?))"]
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### demo.items
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
String APCRaw "[%s]" (All) {channel="exec:command:apc:output"}
Switch APCRunning {channel="exec:command:apc:run"}
Number APCExitValue "[%d]" {channel="exec:command:apc:exit"}
DateTime APCLastExecution {channel="exec:command:apc:lastexecution"}
## Full Example
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Following is an example how to set up an exec command thing, pass it a parameter, debug it with a rule and set the returned string to a Number Item.
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2024-10-10 20:42:51 +00:00
### `demo.things` Example
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// "%2$s" will be replace by the input channel command, this makes it possible to use one command line with different arguments.
// e.g: "ls" as < YOUR COMMAND > and "-a" or "-l" as additional argument sent to the input channel in the rule.
Thing exec:command:yourcommand [ command="< YOUR COMMAND > %2$s", interval=0, autorun=false ]
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### demo.items
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
Switch YourTrigger "External trigger [%s]"
Number YourNumber "Your Number [%.1f °C]"
// state of the execution, is running or finished
Switch yourcommand_Run {channel="exec:command:yourcommand:run", autoupdate="false"}
// Arguments to be placed for '%2$s' in command line
String yourcommand_Args {channel="exec:command:yourcommand:input"}
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// Output of command line execution
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String yourcommand_Out {channel="exec:command:yourcommand:output"}
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### demo.sitemap
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
// Name of file and name of sitemap has to be the same
sitemap demo label="Your Value"
Frame {
Switch item=YourTrigger
Text item=YourNumber
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### demo.rules
2020-09-20 23:58:32 +00:00
rule "Set up your parameters"
Item YourTrigger changed
// here we can take different actions according to source Item
if(YourTrigger.state == ON){
yourcommand_Args.sendCommand("Additional Argument to command line for ON")
yourcommand_Args.sendCommand("Different Argument to command line for OFF")
// Caution : openHAB bus is asynchronous
// we must let the command work before triggering execution (if autorun false)
rule "begin your execution"
Item yourcommand_Args received command
// Separately triggering RUN allows subsequent executions with unchanged parameter %2
// which autorun does not.
if (yourcommand_Run.state != ON) {
// the Run indicator state will go ON shortly, and return OFF when script finished
logInfo("Your command exec", "Script already in use, skipping execution.")
rule "script complete"
Item yourcommand_Run changed from ON to OFF
// Logging of ending
logInfo("Your command exec", "Script has completed.")
// Caution : openHAB bus is asynchronous
// there is no guarantee the output Item will get updated before the run channel triggers rules
rule "process your results"
Item yourcommand_Out received update
// Logging of raw command line result
logInfo("Your command exec", "Raw result:" + yourcommand_Out.state )
// If the returned string is just a number it can be parsed
// If not, a regex or another transformation could be used
YourNumber.postUpdate(Integer::parseInt(yourcommand_Out.state.toString) as Number)
## Source
[openHAB community thread with a detailed example. ](https://community.openhab.org/t/1-openhab-433mhz-radio-transmitter-tutorial/34977 )