mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
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516 lines
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from typing import Tuple, Union, List
from bytestring_splitter import BytestringSplitter
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from umbral._pre import prove_cfrag_correctness, assess_cfrag_correctness
from umbral.curvebn import CurveBN
from umbral.config import default_params, default_curve
from umbral.dem import UmbralDEM, DEM_KEYSIZE
from umbral.fragments import KFrag, CapsuleFrag
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey, UmbralPublicKey
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
from umbral.point import Point
from umbral.signing import Signer
from umbral.utils import poly_eval, lambda_coeff, kdf
import os
class GenericUmbralError(Exception):
class UmbralCorrectnessError(GenericUmbralError):
def __init__(self, message, offending_cfrags):
self.offending_cfrags = offending_cfrags
class Capsule(object):
def __init__(self,
params: UmbralParameters,
delegating_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey = None,
receiving_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey = None,
self._umbral_params = params
if isinstance(point_e, Point):
if not isinstance(point_v, Point) or not isinstance(bn_sig, CurveBN):
raise TypeError("Need point_e, point_v, and bn_sig to make a Capsule.")
elif isinstance(point_e_prime, Point):
if not isinstance(point_v_prime, Point) or not isinstance(point_noninteractive, Point):
raise TypeError("Need e_prime, v_prime, and point_noninteractive to make an activated Capsule.")
raise TypeError(
"Need proper Points and/or CurveBNs to make a Capsule. Pass either Alice's data or Bob's. " \
"Passing both is also fine.")
self._cfrag_correctness_keys = {"delegating": delegating_pubkey,
"receiving": receiving_pubkey,
"verifying": verifying_pubkey}
self._point_e = point_e
self._point_v = point_v
self._bn_sig = bn_sig
self._point_e_prime = point_e_prime
self._point_v_prime = point_v_prime
self._point_noninteractive = point_noninteractive
self._attached_cfrags = list()
def expected_bytes_length(cls, curve: ec.EllipticCurve = None, activated=False):
Returns the size (in bytes) of a Capsule given the curve.
If no curve is provided, it will use the default curve.
curve = curve if curve is not None else default_curve()
bn_size = CurveBN.expected_bytes_length(curve)
point_size = Point.expected_bytes_length(curve)
if not activated:
return (bn_size * 1) + (point_size * 2)
return (bn_size * 1) + (point_size * 5)
class NotValid(ValueError):
raised if the capsule does not pass verification.
def from_bytes(cls, capsule_bytes: bytes, params: UmbralParameters):
Instantiates a Capsule object from the serialized data.
curve = params.curve
bn_size = CurveBN.expected_bytes_length(curve)
point_size = Point.expected_bytes_length(curve)
capsule_bytes_length = len(capsule_bytes)
expected_len_original = cls.expected_bytes_length(curve, activated=False)
expected_len_activated = cls.expected_bytes_length(curve, activated=True)
arguments = {'curve': curve}
if capsule_bytes_length == expected_len_original:
splitter = BytestringSplitter(
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_e
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_v
(CurveBN, bn_size, arguments) # bn_sig
elif capsule_bytes_length == expected_len_activated:
splitter = BytestringSplitter(
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_e
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_v
(CurveBN, bn_size, arguments), # bn_sig
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_e_prime
(Point, point_size, arguments), # point_v_prime
(Point, point_size, arguments) # point_noninteractive
raise ValueError("Byte string does not have a valid length for a Capsule")
components = splitter(capsule_bytes)
return cls(params, *components)
def _set_cfrag_correctness_key(self, key_type, key: UmbralPublicKey):
if key_type not in ("delegating", "receiving", "verifying"):
raise ValueError("You can only set 'delegating', 'receiving' or 'verifying' keys.")
current_key = self._cfrag_correctness_keys[key_type]
if current_key is None:
if key is None:
raise TypeError("The {} key is not set and you didn't pass one.".format(key_type))
elif self._umbral_params != key.params:
raise TypeError("You are trying to set a key with different UmbralParameters.")
self._cfrag_correctness_keys[key_type] = key
return True
elif key in (None, current_key):
return False
raise ValueError("The {} key is already set; you can't set it again.".format(key_type))
def get_correctness_keys(self):
return dict(self._cfrag_correctness_keys)
def set_correctness_keys(self,
delegating: UmbralPublicKey = None,
receiving: UmbralPublicKey = None,
delegating_key_details = self._set_cfrag_correctness_key("delegating", delegating)
receiving_key_details = self._set_cfrag_correctness_key("receiving", receiving)
verifying_key_details = self._set_cfrag_correctness_key("verifying", verifying)
return delegating_key_details, receiving_key_details, verifying_key_details
def _original_to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return bytes().join(c.to_bytes() for c in self.original_components())
def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
Serialize the Capsule into a bytestring.
bytes_representation = self._original_to_bytes()
if all(self.activated_components()):
bytes_representation += bytes().join(c.to_bytes() for c in self.activated_components())
return bytes_representation
def verify(self) -> bool:
g = self._umbral_params.g
e = self._point_e
v = self._point_v
s = self._bn_sig
h = CurveBN.hash(e, v, params=self._umbral_params)
return s * g == v + (h * e)
def attach_cfrag(self, cfrag: CapsuleFrag) -> None:
if cfrag.verify_correctness(self):
error_msg = "CFrag is not correct and cannot be attached to the Capsule"
raise UmbralCorrectnessError(error_msg, [cfrag])
def original_components(self) -> Tuple[Point, Point, CurveBN]:
return self._point_e, self._point_v, self._bn_sig
def activated_components(self) -> Union[Tuple[None, None, None], Tuple[Point, Point, Point]]:
return self._point_e_prime, self._point_v_prime, self._point_noninteractive
def _reconstruct_shamirs_secret(self, priv_b: UmbralPrivateKey) -> None:
params = self._umbral_params
g = params.g
pub_b = priv_b.get_pubkey()
priv_b = priv_b.bn_key
cfrag_0 = self._attached_cfrags[0]
id_0 = cfrag_0._kfrag_id
ni = cfrag_0._point_noninteractive
xcoord = cfrag_0._point_xcoord
dh_xcoord = priv_b * xcoord
blake2b = hashes.Hash(hashes.BLAKE2b(64), backend=backend)
hashed_dh_tuple = blake2b.finalize()
if len(self._attached_cfrags) > 1:
xs = [CurveBN.hash(cfrag._kfrag_id, hashed_dh_tuple, params=params)
for cfrag in self._attached_cfrags]
x_0 = CurveBN.hash(id_0, hashed_dh_tuple, params=params)
lambda_0 = lambda_coeff(x_0, xs)
e = lambda_0 * cfrag_0._point_e1
v = lambda_0 * cfrag_0._point_v1
for cfrag in self._attached_cfrags[1:]:
if (ni, xcoord) != (cfrag._point_noninteractive, cfrag._point_xcoord):
raise ValueError("Attached CFrags are not pairwise consistent")
x_i = CurveBN.hash(cfrag._kfrag_id, hashed_dh_tuple, params=params)
lambda_i = lambda_coeff(x_i, xs)
e = e + (lambda_i * cfrag._point_e1)
v = v + (lambda_i * cfrag._point_v1)
e = cfrag_0._point_e1
v = cfrag_0._point_v1
self._point_e_prime = e
self._point_v_prime = v
self._point_noninteractive = ni
def __bytes__(self):
return self.to_bytes()
def __eq__(self, other):
If both Capsules are activated, we compare only the activated components.
Otherwise, we compare only original components.
Each component is compared to its counterpart in constant time per the __eq__ of Point and CurveBN.
if all(self.activated_components() + other.activated_components()):
activated_match = self.activated_components() == other.activated_components()
return activated_match
elif all(self.original_components() + other.original_components()):
original_match = self.original_components() == other.original_components()
return original_match
# This is not constant time obviously, but it's hard to imagine how this is valuable as
# an attacker already knows about her own Capsule. It's possible that a Bob, having
# activated a Capsule, will make it available for comparison via an API amidst other
# (dormat) Capsules. Then an attacker can, by alternating between activated and dormant
# Capsules, determine if a given Capsule is activated. Do we care about this?
# Again, it's hard to imagine why.
return False
def __hash__(self):
# We only ever want to store in a hash table based on original components;
# A Capsule that is part of a dict needs to continue to be lookup-able even
# after activation.
# Note: In case this isn't obvious, don't use this as a secure hash. Use BLAKE2b or something.
component_bytes = tuple(component.to_bytes() for component in self.original_components())
return hash(component_bytes)
def __len__(self):
return len(self._attached_cfrags)
def split_rekey(delegating_privkey: UmbralPrivateKey, signer: Signer,
receiving_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey,
threshold: int, N: int) -> List[KFrag]:
Creates a re-encryption key from Alice to Bob and splits it in KFrags,
using Shamir's Secret Sharing. Requires a threshold number of KFrags
out of N to guarantee correctness of re-encryption.
Returns a list of KFrags.
if threshold <= 0 or threshold > N:
raise ValueError('Arguments threshold and N must satisfy 0 < threshold <= N')
if delegating_privkey.params != receiving_pubkey.params:
raise ValueError("Keys must have the same parameter set.")
params = delegating_privkey.params
g = params.g
pubkey_a_point = delegating_privkey.get_pubkey().point_key
privkey_a_bn = delegating_privkey.bn_key
pubkey_b_point = receiving_pubkey.point_key
# 'ni' stands for 'Non Interactive'.
# This point is used as an ephemeral public key in a DH key exchange,
# and the resulting shared secret 'd' allows to make Umbral non-interactive
priv_ni = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
ni = priv_ni * g
d = CurveBN.hash(ni, pubkey_b_point, pubkey_b_point * priv_ni, params=params)
coeffs = [privkey_a_bn * (~d)]
coeffs += [CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve) for _ in range(threshold - 1)]
u = params.u
# 'xcoord' stands for 'X coordinate'.
# This point is used as an ephemeral public key in a DH key exchange,
# and the resulting shared secret 'dh_xcoord' contributes to prevent
# reconstruction of the re-encryption key without Bob's intervention
priv_xcoord = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
xcoord = priv_xcoord * g
dh_xcoord = priv_xcoord * pubkey_b_point
blake2b = hashes.Hash(hashes.BLAKE2b(64), backend=backend)
hashed_dh_tuple = blake2b.finalize()
bn_size = CurveBN.expected_bytes_length(params.curve)
kfrags = []
for _ in range(N):
id = os.urandom(bn_size)
share_x = CurveBN.hash(id, hashed_dh_tuple, params=params)
rk = poly_eval(coeffs, share_x)
u1 = rk * u
kfrag_validity_message = bytes().join(
bytes(material) for material in (id, pubkey_a_point, pubkey_b_point, u1, ni, xcoord))
signature = signer(kfrag_validity_message)
kfrag = KFrag(id=id, bn_key=rk,
point_noninteractive=ni, point_commitment=u1,
point_xcoord=xcoord, signature=signature)
return kfrags
def reencrypt(kfrag: KFrag, capsule: Capsule, provide_proof = True,
metadata: bytes = None) -> CapsuleFrag:
if not capsule.verify():
raise capsule.NotValid
rk = kfrag._bn_key
e1 = rk * capsule._point_e
v1 = rk * capsule._point_v
cfrag = CapsuleFrag(point_e1=e1, point_v1=v1, kfrag_id=kfrag._id,
if provide_proof:
prove_cfrag_correctness(cfrag, kfrag, capsule, metadata)
return cfrag
def _encapsulate(alice_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey,
key_length=DEM_KEYSIZE) -> Tuple[bytes, Capsule]:
"""Generates a symmetric key and its associated KEM ciphertext"""
params = alice_pubkey.params
g = params.g
priv_r = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
pub_r = priv_r * g
priv_u = CurveBN.gen_rand(params.curve)
pub_u = priv_u * g
h = CurveBN.hash(pub_r, pub_u, params=params)
s = priv_u + (priv_r * h)
shared_key = (priv_r + priv_u) * alice_pubkey.point_key
# Key to be used for symmetric encryption
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
return key, Capsule(point_e=pub_r, point_v=pub_u, bn_sig=s, params=params)
def _decapsulate_original(priv_key: UmbralPrivateKey, capsule: Capsule,
key_length=DEM_KEYSIZE) -> bytes:
"""Derive the same symmetric key"""
priv_key = priv_key.bn_key
shared_key = priv_key * (capsule._point_e + capsule._point_v)
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
if not capsule.verify():
# Check correctness of original ciphertext
# (check nº 2) at the end to avoid timing oracles
raise capsule.NotValid("Capsule verification failed.")
return key
def _decapsulate_reencrypted(receiving_privkey: UmbralPrivateKey, capsule: Capsule,
key_length=DEM_KEYSIZE) -> bytes:
"""Derive the same symmetric key"""
params = capsule._umbral_params
pub_key = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey().point_key
priv_key = receiving_privkey.bn_key
ni = capsule._point_noninteractive
d = CurveBN.hash(ni, pub_key, priv_key * ni, params=params)
e_prime = capsule._point_e_prime
v_prime = capsule._point_v_prime
shared_key = d * (e_prime + v_prime)
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
e = capsule._point_e
v = capsule._point_v
s = capsule._bn_sig
h = CurveBN.hash(e, v, params=params)
inv_d = ~d
orig_pub_key = capsule.get_correctness_keys()['delegating'].point_key
if not (s * inv_d) * orig_pub_key == (h * e_prime) + v_prime:
raise GenericUmbralError()
return key
def encrypt(alice_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey, plaintext: bytes) -> Tuple[bytes, Capsule]:
Performs an encryption using the UmbralDEM object and encapsulates a key
for the sender using the public key provided.
Returns the ciphertext and the KEM Capsule.
key, capsule = _encapsulate(alice_pubkey, DEM_KEYSIZE)
capsule_bytes = bytes(capsule)
dem = UmbralDEM(key)
ciphertext = dem.encrypt(plaintext, authenticated_data=capsule_bytes)
return ciphertext, capsule
def _open_capsule(capsule: Capsule, receiving_privkey: UmbralPrivateKey,
check_proof=True) -> bytes:
Activates the Capsule from the attached CFrags,
opens the Capsule and returns what is inside.
This will often be a symmetric key.
receiving_pubkey = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey()
if check_proof:
offending_cfrags = []
for cfrag in capsule._attached_cfrags:
if not cfrag.verify_correctness(capsule):
if offending_cfrags:
error_msg = "Decryption error: Some CFrags are not correct"
raise UmbralCorrectnessError(error_msg, offending_cfrags)
key = _decapsulate_reencrypted(receiving_privkey, capsule)
return key
def decrypt(ciphertext: bytes, capsule: Capsule, decrypting_key: UmbralPrivateKey,
check_proof=True) -> bytes:
Opens the capsule and gets what's inside.
We hope that's a symmetric key, which we use to decrypt the ciphertext
and return the resulting cleartext.
if capsule._attached_cfrags:
# Since there are cfrags attached, we assume this is Bob opening the Capsule.
# (i.e., this is a re-encrypted capsule)
encapsulated_key = _open_capsule(capsule, decrypting_key, check_proof=check_proof)
dem = UmbralDEM(encapsulated_key)
original_capsule_bytes = capsule._original_to_bytes()
cleartext = dem.decrypt(ciphertext, authenticated_data=original_capsule_bytes)
# Since there aren't cfrags attached, we assume this is Alice opening the Capsule.
# (i.e., this is an original capsule)
decapsulated_key = _decapsulate_original(decrypting_key, capsule)
dem = UmbralDEM(decapsulated_key)
capsule_bytes = bytes(capsule)
cleartext = dem.decrypt(ciphertext, authenticated_data=capsule_bytes)
return cleartext