mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
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490 lines
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from nacl.secret import SecretBox
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from umbral.bignum import BigNum
from umbral.point import Point
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey, UmbralPublicKey
from umbral.dem import UmbralDEM
from umbral.utils import poly_eval, lambda_coeff, hash_to_bn, kdf
class UmbralParameters(object):
def __init__(self):
self.curve = ec.SECP256K1()
self.g = Point.get_generator_from_curve(self.curve)
self.order = Point.get_order_from_curve(self.curve)
self.h = Point.gen_rand(self.curve)
self.u = Point.gen_rand(self.curve)
class KFrag(object):
def __init__(self, id_, key, x, u1, z1, z2):
self.bn_id = id_
self.bn_key = key
self.point_eph_ni = x
self.point_commitment = u1
self.bn_sig1 = z1
self.bn_sig2 = z2
def from_bytes(data: bytes, curve: ec.EllipticCurve):
Instantiate a KFrag object from the serialized data.
id = BigNum.from_bytes(data[0:32], curve)
key = BigNum.from_bytes(data[32:64], curve)
eph_ni = Point.from_bytes(data[64:97], curve)
commitment = Point.from_bytes(data[97:130], curve)
sig1 = BigNum.from_bytes(data[130:162], curve)
sig2 = BigNum.from_bytes(data[162:194], curve)
return KFrag(id, key, eph_ni, commitment, sig1, sig2)
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the KFrag into a bytestring.
id = self.bn_id.to_bytes()
key = self.bn_key.to_bytes()
eph_ni = self.point_eph_ni.to_bytes()
commitment = self.point_commitment.to_bytes()
sig1 = self.bn_sig1.to_bytes()
sig2 = self.bn_sig2.to_bytes()
return id + key + eph_ni + commitment + sig1 + sig2
def verify(self, pub_a, pub_b, params: UmbralParameters):
u1 = self.point_commitment
z1 = self.bn_sig1
z2 = self.bn_sig2
x = self.point_eph_ni
g_y = (z2 * params.g) + (z1 * pub_a)
return z1 == hash_to_bn([g_y, self.bn_id, pub_a, pub_b, u1, x], params)
def is_consistent(self, vKeys, params: UmbralParameters):
if vKeys is None or len(vKeys) == 0:
raise ValueError('vKeys must not be empty')
# TODO: change this!
h = params.h
lh_exp = self.bn_key * h
rh_exp = vKeys[0]
i_j = self.bn_id
for vKey in vKeys[1:]:
rh_exp = rh_exp + (i_j * vKey)
i_j = i_j * self.bn_id
return lh_exp == rh_exp
def __bytes__(self):
return self.to_bytes()
class CapsuleFrag(object):
def __init__(self, e1, v1, id_, x):
self.point_eph_e1 = e1
self.point_eph_v1 = v1
self.bn_kfrag_id = id_
self.point_eph_ni = x
def from_bytes(data: bytes, curve: ec.EllipticCurve):
Instantiates a CapsuleFrag object from the serialized data.
e1 = Point.from_bytes(data[0:33], curve)
v1 = Point.from_bytes(data[33:66], curve)
kfrag_id = BigNum.from_bytes(data[66:98], curve)
eph_ni = Point.from_bytes(data[98:131], curve)
return CapsuleFrag(e1, v1, kfrag_id, eph_ni)
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the CapsuleFrag into a bytestring.
e1 = self.point_eph_e1.to_bytes()
v1 = self.point_eph_v1.to_bytes()
kfrag_id = self.bn_kfrag_id.to_bytes()
eph_ni = self.point_eph_ni.to_bytes()
return e1 + v1 + kfrag_id + eph_ni
def __bytes__(self):
return self.to_bytes()
class Capsule(object):
def __init__(self, point_eph_e, point_eph_v, bn_sig):
self.point_eph_e = point_eph_e
self.point_eph_v = point_eph_v
self.bn_sig = bn_sig
self.cfrags = {}
def from_bytes(data: bytes, curve: ec.EllipticCurve):
Instantiates a Capsule object from the serialized data.
eph_e = Point.from_bytes(data[0:33], curve)
eph_v = Point.from_bytes(data[33:66], curve)
sig = BigNum.from_bytes(data[66:98], curve)
return Capsule(eph_e, eph_v, sig)
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the Capsule into a bytestring.
eph_e = self.point_eph_e.to_bytes()
eph_v = self.point_eph_v.to_bytes()
sig = self.bn_sig.to_bytes()
return eph_e + eph_v + sig
def verify(self, params: UmbralParameters):
e = self.point_eph_e
v = self.point_eph_v
s = self.bn_sig
h = hash_to_bn([e, v], params)
return s * params.g == v + (h * e)
def attach_cfrag(self, cfrag: CapsuleFrag):
self.cfrags[cfrag.bn_kfrag_id] = cfrag
def reconstruct(self):
id_cfrag_pairs = list(self.cfrags.items())
id_0, cfrag_0 = id_cfrag_pairs[0]
if len(id_cfrag_pairs) > 1:
ids = self.cfrags.keys()
lambda_0 = lambda_coeff(id_0, ids)
e = lambda_0 * cfrag_0.point_eph_e1
v = lambda_0 * cfrag_0.point_eph_v1
for id_i, cfrag in id_cfrag_pairs[1:]:
lambda_i = lambda_coeff(id_i, ids)
e = e + (lambda_i * cfrag.point_eph_e1)
v = v + (lambda_i * cfrag.point_eph_v1)
e = cfrag_0.point_eph_e1
v = cfrag_0.point_eph_v1
return ReconstructedCapsule(e_prime=e, v_prime=v, x=cfrag_0.point_eph_ni)
def __bytes__(self):
class ReconstructedCapsule(object):
def __init__(self, e_prime, v_prime, x):
self.point_eph_e_prime = e_prime
self.point_eph_v_prime = v_prime
self.point_eph_ni = x
def from_bytes(data: bytes, curve: ec.EllipticCurve):
Instantiate ReconstructedCapsule from serialized data.
e_prime = Point.from_bytes(data[0:33], curve)
v_prime = Point.from_bytes(data[33:66], curve)
eph_ni = Point.from_bytes(data[66:99], curve)
return ReconstructedCapsule(e_prime, v_prime, eph_ni)
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the ReconstructedCapsule to a bytestring.
e_prime = self.point_eph_e_prime.to_bytes()
v_prime = self.point_eph_v_prime.to_bytes()
eph_ni = self.point_eph_ni.to_bytes()
return e_prime + v_prime + eph_ni
def __bytes__(self):
return self.to_bytes()
class ChallengeResponse(object):
def __init__(self, e2, v2, u1, u2, z1, z2, z3):
self.point_eph_e2 = e2
self.point_eph_v2 = v2
self.point_kfrag_commitment = u1
self.point_kfrag_pok = u2
self.bn_kfrag_sig1 = z1
self.bn_kfrag_sig2 = z2
self.bn_sig = z3
def from_bytes(data: bytes, curve: ec.EllipticCurve):
Instantiate ChallengeResponse from serialized data.
e2 = Point.from_bytes(data[0:33], curve)
v2 = Point.from_bytes(data[33:66], curve)
kfrag_commitment = Point.from_bytes(data[66:99], curve)
kfrag_pok = Point.from_bytes(data[99:132], curve)
kfrag_sig1 = BigNum.from_bytes(data[132:164], curve)
kfrag_sig2 = BigNum.from_bytes(data[164:196], curve)
sig = BigNum.from_bytes(data[196:228], curve)
return ChallengeResponse(e2, v2, kfrag_commitment, kfrag_pok,
kfrag_sig1, kfrag_sig2, sig)
def to_bytes(self):
Serialize the ChallengeResponse to a bytestring.
e2 = self.point_eph_e2.to_bytes()
v2 = self.point_eph_v2.to_bytes()
kfrag_commitment = self.point_kfrag_commitment.to_bytes()
kfrag_pok = self.point_kfrag_pok.to_bytes()
kfrag_sig1 = self.bn_kfrag_sig1.to_bytes()
kfrag_sig2 = self.bn_kfrag_sig2.to_bytes()
sig = self.bn_sig.to_bytes()
return (e2 + v2 + kfrag_commitment + kfrag_pok + kfrag_sig1
+ kfrag_sig2 + sig)
def __bytes__(self):
return self.to_bytes()
class PRE(object):
def __init__(self, params: UmbralParameters):
self.params = params
def gen_priv(self):
return BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
def priv2pub(self, priv):
g = self.params.g
return priv * g
def split_rekey(self, priv_a, pub_b, threshold, N):
Creates a re-encryption key and splits it using Shamir's Secret Sharing.
Requires a threshold number of fragments out of N to rebuild rekey.
Returns rekeys and the vKeys.
if type(priv_a) == UmbralPrivateKey:
priv_a = priv_a.bn_key
if type(pub_b) == UmbralPublicKey:
pub_b = pub_b.point_key
g = self.params.g
pub_a = priv_a * g
x = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
xcomp = x * g
d = hash_to_bn([xcomp, pub_b, pub_b * x], self.params)
coeffs = [priv_a * (~d)]
coeffs += [BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve) for _ in range(threshold - 1)]
h = self.params.h
u = self.params.u
vKeys = [coeff * h for coeff in coeffs]
rk_shares = []
for _ in range(N):
id_kfrag = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
rk = poly_eval(coeffs, id_kfrag)
u1 = rk * u
y = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
z1 = hash_to_bn([y * g, id_kfrag, pub_a, pub_b, u1, xcomp], self.params)
z2 = y - priv_a * z1
kFrag = KFrag(id_=id_kfrag, key=rk, x=xcomp, u1=u1, z1=z1, z2=z2)
return rk_shares, vKeys
def reencrypt(self, kFrag, capsule):
# TODO: Put the assert at the end, but exponentiate by a randon number when false?
assert capsule.verify(self.params), "Generic Umbral Error"
e1 = kFrag.bn_key * capsule.point_eph_e
v1 = kFrag.bn_key * capsule.point_eph_v
cFrag = CapsuleFrag(e1=e1, v1=v1, id_=kFrag.bn_id, x=kFrag.point_eph_ni)
return cFrag
def challenge(self, rk, capsule, cFrag):
e1 = cFrag.point_eph_e1
v1 = cFrag.point_eph_v1
e = capsule.point_eph_e
v = capsule.point_eph_v
u = self.params.u
u1 = rk.point_commitment
t = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
e2 = t * e
v2 = t * v
u2 = t * u
h = hash_to_bn([e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2], self.params)
z3 = t + h * rk.bn_key
ch_resp = ChallengeResponse(e2=e2, v2=v2, u1=u1, u2=u2, z1=rk.bn_sig1, z2=rk.bn_sig2, z3=z3)
# Check correctness of original ciphertext (check nº 2) at the end
# to avoid timing oracles
assert capsule.verify(self.params), "Generic Umbral Error"
return ch_resp
def check_challenge(self, capsule, cFrag, challenge_resp, pub_a, pub_b):
e = capsule.point_eph_e
v = capsule.point_eph_v
e1 = cFrag.point_eph_e1
v1 = cFrag.point_eph_v1
xcomp = cFrag.point_eph_ni
kfrag_id = cFrag.bn_kfrag_id
e2 = challenge_resp.point_eph_e2
v2 = challenge_resp.point_eph_v2
g = self.params.g
u = self.params.u
u1 = challenge_resp.point_kfrag_commitment
u2 = challenge_resp.point_kfrag_pok
z1 = challenge_resp.bn_kfrag_sig1
z2 = challenge_resp.bn_kfrag_sig2
z3 = challenge_resp.bn_sig
g_y = (z2 * g) + (z1 * pub_a)
h = hash_to_bn([e, e1, e2, v, v1, v2, u, u1, u2], self.params)
check31 = z1 == hash_to_bn([g_y, kfrag_id, pub_a, pub_b, u1, xcomp], self.params)
check32 = z3 * e == e2 + (h * e1)
check33 = z3 * u == u2 + (h * u1)
return check31 & check32 & check33
def _encapsulate(self, pub_key, key_length=32):
"""Generates a symmetric key and its associated KEM ciphertext"""
g = self.params.g
priv_r = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
pub_r = priv_r * g
priv_u = BigNum.gen_rand(self.params.curve)
pub_u = priv_u * g
h = hash_to_bn([pub_r, pub_u], self.params)
s = priv_u + (priv_r * h)
shared_key = (priv_r + priv_u) * pub_key
# Key to be used for symmetric encryption
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
return key, Capsule(point_eph_e=pub_r, point_eph_v=pub_u, bn_sig=s)
def _decapsulate_original(self, priv_key, capsule, key_length=32):
"""Derive the same symmetric key"""
shared_key = priv_key * (capsule.point_eph_e + capsule.point_eph_v)
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
# Check correctness of original ciphertext (check nº 2) at the end
# to avoid timing oracles
assert capsule.verify(self.params), "Generic Umbral Error"
return key
def _decapsulate_reencrypted(self, pub_key: Point, priv_key: BigNum, orig_pub_key: Point,
recapsule: ReconstructedCapsule, original_capsule: Capsule, key_length=32):
"""Derive the same symmetric key"""
xcomp = recapsule.point_eph_ni
d = hash_to_bn([xcomp, pub_key, xcomp * priv_key], self.params)
e_prime = recapsule.point_eph_e_prime
v_prime = recapsule.point_eph_v_prime
shared_key = d * (e_prime + v_prime)
key = kdf(shared_key, key_length)
e = original_capsule.point_eph_e
v = original_capsule.point_eph_v
s = original_capsule.bn_sig
h = hash_to_bn([e, v], self.params)
inv_d = ~d
assert (s * inv_d) * orig_pub_key == (h * e_prime) + v_prime, "Generic Umbral Error"
return key
def encrypt(self, pub_key: UmbralPublicKey, data: bytes):
Performs an encryption using the UmbralDEM object and encapsulates a key
for the sender using the public key provided.
Returns the ciphertext and the KEM Capsule.
key, capsule = self._encapsulate(pub_key.point_key, SecretBox.KEY_SIZE)
dem = UmbralDEM(key)
enc_data = dem.encrypt(data)
return enc_data, capsule
def decrypt(self, priv_key: UmbralPrivateKey, capsule: Capsule, enc_data: bytes):
Decrypts the data provided by decapsulating the provided capsule.
Returns the plaintext of the data.
key = self._decapsulate_original(
priv_key.bn_key, capsule
dem = UmbralDEM(key)
plaintext = dem.decrypt(enc_data)
return plaintext
def decrypt_reencrypted(self, recp_priv_key: UmbralPrivateKey,
sender_pub_key: UmbralPublicKey,
capsule: Capsule, enc_data: bytes):
Decrypts the data provided by reconstructing and decapsulating the
Returns the plaintext of the data.
recp_pub_key = recp_priv_key.get_pub_key(self.params)
new_capsule = capsule.reconstruct()
key = self._decapsulate_reencrypted(
recp_pub_key.point_key, recp_priv_key.bn_key,
sender_pub_key.point_key, new_capsule, capsule
dem = UmbralDEM(key)
plaintext = dem.decrypt(enc_data)
return plaintext