
247 lines
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import os
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend
class BigNum(object):
Represents an OpenSSL BIGNUM except more Pythonic
def __init__(self, bignum, curve_nid, group, order):
self.bignum = bignum
self.curve_nid = curve_nid = group
self.order = order
def gen_rand(cls, curve):
Returns a BigNum object with a cryptographically secure BigNum based
on the given curve.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(order != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._ffi.gc(order, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, bn_ctx)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
order_int = backend._bn_to_int(order)
# Generate random number on curve
rand_num = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(curve.key_size // 8), 'big')
while rand_num >= order_int or rand_num <= 0:
rand_num = int.from_bytes(os.urandom(curve.key_size // 8), 'big')
new_rand_bn = backend._int_to_bn(rand_num)
new_rand_bn = backend._ffi.gc(new_rand_bn, backend._lib.BN_free)
return BigNum(new_rand_bn, curve_nid, group, order)
def from_int(cls, num, curve):
Returns a BigNum object from a given integer on a curve.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
except AttributeError:
# Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
curve_nid = curve
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(order != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._ffi.gc(order, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, bn_ctx)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
order_int = backend._bn_to_int(order)
if num <= 0 or num >= order_int:
# TODO: Handle this better maybe? Ask David.
raise ValueError("Integer provided is not on the given curve.")
bignum = backend._int_to_bn(num)
bignum = backend._ffi.gc(bignum, backend._lib.BN_free)
return BigNum(bignum, curve_nid, group, order)
def from_bytes(cls, data, curve):
Returns a BigNum object from the given byte data that's within the size
of the provided curve's order.
num = int.from_bytes(data, 'big')
return BigNum.from_int(num, curve)
def to_bytes(self):
Returns the BigNum as bytes.
size = backend._lib.BN_num_bytes(self.order)
return int.to_bytes(int(self), size, 'big')
def __int__(self):
Converts the BigNum to a Python int.
return backend._bn_to_int(self.bignum)
def __eq__(self, other):
Compares the two BIGNUMS or int.
if type(other) == int:
other = backend._int_to_bn(other)
other = backend._ffi.gc(other, backend._lib.BN_free)
other = BigNum(other, None, None, None)
# -1 less than, 0 is equal to, 1 is greater than
return not bool(backend._lib.BN_cmp(self.bignum, other.bignum))
def __pow__(self, other):
Performs a BN_mod_exp on two BIGNUMS.
if type(other) == int:
other = backend._int_to_bn(other)
other = backend._ffi.gc(other, backend._lib.BN_free)
other = BigNum(other, None, None, None)
power = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(power != backend._ffi.NULL)
power = backend._ffi.gc(power, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_mod_exp(
power, self.bignum, other.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(power, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __mul__(self, other):
Performs a BN_mod_mul between two BIGNUMS.
if type(other) != BigNum:
return NotImplemented
product = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(product != backend._ffi.NULL)
product = backend._ffi.gc(product, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_mod_mul(
product, self.bignum, other.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(product, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __truediv__(self, other):
Performs a BN_div on two BIGNUMs (modulo the order of the curve).
product = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(product != backend._ffi.NULL)
product = backend._ffi.gc(product, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
inv_other = backend._lib.BN_mod_inverse(
backend._ffi.NULL, other.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(inv_other != backend._ffi.NULL)
res = backend._lib.BN_mod_mul(
product, self.bignum, inv_other, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(product, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __add__(self, other):
Performs a BN_mod_add on two BIGNUMs.
sum = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(sum != backend._ffi.NULL)
sum = backend._ffi.gc(sum, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_mod_add(
sum, self.bignum, other.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(sum, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __sub__(self, other):
Performs a BN_mod_sub on two BIGNUMS.
diff = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(diff != backend._ffi.NULL)
diff = backend._ffi.gc(diff, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_mod_sub(
diff, self.bignum, other.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(diff, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __invert__(self):
Performs a BN_mod_inverse.
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
inv = backend._lib.BN_mod_inverse(
backend._ffi.NULL, self.bignum, self.order, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(inv != backend._ffi.NULL)
inv = backend._ffi.gc(inv, backend._lib.BN_free)
return BigNum(inv, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __mod__(self, other):
Performs a BN_nnmod on two BIGNUMS.
if type(other) == int:
other = backend._int_to_bn(other)
other = backend._ffi.gc(other, backend._lib.BN_free)
other = BigNum(other, None, None, None)
rem = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(rem != backend._ffi.NULL)
rem = backend._ffi.gc(rem, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_nnmod(
rem, self.bignum, other.bignum, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(rem, self.curve_nid,, self.order)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(int(self))