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Using pyUmbral
.. image:: .static/PRE_image.png
.. testsetup:: capsule_story
import sys
import os
Elliptic Curves
The matter of which curve to use is the subject of some debate. If you aren't sure, you might start here:
A number of curves are available in the Cryptography.io_ library, on which pyUmbral depends.
You can find them in the ```` module.
.. important::
Be careful when choosing a curve - the security of your application depends on it.
We provide curve ``SECP256K1`` as a default because it is the basis for a number of crypto-blockchain projects;
we don't otherwise endorse its security.
We additionally support curves ``SECP256R1`` (also known as "NIST P-256") and ``SECP384R1`` ("NIST P-384"), but they cannot currently be selected via the public API.
Generate an Umbral key pair
First, let's generate two asymmetric key pairs for Alice:
A delegating key pair and a signing key pair.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> from umbral import SecretKey, PublicKey, Signer
>>> alices_secret_key = SecretKey.random()
>>> alices_public_key = PublicKey.from_secret_key(alices_secret_key)
>>> alices_signing_key = SecretKey.random()
>>> alices_verifying_key = PublicKey.from_secret_key(alices_signing_key)
>>> alices_signer = Signer(alices_signing_key)
Encrypt with a public key
Now let's encrypt data with Alice's public key.
Invocation of :py:func:`encrypt` returns both a ``capsule`` and a ``ciphertext``.
Note that anyone with Alice's public key can perform this operation.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> from umbral import encrypt
>>> plaintext = b'Proxy Re-encryption is cool!'
>>> capsule, ciphertext = encrypt(alices_public_key, plaintext)
Decrypt with a private key
Since data was encrypted with Alice's public key,
Alice can open the capsule and decrypt the ciphertext with her private key.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> from umbral import decrypt_original
>>> cleartext = decrypt_original(alices_secret_key, capsule, ciphertext)
Threshold Re-Encryption
Bob Exists
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> bobs_secret_key = SecretKey.random()
>>> bobs_public_key = PublicKey.from_secret_key(bobs_secret_key)
Alice grants access to Bob by generating kfrags
When Alice wants to grant Bob access to view her encrypted data,
she creates *re-encryption key fragments*, or *"kfrags"*,
which are next sent to N proxies or *Ursulas*.
Alice must specify ``num_kfrags`` (the total number of kfrags),
and a ``threshold`` (the minimum number of kfrags needed to activate a capsule).
In the following example, Alice creates 20 kfrags,
but Bob needs to get only 10 re-encryptions to activate the capsule.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> from umbral import generate_kfrags
>>> kfrags = generate_kfrags(delegating_sk=alices_secret_key,
... receiving_pk=bobs_public_key,
... signer=alices_signer,
... threshold=10,
... num_kfrags=20)
Bob receives a capsule
Next, let's generate a key pair for Bob, and pretend to send
him the capsule through a side channel like
S3, IPFS, Google Cloud, Sneakernet, etc.
.. code-block:: python
# Bob receives the capsule through a side-channel: IPFS, Sneakernet, etc.
capsule = <fetch the capsule through a side-channel>
Bob fails to open the capsule
If Bob attempts to open a capsule that was not encrypted for his public key,
or re-encrypted for him by Ursula, he will not be able to open it.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> fail = decrypt_original(sk=bobs_secret_key,
... capsule=capsule,
... ciphertext=ciphertext)
Traceback (most recent call last):
Ursulas perform re-encryption
Bob asks several Ursulas to re-encrypt the capsule so he can open it.
Each Ursula performs re-encryption on the capsule using the ``kfrag``
provided by Alice, obtaining this way a "capsule fragment", or ``cfrag``.
Let's mock a network or transport layer by sampling ``threshold`` random kfrags,
one for each required Ursula.
Bob collects the resulting cfrags from several Ursulas.
Bob must gather at least ``threshold`` cfrags in order to open the capsule.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> import random
>>> kfrags = random.sample(kfrags, # All kfrags from above
... 10) # M - Threshold
>>> from umbral import reencrypt
>>> cfrags = list() # Bob's cfrag collection
>>> for kfrag in kfrags:
... cfrag = reencrypt(capsule=capsule, kfrag=kfrag)
... cfrags.append(cfrag) # Bob collects a cfrag
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> assert len(cfrags) == 10
Bob checks the capsule fragments
Bob can verify that the capsule fragments are valid and really originate from Alice,
using Alice's public keys.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> all(cfrag.verify(capsule,
... delegating_pk=alices_public_key,
... receiving_pk=bobs_public_key,
... verifying_pk=alices_verifying_key)
... for cfrag in cfrags)
Bob opens the capsule
Finally, Bob decrypts the re-encrypted ciphertext using his key.
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> from umbral import decrypt_reencrypted
>>> cleartext = decrypt_reencrypted(decrypting_sk=bobs_secret_key,
... delegating_pk=alices_public_key,
... capsule=capsule,
... cfrags=cfrags,
... ciphertext=ciphertext)
.. doctest:: capsule_story
>>> assert cleartext == plaintext