mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
262 lines
7.2 KiB
262 lines
7.2 KiB
import json
import os
from umbral import (
SecretKey, Signer, KeyFrag, CapsuleFrag,
encrypt, generate_kfrags, reencrypt)
from umbral.curve_scalar import CurveScalar
from umbral.curve_point import CurvePoint
from umbral.hashing import Hash, unsafe_hash_to_point
from umbral.dem import DEM, kdf
# Auxiliary functions #
def hexlify(data):
if isinstance(data, int):
return hex(data)[2:]
return bytes(data).hex()
def create_test_vector_file(vector, filename, generate_again=False):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
mode = 'w' if generate_again else 'x'
with open(path, mode) as f:
json.dump(vector, f, indent=2)
except FileExistsError:
# If True, this will overwrite existing test vector files with new randomly generated instances
generate_again = True
# We create also some Umbral objects for later
delegating_sk = SecretKey.random()
receiving_sk = SecretKey.random()
signing_sk = SecretKey.random()
verifying_pk = signing_sk.public_key()
delegating_pk = delegating_sk.public_key()
receiving_pk = receiving_sk.public_key()
kfrags = generate_kfrags(delegating_sk=delegating_sk,
plain_data = b'peace at dawn'
capsule, ciphertext = encrypt(delegating_pk, plain_data)
cfrag = CapsuleFrag.from_bytes(bytes(reencrypt(capsule, kfrags[0])))
points = [capsule.point_e, cfrag.point_e1, cfrag.proof.point_e2,
capsule.point_v, cfrag.point_v1, cfrag.proof.point_v2,
cfrag.proof.kfrag_commitment, cfrag.proof.kfrag_pok]
z = cfrag.proof.signature
# CurveScalar arithmetics #
# Let's generate two random CurveScalars
bn1 = CurveScalar.random_nonzero()
bn2 = CurveScalar.random_nonzero()
# Expected results for some binary operations
expected = [('Addition', bn1 + bn2),
('Subtraction', bn1 - bn2),
('Multiplication', bn1 * bn2),
('Inverse', bn1.invert()),
expected = [{'operation': op, 'result': hexlify(result)} for (op, result) in expected]
# Definition of test vector
vector_suite = {
'name': 'Test vectors for CurveScalar operations',
'params': 'default',
'first operand': hexlify(bn1),
'second operand': hexlify(bn2),
'vectors': expected
json_file = 'vectors_scalar_operations.json'
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, json_file, generate_again=generate_again)
# CurveScalar.from_digest() #
# Test vectors for different kinds of inputs (bytes, CurvePoints, CurveScalars, etc.)
inputs = ([b''],
[capsule.point_e, z],
vectors = list()
for input_to_hash in inputs:
digest = Hash(b'some_dst')
for input_ in input_to_hash:
scalar = CurveScalar.from_digest(digest)
json_input = [{'class': data.__class__.__name__,
'bytes': hexlify(data),
} for data in input_to_hash]
json_input = {'input': json_input, 'output': hexlify(scalar) }
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for umbral.curvebn.CurveScalar.from_digest()',
'params' : 'default',
'vectors' : vectors
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_scalar_from_digest.json', generate_again=generate_again)
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
# CurvePoints #
point1 = CurvePoint.random()
point2 = CurvePoint.random()
# Expected results for some CurvePoint operations
expected = [('Addition', point1 + point2),
('Subtraction', point1 - point2),
('Multiplication', point1 * bn1),
('Inversion', -point1),
('To_affine.X', point1.to_affine()[0]),
('To_affine.Y', point1.to_affine()[1]),
('kdf', kdf(bytes(point1), DEM.KEY_SIZE)),
expected = [{'operation': op, 'result': hexlify(result)} for (op, result) in expected]
# Definition of test vector
vector_suite = {
'name': 'Test vectors for CurvePoint operations',
'params': 'default',
'first CurvePoint operand': hexlify(point1),
'second CurvePoint operand': hexlify(point2),
'CurveScalar operand': hexlify(bn1),
'vectors': expected
json_file = 'vectors_point_operations.json'
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, json_file, generate_again=generate_again)
# unsafe_hash_to_point #
inputs = (b'',
vectors = list()
for data in inputs:
for dst in inputs:
point = unsafe_hash_to_point(dst=dst, data=data)
json_input = {'data': hexlify(data),
'dst': hexlify(dst),
'point': hexlify(point),
vector_suite = {
'name': 'Test vectors for unsafe_hash_to_point()',
'params': 'default',
'vectors': vectors
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_unsafe_hash_to_point.json', generate_again=generate_again)
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
# KFrags #
vectors = list()
for kfrag in kfrags:
kfrag = KeyFrag.from_bytes(bytes(kfrag))
kfrag.verify(verifying_pk, delegating_pk, receiving_pk)
json_input = {'kfrag': hexlify(kfrag)}
vector_suite = {
'name': 'Test vectors for KFrags',
'description': ('This is a collection of KFrags generated under the '
'enclosed delegating, verifying and receiving keys. '
'Each of them must deserialize correctly and the '
'call to verify() must succeed.'),
'params': 'default',
'verifying_pk': hexlify(verifying_pk),
'delegating_pk': hexlify(delegating_pk),
'receiving_pk': hexlify(receiving_pk),
'vectors': vectors
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_kfrags.json', generate_again=generate_again)
# CFrags #
vectors = list()
for kfrag in kfrags:
cfrag = reencrypt(capsule, kfrag)
json_input = {'kfrag': hexlify(kfrag), 'cfrag': hexlify(cfrag)}
vector_suite = {
'name': 'Test vectors for CFrags',
'description': ('This is a collection of CFrags, originated from the '
'enclosed Capsule, under the enclosed delegating, '
'verifying and receiving keys. Each CFrag must deserialize '
'correctly and can be replicated with a call to '
'`reencrypt(kfrag, capsule)`'),
'params': 'default',
'capsule': hexlify(capsule),
'verifying_pk': hexlify(verifying_pk),
'delegating_pk': hexlify(delegating_pk),
'receiving_pk': hexlify(receiving_pk),
'vectors': vectors
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_cfrags.json', generate_again=generate_again)