mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
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160 lines
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Copyright (C) 2018 NuCypher
This file is part of pyUmbral.
pyUmbral is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
pyUmbral is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with pyUmbral. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Optional
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.hkdf import HKDF
from cryptography.exceptions import InternalError
from umbral import openssl
from umbral.curvebn import CurveBN
from umbral.point import Point
from umbral.params import UmbralParameters
from umbral.config import default_params
class Hash:
def update(self, data: bytes): pass
def copy(self): pass
def finalize(self): pass
class Blake2b(Hash):
def __init__(self):
self._blake2b = hashes.Hash(hashes.BLAKE2b(64), backend=backend)
def update(self, data: bytes):
def copy(self):
replica = type(self)()
replica._blake2b = self._blake2b.copy()
return replica
def finalize(self):
return self._blake2b.finalize()
# TODO: Subclass _Hash with BLAKE2b(64) and double-keccak
def kdf(ecpoint: Point,
key_length: int,
salt: Optional[bytes] = None,
info: Optional[bytes] = None,
) -> bytes:
data = ecpoint.to_bytes(is_compressed=True)
hkdf = HKDF(algorithm=hashes.BLAKE2b(64),
return hkdf.derive(data)
# TODO: Common API for all hash_to_curvebn functions.
# Should check the correct number and type args, instead of current approach.
def hash_to_curvebn(*crypto_items, params: UmbralParameters) -> CurveBN:
blake2b = hashes.Hash(hashes.BLAKE2b(64), backend=backend)
for item in crypto_items:
item_bytes = item.to_bytes()
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(item, bytes):
item_bytes = item
raise TypeError("{} is not acceptable type, received {}".format(item, type(item)))
hash_digest = openssl._bytes_to_bn(blake2b.finalize())
_1 = backend._lib.BN_value_one()
order_minus_1 = openssl._get_new_BN()
res = backend._lib.BN_sub(order_minus_1, params.curve.order, _1)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
bignum = openssl._get_new_BN()
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.BN_mod(bignum, hash_digest, order_minus_1, bn_ctx)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
res = backend._lib.BN_add(bignum, bignum, _1)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return CurveBN(bignum, params.curve)
def unsafe_hash_to_point(data : bytes = b'',
params: UmbralParameters = None,
label : bytes = b'') -> 'Point':
Hashes arbitrary data into a valid EC point of the specified curve,
using the try-and-increment method.
It admits an optional label as an additional input to the hash function.
It uses BLAKE2b (with a digest size of 64 bytes) as the internal hash function.
WARNING: Do not use when the input data is secret, as this implementation is not
in constant time, and hence, it is not safe with respect to timing attacks.
params = params if params is not None else default_params()
len_data = len(data).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
len_label = len(label).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
label_data = len_label + label + len_data + data
# We use an internal 32-bit counter as additional input
i = 0
while i < 2**32:
ibytes = i.to_bytes(4, byteorder='big')
blake2b = hashes.Hash(hashes.BLAKE2b(64), backend=backend)
blake2b.update(label_data + ibytes)
hash_digest = blake2b.finalize()[:1 + params.CURVE_KEY_SIZE_BYTES]
sign = b'\x02' if hash_digest[0] & 1 == 0 else b'\x03'
compressed_point = sign + hash_digest[1:]
return Point.from_bytes(compressed_point, params.curve)
except InternalError as e:
# We want to catch specific InternalExceptions:
# - Point not in the curve (code 107)
# - Invalid compressed point (code 110)
# https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/master/include/openssl/ecerr.h#L228
if e.err_code[0].reason in (107, 110):
# Any other exception, we raise it
raise e
i += 1
# Only happens with probability 2^(-32)
raise ValueError('Could not hash input into the curve')