mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
274 lines
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274 lines
9.3 KiB
from umbral.bignum import BigNum
from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl import backend
class Point(object):
Represents an OpenSSL EC_POINT except more Pythonic
def __init__(self, ec_point, curve_nid, group):
self.ec_point = ec_point
self.curve_nid = curve_nid
self.group = group
def gen_rand(cls, curve):
Returns a Point object with a cryptographically secure EC_POINT based
on the provided curve.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
generator = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group)
backend.openssl_assert(generator != backend._ffi.NULL)
rand_point = backend._lib.EC_POINT_new(group)
backend.openssl_assert(rand_point != backend._ffi.NULL)
rand_point = backend._ffi.gc(rand_point, backend._lib.EC_POINT_free)
rand_bn = BigNum.gen_rand(curve).bignum
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_mul(
group, rand_point, backend._ffi.NULL, generator, rand_bn, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return Point(rand_point, curve_nid, group)
def from_affine(cls, coords, curve):
Returns a Point object from the given affine coordinates in a tuple in
the format of (x, y) and a given curve.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
except AttributeError:
# Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
curve_nid = curve
affine_x, affine_y = coords
if type(affine_x) == int:
affine_x = backend._int_to_bn(affine_x)
affine_x = backend._ffi.gc(affine_x, backend._lib.BN_free)
if type(affine_y) == int:
affine_y = backend._int_to_bn(affine_y)
affine_y = backend._ffi.gc(affine_y, backend._lib.BN_free)
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
ec_point = backend._lib.EC_POINT_new(group)
backend.openssl_assert(ec_point != backend._ffi.NULL)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp(
group, ec_point, affine_x, affine_y, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return Point(ec_point, curve_nid, group)
def to_affine(self):
Returns a tuple of Python ints in the format of (x, y) that represents
the point in the curve.
affine_x = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(affine_x != backend._ffi.NULL)
affine_x = backend._ffi.gc(affine_x, backend._lib.BN_free)
affine_y = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(affine_y != backend._ffi.NULL)
affine_y = backend._ffi.gc(affine_y, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(
self.group, self.ec_point, affine_x, affine_y, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return (backend._bn_to_int(affine_x), backend._bn_to_int(affine_y))
def from_bytes(cls, data, curve):
Returns a Point object from the given byte data on the curve provided.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
except AttributeError:
# Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
curve_nid = curve
# Check if compressed
if data[0] in [2, 3]:
type_y = data[0] - 2
if len(data[1:]) > curve.key_size // 8:
raise ValueError("X coordinate too large for curve.")
affine_x = BigNum.from_bytes(data[1:], curve)
ec_point = backend._lib.EC_POINT_new(affine_x.group)
backend.openssl_assert(ec_point != backend._ffi.NULL)
ec_point = backend._ffi.gc(ec_point, backend._lib.EC_POINT_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp(
affine_x.group, ec_point, affine_x.bignum, type_y, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return cls(ec_point, curve_nid, affine_x.group)
# Handle uncompressed point
elif data[0] == 4:
key_size = curve.key_size // 8
affine_x = int.from_bytes(data[1:key_size+1], 'big')
affine_y = int.from_bytes(data[1+key_size:], 'big')
return Point.from_affine((affine_x, affine_y), curve)
raise ValueError("Invalid point serialization.")
def to_bytes(self, is_compressed=True):
Returns the Point serialized as bytes. It will return a compressed form
if is_compressed is set to True.
affine_x, affine_y = self.to_affine()
# Get size of curve via order
order = Point.get_order_from_curve(self.curve_nid)
key_size = backend._lib.BN_num_bytes(order.bignum)
if is_compressed:
y_bit = (affine_y & 1) + 2
data = int.to_bytes(y_bit, 1, 'big')
data += int.to_bytes(affine_x, key_size, 'big')
data = b'\x04'
data += int.to_bytes(affine_x, key_size, 'big')
data += int.to_bytes(affine_y, key_size, 'big')
return data
def get_generator_from_curve(cls, curve):
Returns the generator Point from the given curve as a Point object.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
except AttributeError:
# Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
curve_nid = curve
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
generator = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get0_generator(group)
backend.openssl_assert(generator != backend._ffi.NULL)
return cls(generator, curve_nid, group)
def get_order_from_curve(cls, curve):
Returns the order from the given curve as a BigNum.
curve_nid = backend._elliptic_curve_to_nid(curve)
except AttributeError:
# Presume that the user passed in the curve_nid
curve_nid = curve
group = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(curve_nid)
backend.openssl_assert(group != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._lib.BN_new()
backend.openssl_assert(order != backend._ffi.NULL)
order = backend._ffi.gc(order, backend._lib.BN_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_GROUP_get_order(group, order, bn_ctx)
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return BigNum(order, curve_nid, group, order)
def __eq__(self, other):
Compares two EC_POINTS for equality.
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
is_equal = backend._lib.EC_POINT_cmp(
self.group, self.ec_point, other.ec_point, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(is_equal != -1)
# 1 is not-equal, 0 is equal, -1 is error
return not bool(is_equal)
def __mul__(self, other):
Performs an EC_POINT_mul on an EC_POINT and a BIGNUM.
prod = backend._lib.EC_POINT_new(self.group)
backend.openssl_assert(prod != backend._ffi.NULL)
prod = backend._ffi.gc(prod, backend._lib.EC_POINT_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_mul(
self.group, prod, backend._ffi.NULL, self.ec_point,
other.bignum, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return Point(prod, self.curve_nid, self.group)
__rmul__ = __mul__
def __add__(self, other):
Performs an EC_POINT_add on two EC_POINTS.
sum = backend._lib.EC_POINT_new(self.group)
backend.openssl_assert(sum != backend._ffi.NULL)
sum = backend._ffi.gc(sum, backend._lib.EC_POINT_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_add(
self.group, sum, self.ec_point, other.ec_point, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return Point(sum, self.curve_nid, self.group)
def __sub__(self, other):
Performs subtraction by adding the inverse of the `other` to the point.
return (self + (~other))
def __invert__(self):
Performs an EC_POINT_invert on itself.
inv = backend._lib.EC_POINT_dup(self.ec_point, self.group)
backend.openssl_assert(inv != backend._ffi.NULL)
inv = backend._ffi.gc(inv, backend._lib.EC_POINT_free)
with backend._tmp_bn_ctx() as bn_ctx:
res = backend._lib.EC_POINT_invert(
self.group, inv, bn_ctx
backend.openssl_assert(res == 1)
return Point(inv, self.curve_nid, self.group)