mirror of https://github.com/nucypher/pyUmbral.git
273 lines
7.6 KiB
273 lines
7.6 KiB
import json
import os
from umbral import pre
from umbral.keys import UmbralPrivateKey
from umbral.signing import Signer
from umbral.curvebn import CurveBN
from umbral.point import Point, unsafe_hash_to_point
from umbral.config import set_default_curve, default_params
# Auxiliary functions #
def hexlify(data):
if isinstance(data, int):
return hex(data)[2:]
return data.to_bytes().hex()
except AttributeError:
return bytes(data).hex()
def create_test_vector_file(vector, filename, generate_again=False):
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)
mode = 'w' if generate_again else 'x'
with open(path, mode) as f:
json.dump(vector, f, indent=2)
except FileExistsError:
# If True, this will overwrite existing test vector files with new randomly generated instances
generate_again = False
params = default_params()
curve = params.curve
# We create also some Umbral objects for later
delegating_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
receiving_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
signing_privkey = UmbralPrivateKey.gen_key(params=params)
verifying_key = signing_privkey.get_pubkey()
delegating_key = delegating_privkey.get_pubkey()
receiving_key = receiving_privkey.get_pubkey()
signer = Signer(signing_privkey)
kfrags = pre.split_rekey(delegating_privkey, signer, receiving_key, 6, 10)
plain_data = b'peace at dawn'
ciphertext, capsule = pre.encrypt(delegating_key, plain_data)
cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrags[0], capsule)
points = [ capsule._point_e, cfrag._point_e1, cfrag.proof._point_e2,
capsule._point_v, cfrag._point_v1, cfrag.proof._point_v2,
capsule._umbral_params.u, cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_commitment, cfrag.proof._point_kfrag_pok ]
z = cfrag.proof.bn_sig
# h = CurveBN.hash(*points, params=params)
# CurveBN arithmetics #
# Let's generate two random CurveBNs
bn1 = CurveBN.gen_rand(curve)
bn2 = CurveBN.gen_rand(curve)
# Expected results for some binary operations
expected = [ ('Addition', bn1 + bn2),
('Subtraction', bn1 - bn2),
('Multiplication', bn1 * bn2),
('Division', bn1 / bn2),
('Pow', bn1 ** bn2),
('Mod', bn1 % bn2),
('Inverse', ~bn1),
('Neg', -bn1),
expected = [ {'operation' : op, 'result' : hexlify(result) } for (op, result) in expected ]
# Definition of test vector
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for CurveBN operations',
'params' : 'default',
'first operand' : hexlify(bn1),
'second operand' : hexlify(bn2),
'vectors' : expected
json_file = 'vectors_curvebn_operations.json'
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, json_file, generate_again=generate_again)
# CurveBN.hash() #
# Test vectors for different kinds of inputs (bytes, Points, CurveBNs, etc.)
inputs = ( [b''],
[capsule._point_e, z],
vectors = list()
for input_to_hash in inputs:
bn_output = CurveBN.hash(*input_to_hash, params=params)
json_input = [{ 'class' : data.__class__.__name__,
'bytes' : hexlify(data),
for data in input_to_hash]
json_input = { 'input' : json_input, 'output' : hexlify(bn_output) }
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for umbral.curvebn.CurveBN.hash()',
'params' : 'default',
'vectors' : vectors
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_curvebn_hash.json', generate_again=generate_again)
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
# Points #
point1 = Point.gen_rand(curve)
point2 = Point.gen_rand(curve)
# Expected results for some Point operations
expected = [ ('Addition', point1 + point2),
('Subtraction', point1 - point2),
('Multiplication', bn1 * point1),
('Inversion', -point1),
('To_affine.X', point1.to_affine()[0]),
('To_affine.Y', point1.to_affine()[1]),
expected = [ {'operation' : op, 'result' : hexlify(result) } for (op, result) in expected ]
# Definition of test vector
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for Point operations',
'params' : 'default',
'first Point operand' : hexlify(point1),
'second Point operand' : hexlify(point2),
'CurveBN operand' : hexlify(bn1),
'vectors' : expected
json_file = 'vectors_point_operations.json'
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, json_file, generate_again=generate_again)
# unsafe_hash_to_point #
inputs = ( b'',
vectors = list()
for data in inputs:
for label in inputs:
point = unsafe_hash_to_point(label=label, data=data, params=params)
json_input = { 'data' : hexlify(data),
'label' : hexlify(label),
'point' : hexlify(point),
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for umbral.point.Point.unsafe_hash_to_point',
'params' : 'default',
'vectors' : vectors
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_unsafe_hash_to_point.json', generate_again=generate_again)
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
# KFrags #
vectors = list()
for kfrag in kfrags:
assert kfrag.verify(verifying_key, delegating_key, receiving_key)
json_input = { 'kfrag' : hexlify(kfrag) }
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for KFrags',
'description' : ('This is a collection of KFrags generated under the '
'enclosed delegating, verifying and receiving keys. '
'Each of them must deserialize correctly and the '
'call to verify() must succeed.'),
'params' : 'default',
'verifying_key' : hexlify(verifying_key),
'delegating_key' : hexlify(delegating_key),
'receiving_key' : hexlify(receiving_key),
'vectors' : vectors
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_kfrags.json', generate_again=generate_again)
# CFrags #
vectors = list()
for kfrag in kfrags:
cfrag = pre.reencrypt(kfrag, capsule, provide_proof=False)
json_input = { 'kfrag' : hexlify(kfrag), 'cfrag' : hexlify(cfrag) }
vector_suite = {
'name' : 'Test vectors for CFrags',
'description' : ('This is a collection of CFrags, originated from the '
'enclosed Capsule, under the enclosed delegating, '
'verifying and receiving keys. Each CFrag must deserialize '
'correctly and can be replicated with a call to '
'`pre.reencrypt(kfrag, capsule, provide_proof=False)`'),
'params' : 'default',
'capsule' : hexlify(capsule),
'verifying_key' : hexlify(verifying_key),
'delegating_key' : hexlify(delegating_key),
'receiving_key' : hexlify(receiving_key),
'vectors' : vectors
#print(json.dumps(vector_suite, indent=2))
create_test_vector_file(vector_suite, 'vectors_cfrags.json', generate_again=generate_again)