Functions for getting or setting keys on Capsule, and taking them in __init__.

jMyles 2018-05-29 18:51:49 -07:00
parent 5b67a8d6f8
commit bf6a375d57
1 changed files with 49 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ class Capsule(object):
delegating_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey = None,
encrypting_pubkey: UmbralPublicKey = None):
if isinstance(point_e, Point):
if not isinstance(point_v, Point) or not isinstance(bn_sig, CurveBN):
@ -50,6 +52,9 @@ class Capsule(object):
"Need proper Points and/or CurveBNs to make a Capsule. Pass either Alice's data or Bob's. " \
"Passing both is also fine.")
self._delegating_pubkey = delegating_pubkey
self._encrypting_pubkey = encrypting_pubkey
self._point_e = point_e
self._point_v = point_v
self._bn_sig = bn_sig
@ -108,6 +113,49 @@ class Capsule(object):
components = splitter(capsule_bytes)
return cls(*components)
def get_or_set_delegating_key(self, delegating_key: UmbralPublicKey = None):
Sets the delegating key if it's not already set.
If it is already set, and delegating_key matches, then return it.
:param delegating_key: A delegating key to set.
:return: The delegating key of this capulse, and whether or not it was newly set.
if self._delegating_pubkey is None:
if delegating_key is None:
raise ValueError("The Delegating Key is not set and you didn't pass one.")
self._delegating_pubkey = delegating_key
return delegating_key, True
if delegating_key != self._delegating_pubkey:
raise ValueError("The Delegating Key is already set; you can't set it again.")
return delegating_key, False
def get_or_set_encrypting_key(self, encrypting_key: UmbralPublicKey = None):
Sets the encrypting key if it's not already set.
If it is already set, and encrypting_key matches, then return it.
:param encrypting_key: A encrypting key to set.
:return: The encrypting key of this capulse, and whether or not it was newly set.
if self._encrypting_pubkey is None:
if encrypting_key is None:
raise ValueError("The encrypting Key is not set and you didn't pass one.")
self._encrypting_pubkey = encrypting_key
return encrypting_key, True
if encrypting_key != self._encrypting_pubkey:
raise ValueError("The encrypting Key is already set; you can't set it again.")
return encrypting_key, False
def _original_to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
return bytes().join(c.to_bytes() for c in self.original_components())